
  • Azeem Rafiq first made claims of racism at Yorkshire in 2020, later calling English cricket "institutionally racist"

  • Disciplinary hearing runs March 1-9 with Yorkshire Cricket Club and seven individuals all charged with bringing the game into disrepute

  • Ex-England & Yorkshire captain Michael Vaughan "categorically denies" racism allegations & due to give evidence in person

  • Matthew Hoggard, Tim Bresnan, John Blain, Andrew Gale and Richard Pyrah have all withdrawn from hearing, while Gary Ballance has admitted charge and will not participate

  • Rafiq appeared at an extraordinary DCMS select committee hearing in November 2021 to give evidence on his experiences

  • Yorkshire were temporarily banned from hosting international matches, with resignations and sackings following

  • Rafiq makes brief appearance - panel has no questions for him

  • Warning: This hearing may contain some offensive and/or discriminatory language

  1. Key points from day onepublished at 15:46 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    • Yorkshire, Michael Vaughan, John Blain, Tim Bresnan, Andrew Gale, Matthew Hoggard, Richard Pyrah and Gary Ballace were all charged with a breach of ECB directive 3.3, which states no person should conduct themselves in a manner that is 'prejudicial to the interest of the game of cricket'. Yorkshire and Ballance admitted the breach, while Hoggard admitted a breach in part.
    • Of those listed above, only Vaughan will appear at the hearing in person.
    • The ECB's lawyer, Jane Mulcahy KC, said misrepresentations about the disciplinary process were made to the media by Pyrah, Bresnan and Hoggard.
    • In his witness statement, Hoggard admitted to using a racist phrase towards Rafiq, while he said he could not recall using a different racial slur. He accepted being part of group chats in which the slur was used.
    • Bresnan was charged by the ECB for allegedly using the phrases 'the brothers' and 'you lot' when talking about players of Asian heritage. He also denies using a racial term in relation to Azeem Rafiq's sister, Amna.
    • Blain was charged by the ECB for allegedly using a racial slur when referring to Asian individuals on a number of occasions, which he denies.
    • The ECB will set out its cases against Gale and Pyrah in the morning before moving on to Vaughan.
  2. Proceedings ended for the daypublished at 15:17 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    The first day of the Cricket Discipline Commission disciplinary hearing has come to a close.

    The panel will reconvene from approximately 09:30 GMT tomorrow.

    The ECB are due to set out their cases against Andrew Gale and Richard Pyrah, who have withdrawn from the process, before moving on to Michael Vaughan, who is set to attend.

  3. Postpublished at 15:15 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    The panel are discussing about whether to end for the day.

    The ECB are yet to make their cases against Andrew Gale and Richard Pyrah, who will not attend.

    They are looking to conclude them on Thursday morning.

  4. ECB conclude case against Blainpublished at 15:14 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    Azeem Rafiq has again been called up to confirm his witness statements.

    Again, the panel state they have no further questions because they have read through all the relevant statements and Rafiq has returned to his seat.

    The ECB's director of legal and integrity Meena Botros goes through the same process again.

    That concludes the ECB's case against John Blain.

  5. 'More likely than not' Blain used racial slurpublished at 15:13 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    ECB lawyer Jane Mulcahy says Blain's denials should be viewed against the prevailing atmosphere at Yorkshire at the time.

    Rafiq alleged Blain used the racial slur "a lot" when referring to Pakistani people. He says former player Steve Patterson - who is not giving evidence - pulled Blain up for using the language. It is alleged that Blain said it was like calling a British person 'a Brit'. Blain denies this incident took place and denies the "absurd" justification. He denied ever using the word.

    Concerning other occasions outside of the dates in the charge, Majid Haq said in his witness statement that Blain used the term in Nairobi in January 2007, after which Haq challenged him. Blain said in response that it was like calling Australians 'Aussies' and New Zealanders 'kiwis'. Haq said others were present at the time. Blain denies this conversation took place and the other witness deny all recollection of the conversation.

    The ECB lawyer says that on the balance of probabilities, it is more likely than not that Blain used the racist/discriminatory word.

    She points out the 'striking' fact that he used similar defences when challenged by Patterson and Haq. The ECB says it is notable that Blain and Ballance overlapped in their time at Yorkshire.

  6. ECB charged Blain with using racial slurpublished at 15:06 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    Blain was charged with a breach of directive 3.3 on 15 June 2022. It is alleged that he used a racial slur when referring to Asian individuals during pre-season training at Headingley in April 2010 and on other occasions at Yorkshire in 2010-11.

    Blain denies the allegation. The ECB state he provided no further particulars in his defence.

  7. ECB to state case against Blainpublished at 14:54 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    The panel have returned and said they will proceed with the ECB's case against former Yorkshire and Scotland bowler John Blain.

    The ECB's lawyer Jane Mulcahy says they will state their case, but that witness Majid Haq can only appear on Friday, so his evidence will be heard then.

  8. Postpublished at 14:32 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    The hearing will now break for 15 minutes.

  9. Rafiq back up briefly againpublished at 14:27 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    Azeem Rafiq has been called up and confirmed his witness statement with regards to the allegations against Tim Bresnan.

    Again the panel state they do not feel the need to put any questions to Rafiq at this stage, having had the benefit of reading all the relevant witness statements before this hearing.

    Rafiq has returned to his seat.

    The same process has again occured for ECB's director of legal and integrity Meena Botros.

  10. 'More likely than not' Bresnan used a different racial slurpublished at 14:23 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    The third part of the charge relates to the use of a different racial slur. Rafiq said Bresnan used the phrases at or about Asian women.

    With regards to the specific occasion in which it was used in reference to Amna Rafiq - who was on work experience at Yorkshire at the time - Rafiq said he was angry at himself for not doing anything. Amna Rafiq said she was not aware of it at the time, but Rafiq had subsequently told her. No other witnesses have given evidence to corroborate this allegation.

    Bresnan said he had never met Amna Rafiq in his initial response to the ECB, but later conceded he had seen her from afar. In his witness statement he said he was aware she was on work experience at Yorkshire on the day.

    In relation to the second instance, where Bresnan used the phrase towards an Asian woman in a bar, he said he had never been in a bar alone with Rafiq.

    The ECB lawyer says on the balance of probabilities, it is more likely than not that Bresnan's use of the phrase was racist and/or discriminatory.

    Part of the reasoning for that is, she says, Bresnan's defence has been inconsistent, changing his initial response that he had never met Amna Rafiq.

    Bresnan also claimed he had not been interviewed, which was evidently incorrect. A transcript of the interview exists.

    He also said Rafiq had given no examples of the use of a racial slur. This was also incorrect, Rafiq gave two examples of such uses, as have been disclosed.

  11. 'More likely than not' Bresnan used phrase 'you lot'published at 14:22 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    The ECB's lawyer state that Azeem Rafiq alleged Tim Bresnan would frequently use the phrase "you lot" to refer to Asian players. Bresnan admitted these words would be used on a 'day-to-day' basis but that he had no recollection of the specific game against Derbyshire.

    Bresnan admitted he did ask Ashraf once why he prayed before he bowled but said that it was because he was genuinely interested, not at as a criticism.

    Mulcahy says that whether or not the panel belives 'you lot' was used in a discriminatory way should be weighed more on Rashid's evidence since Bresnan has declined to participate.

    She added that "on the balance of probabilites it is more likely than not" that Bresnan's use of this phrase was racist.

    She said Yorkshire's admittance of a system use of racist languauge during the period, Matthew Hoggard's admittance of using the term 'you lot' - albeit not in a racist way - and that the terms is "central to the charge against Michael Vaughan" increases the likelihood that Bresnan used the phrase in a discriminatory manner.

    She added it is reasonable for the panel "to draw adverse inference" from Bresnan's refusal to take part in these proceedings and the Squire Patton Boggs investigation.

    She reiterated that it is "more likely than not" this term was used in a racist or discriminatory way.

  12. 'More likely than not' Bresnan used phrase 'the brothers'published at 14:14 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    Jane Mulcahy KC says that Rafiq recalled Bresnan using the phrase 'the brothers' in 2009 at Trent Bridge. Bresnan said he had no recollection of using this term, saying he would be unlikely to use this phraseology.

    Mulcahy KC says Bresnan said the term 'bro' or 'brother' was used extensivley in message and group messages, indeed saying that Rafiq used the term 'bro' towards Bresnan and Hoggard, as well as in other messages/group messages.

    She says Ajmal Shahzad said he did not hear Bresnan use any racist terminology - but has refused to provide a statement or be involved in the hearing.

    The ECB's lawyer says in the balance of probabilities, it is more likely than not that Bresnan used the phrase and his use was racist or discriminatory. Part of the reasoning for this, it is said, is that he accepted using the phrase 'brother' towards Rafiq and other Asian players.

  13. Nickname was 'spin twins' - Bresnan statement denies racismpublished at 14:09 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    ECB lawyer Jane Mulcahy KC said Bresnan was notified by the ECB on 23 February 2022 that he was being investigated.

    Bresnan responded on 15 March 2022 and strongly denied using any racist language towards Azeem Rafiq or anyone else.

    He said that the nickname for Rafiq and Adil Rashid was "spin twins".

    He also denied ever having met Rafiq's sister Amna in an ECB interview on 7 April 2022.

    Similar to the ECB case against Matthew Hoggard, Mulcahy said Bresnan's decision not to participate means the weight of his witness statement is "significantly reduced".

    She adds that the systemic use of racist or discriminatory language at Yorkshire during the period "increases the likelihood" that Bresnan used the discriminatory language set out in the charge.

  14. Bresnan 'used racial term towards Rafiq's sister'published at 14:05 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    It is also alleged Bresnan used other racial terms towards Rafiq's sister, Amna, on an official Yorkshire media day while in Rafiq's presence, and/or about an Asian woman while sat at the Yorkshire team's hotel bar with Rafiq, or about Asian women on other occasions.

    Bresnan denies the allegation.

  15. Bresnan alleged use of 'you lot' to Asian playerspublished at 14:02 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    The ECB also allege Bresnan used the term "you lot" towards Azeem Rafiq and Adil Rashid before a County Championship match against Derbyshire on 15 August 2012.

    Bresnan is accused of also using the term towards Yorkshire player Moin Ashraf during the T20 Finals Day against Hampshire on 25 August 2012.

    He is also accused of using the term "you lot" towards Asian players at Yorkshire between 2008-2014 and/or 2017 and/or 2018.

    Bresnan denies the allegation, saying the term will have been used to describe groups of players on occasion but was not used as an identifier of groups of ethnic minority players.

  16. Bresnan alleged use of 'the brothers'published at 14:02 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    On the 15th June 2022, the ECB issued a charge letter to Bresnan detailing once charge of directive 3.3.

    It was alleged by the ECB that Bresnan used the following language:

    The use of the term 'the brothers' towards Rafiq, Adil Rashid, Ajmal Shahzad and Rana Naved ul-hasan on 22 June 2009, and/or towards Asian players at Yorkshire.

    Brenan denies this charge. He said he did generally use the term "brothers" but not in any racial or discriminatory context.

  17. ECB case against Bresnan up nextpublished at 13:58 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    That concludes the ECB's case against Matthew Hoggard.

    They are moving on to former England and Yorkshire bowler Tim Bresnan next.

  18. Dawood appears via video linkpublished at 13:55 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    Former umpire and ex-Yorkshire player Ismail Dawood is the next witness to be called to give evidence. He is appearing via video link.

    Again, the panel has no questions for him after reading his witness statement and he is stood down.

  19. 'Short and sweet' - more witnesses confirm statementspublished at 13:54 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    The ECB's director of legal and integrity Meena Botros is called, asked to confirm his witness statement and then is stood down, with no further questions from the panel.

    James Buttler, a broadcaster & journalist best known for the Cricket Badger podcast on which Rafiq first made allegations of racism at Yorkshire CCC. Buttler previously worked for the club, is up next.

    Joining via videolink, he again confirms his witness statement is true and is stood down, saying, "Short and sweet" as he departs.

  20. Postpublished at 13:50 Greenwich Mean Time 1 March 2023

    The ECB is currently calling witnesses but the panel have indicated so far they have no questions for those called and are standing them down almost immediately.