
  • Azeem Rafiq first made claims of racism at Yorkshire in 2020, later calling English cricket "institutionally racist"

  • Day two: Azeem Rafiq cross-examined by Michael Vaughan's lawyer

  • Day two: Yorkshire & England's Adil Rashid gives live video evidence from Bangladesh

  • Ex-England & Yorkshire captain Michael Vaughan "categorically denies" racism allegations

  • Disciplinary hearing runs March 1-9 with Yorkshire Cricket Club and seven individuals all charged with bringing the game into disrepute

  • Matthew Hoggard, Tim Bresnan, John Blain, Andrew Gale and Richard Pyrah have all withdrawn from hearing, while Gary Ballance has admitted charge and will not participate

  • Michael Vaughan yet to give evidence and could do so on Friday

  • Warning: This hearing may contain some offensive and/or discriminatory language

  1. 'No reason for Rashid to feel pressurised' - Rafiqpublished at 16:10 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Rafiq is asked if he discussed the Vaughan incident with Adil Rashid after Rafiq spoke out. He says no.

    Stoner refers Rafiq to a transcript of his interview with Squire Patton Boggs, from which certain lines are pointed out. One such line is that saying Rashid had a "memory failure".

    Rafiq says this comment was not specific to the allegation of Vaughan, adding it was a "very general comment".

    Stoner points out that the comment was made under discussions referring to Vaughan. Rafiq does not agree with this, pointing out it was an eight-hour interview in which he had talked about everything.

    Rafiq is then asked if he knows of Liz Neto. He does. Stoner refers to her comments, as we reported earlier, in which she said she felt Rashid was being "pressured" into saying he had heard the Vaughan comment.

    "From my point of view, I don't think there was any reason for Adil to feel pressurised," says Rafiq.

    "I knew how uncomfortable it would be for Adil," he adds, saying he told Rashid he needed to concentrate on his cricket and "didn't ever have to feel like he had to back me up".

    Stoner says: "You needed Rashid to corroborate it didn't you?". Rafiq replies "no".

  2. Postpublished at 15:57 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Azeem Rafiq is back and Michael Vaughan's lawyer Christopher Stoner KC is about to resume cross-examination.

  3. Hearing breaks - Rafiq cross-examination to resumepublished at 15:44 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Rafiq is now being given a 15-minute break before cross-examination resumes.

  4. Postpublished at 15:44 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Stoner turns to a transcript of the second Digital, Culture, Media and Sport select comittee hearing during which The Cricketer journalist George Dobell is giving evidence.

    In it Dobell says that three of the four Asian players have given statement to say they heard Vaughan say the alleged comment. Dobell adds that "the fourth" says that someone said it but didn't think Vaughan said it.

    Stoner asks Rafiq if he can assist by explaing what Dobell was referring to.

    Rafiq: "I don't have a clue."

  5. Rafiq 'can't be certain what was said' - Vaughan lawyerpublished at 15:42 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Stoner asks Rafiq about other Yorkshire players who played in that game and were in the huddle, including captain on the day Jacques Rudolph, who have given statements saying they do not recall Vaughan saying what Rafiq alleges.

    Like Shahzad, Stoner asks whether their recollection is "not a matter" for Rafiq.

    "I can't answer for everyone," says Rafiq.

    Stoner again points out that the "only contemporaneous document from 2009 is the Sky video" and he says it "doesn't appear to show any signs of anything untoward". Stoner suggests that since Rafiq "didn't mention the comment to anyone for 11 years" that means he "simply can't be certain" that the words were actually said.

    Rafiq says he has to correct Stoner on a point as "I told you earlier it had come up in conversation a couple of times - I remember it clearly."

  6. 'Perfectly reasonable for someone not to remember what happened'published at 15:37 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Rafiq asked about Ajmal Shahzad denying hearing Vaughan's alleged comment

    Rafiq is then shown a transcript of the ECB interview with Ajmal Shahzad, in which Shahzad said he does not recall hearing the alleged coments from Vaughan.

    He is then referred to a Yorkshire Post interview with Shahzad in April 2021, in which Shahzad said his experiences at Yorkshire were only "happy" and again denied hearing the alleged comment from Vaughan.

    Given Rafiq's statement that Vaughan's comment was loud enough to be heard by all Yorkshire players, Stoner asks if Shahzad is mis-recollecting events.

    Rafiq replies: "It wouldn't be right for me to comment on why Ajmal doesn't remember it, it's perfectly reasonable for someone not to remember what happened."

    Stoner reminds Rafiq he said that the four Asian players had all heard the comment. Had he asked each of those four players individually if they had heard it?

    Rafiq says he only discussed it with Adil Rashid, he had not spoken to anyone else about it. "In my view it was loud and clear enough to hear it."

  7. 'More detail has come back to me over the years' - Rafiqpublished at 15:32 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Stoner says Rafiq has been asked for more detail and then provides it in a 2022 statement that is 13 years after the alleged incident.

    Rafiq says he has been "pushed for more and more details" over the past two and a half years and has "remembered more stuff". He adds: "The comment on the day clearly stands out and it still hurts."

    Stoner says Rafiq has had to search his memory after being pushed for more detail.

    Rafiq says he has some "tough times" and has been "able to recollect more" as he has been pushed for more detail.

    He adds that for him "the simple thing is what was said" and that as he has lived with this case through various investigations and proceedings "more has come to me".

  8. Vaughan alleged comment 'loud enough for all to hear' - Rafiqpublished at 15:29 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Stoner moves to part of Rafiq's statement for the ECB investigation when he claims Vaughan's alleged comment was said loud enough for all the Yorkshire players to hear it.

    Stoner says Rafiq's initial statment to Squire Patton Boggs says it was address to himself, Adil Rashid, Ajmal Shahzad and Rana Naved-ul-Hasan and that "only in these proceedings" does Rafiq allege it was loud enough for all of the Yorkshire players to hear it.

    Rafiq counters it does say "we all heard it" in the SPB doucment and adds that every time he's had to speak about his experiences he has provided more details.

    He reiterates the alleged comment happened as the players dispersed out of the huddle and was loud enough so "everyone should've heard it".

  9. 'I've been clear from outset Vaughan comment not done in malicious way' - Rafiqpublished at 15:21 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Stoner has the Sky footage rolled on and points out the two umpires were close to the Yorkshire huddle, with Rana Naved-ul-Hasan heading off to the right of screen.

    Stoner asks if Rafiq agrees Rana Naved-ul-Hasan is heading in a different direction to the rest of the Yorkshire players.

    Rafiq says he can't tell from that angle.

    The footage is rolled on and Stoner asks Rafiq is Rana Naved-ul-Hasan has gone off to the right? And whether Rafiq can see the camerman on the left.

    Rafiq replies yes to both questions.

    Stoner asks if Rafiq can then agree the cameraman would've been close to the huddle for the entire time before it broke off.

    "Hard to speculate," says Rafiq.

    Stoner posits that if Vaughan did say the alleged comment then it must've been "some seconds" before Rana Naved-ul-Hasan can be seen walking behind the umpires.

    Rafiq reiterates it was said just before the huddle dispersed.

    Stoner moves to footage of Adil Rashid walking next to and talking to Tim Bresnan. Rafiq says he can't recall where he was in relation to them when asked.

    The clip then shows Rashid and Bresnan briefly embracing and appearing to share a joke. Stoner suggest that show "nothing untowards" has happened.

    Rafiq says that "nothing happened there" and Vaughan made his alleged comment "when we dispersed out of the huddle".

    Stoner suggests Rashid has not hearding something that offended him.

    Rafiq replies: "I've been very clear from the offset that it didn't feel like it was done in a malicious way."

  10. Rafiq shown Sky footage of alleged incidentpublished at 15:20 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Rafiq is referred to a further statement he prepared for Squire Patton Boggs. Stoner says he understands this statement was produced after his interview to correct some inaccuracies that were made. Rafiq says that is correct.

    Stoner refers to Rafiq's recollection of the alleged incident at the time in his initial statement, then in the interview, and then in the statement where there were corrections. Rafiq says the wording of what he alleges Vaughan said did not change..

    He adds: "Through that time there was an incredible amount of stress, dealing with things I'd never dealt with. I guess there were a few mistakes."

    Rafiq is asked where Vaughan was in relation to him when he said the alleged words. "We had a huddle, and as we dispersed that's when he said it. The exact location I don't remember."

    Rafiq then says he doesn't remember the exact locations of Rashid, Shahzad and ul-Hasan at the time, nor Tim Bresnan.

    Stoner asks Rafiq how he knew it was Vaughan who said the words. "Michael's voice", Rafiq answers, adding "I know what his voice is like".

    Rafiq is now shown the Sky footage, and is asked if he can recall who the umpires were that day? Rafiq says he can't.

    Stoner says it is clear Vaughan is chatting among the group of players. "Looks like everyone is chatting," says Rafiq.

    Stoner goes on to point out that we see Rafiq laughing in the footage. Rafiq confirms he is laughing, but is not sure what about.

    Similar to questions he asked Rashid earlier, Stoner then asks if, as a professional cricketer, Rafiq would know if a game was being televised. Rafiq says yes.

    "On the pitch would you know if a camera is broadcasting live pictures at that particular time?". Rafiq replies: "Not sure".

    "At all times when there's a camera there, it could be broadcasting live pictures?" asks Stoner. "Assume so," says Rafiq.

  11. 'It was a pressurised time' - Rafiqpublished at 15:13 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Stoner asks about Rafiq accepting responsbility for mistakes in the statement.

    Rafiq says it was a "pressurised time" and he should have read it more clearly and that he gained an "understanding" of how much he needed to concentrate on these details only as time went on.

    Stoner turns to an interview between Rafiq and Squire Patton Boggs.

    In it Rafiq alleges that Vaughan said, "there's too many of you lot, we need to do something about it" and Stoner says that is "not a mistake in the statement" and that it was Rafiq's recollection at the time.

    Rafiq says there are discrepancies but the second part of the alleged comment included an action.

    Stoner asks why they are discrepancies.

    "I don't have an explanation all," says Rafiq, who adds that what he remembers Vaughan saying is what was in the Wisden interview, which is "there's too many of you lot, we need to have a word about that".

    This is the Wisden interview being referred to here., external

  12. 'There's too many of you lot' is discriminatory part - Rafiqpublished at 15:08 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Vaughan's lawyer Stoner turns to Rafiq's statement to Squire Patton Boggs during the initial investigation into claims of racism at Yorkshire.

    In it, Rafiq claims that Vaughan said "there's too many of you lot, we need to do something about it" and Stoner points out this is different wording from the allegation that Vaughan said "there's too many of you lot, we need to have a word about that".

    Rafiq says there is a "clear mistake" in that statement and that he takes "full responsibility" for it.

    Rafiq adds he wants to make it "very clear" that Vaughan did say the "there's too many of you lot" phrase and that is the "discriminatory" part of the comment.

    Rafiq says the second part of the alleged comment contains an action and "clearly there was an action taken".

  13. 'Pretty clear and consistent on what Vaughan said' - Rafiqpublished at 15:05 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Stoner says that Rafiq's statement the four Asian players never played another match together is "not correct".

    Rafiq says that they did play one more match together as part of the same squad with a day gap in between. He adds that it is an "inaccuracy" in the statement.

    Stoner puts it to Rafiq that what he has said has varied between statements.

    Rafiq says there have been mistakes in the details but in terms of what Vaughan is alleged to have said it is "pretty clear and consistent."

  14. Rafiq asked about inaccuracies in his first statementpublished at 15:03 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Stoner refers Rafiq to a statement from Matthew Wood, the player development manager at the PCA.

    Wood says he was present at a meeting in 2020 with Rafiq and others, in which he says Rafiq was "getting things off his chest". Wood says Rafiq's complaint appeared to be that others were getting preferential treatment above him. Wood says there was no reference of Michael Vaughan, and that he did not know about the Vaughan allegations until they hit the media.

    Rafiq says in reply to that the meeting was "very much about what was affecting me and a chain of events leading me to feel the way I was and how certain members of the playing and coaching staff were being racist".

    Proceedings then turn to "inaccuracies" in Rafiq's first witness statement. Stoner asks if it is right that Rafiq would put down those inaccuraces to his first solicitor?

    "I wouldn't put all of it down [to the solicitor]," Rafiq says. "It was my statement and I take responsibility for that." He adds he's "just a normal person from Barnsley" and has no prior experience of such proceedings.

    Rafiq is then shown his witness statement from the employment tribunal proceedings. Stoner asks if this was written before he'd seen the Sky clip of the alleged incident. "Yes, this was a few months before," Rafiq says.

    In the same witness statement, Rafiq said the alleged comment from Vaughan was "the first thing he said to us".

    Stoner says "as the Sky clip shows it wasn't the first thing Vaughan said to you was it?".

    Rafiq replies: "It says after the huddle it was. As we dispersed out of the huddle, Vaughan made the comment and then we got on and played the match.

    Stoner asks if it's fair to say Vaughan didn't say anything else to him after the huddle? "Not something that sticks out or I can remember," Rafiq replies.

  15. 'That moment sticks out very much' - Rafiqpublished at 14:58 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Stoner says Rafiq became emotional when asked about becoming the first Yorkshire captain of Asian origin in 2012 but Rafiq responds that he became emotional more around a general question of prejudice in cricket.

    Stoner asks whether the allegation relating to Vaughan was not the first thing to mention?

    Rafiq says "no" and that he talked about his experiences but was pushed on more examples and Vaughan's alleged comment was "the thing that sticks out" to him as much as anything else he experienced.

    Rafiq adds: "He was a hero of mine after the 2005 Ashes." He also says it was the start of him feeling "separated" from the group.

    Stoner asks if Rafiq discussed other incidents of prejudice in the interview and Rafiq said he "can't recollect" the interview in its entirety but says the "initial question was around prejudices in the game".

    Stoner asks if his recollection of other events has affected his memory of 22 June 2009.

    Rafiq asks for clarity and Stoner says: "How clear is your recollection of 22 June 2009?

    Rafiq: "That moment sticks out very much."

  16. 'Choice was to progress or pay consequences of speaking out' - Rafiqpublished at 14:55 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Stoner asks Rafiq why he wouldn't even discuss Vaughan's alleged comment with another person of colour and friend in Rashid on the day.

    Rafiq said he had two choices - either "try to be a professional cricketer and progress" or "pay the consequences" of speaking out against an Ashes-winning England captain.

    Stoner points out Vaughan's name wasn't mentioned yet when the allegation was first made in the Wisden article and that the interview had been planned to celebrate the work of Rafiq's tea shop.

    Stoner puts to Rafiq that he had "no plan" to talk about his experiences of racism at Yorkshire in that interview.

    Rafiq: "No, absolutely not."

  17. Rafiq didn't discuss the alleged Vaughan comment on the daypublished at 14:48 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Stoner refers Rafiq to the Wisden article that came out in 2020, in which he made the allegations against Vaughan.

    Stoner asked him if he had discussed the incident before. Rafiq says it "came up a couple of times in conversations over the years". Asked who those conversations were with, Rafiq says "Adil" and adds it might have come up with his agent as well. He can't recollect discussing it with anyone else.

    Rafiq is then asked if he discussed the alleged comment with anyone on the day in question.

    He says "no", adding he looked at Rashid after the alleged comment was made but it was not something that was discussed.

    Rafiq says: "It made me angry at the time, it has throughout the years and it does today. [Vaughan] was a hero of mine. It did cause me upset and anger.

    "From my point of view, I was a young cricketer, wanting to make my way and as we've seen when you do speak up your life and career can be destroyed. Fear of that never allowed me to speak up.

    "That fear is very much there as a person of colour. Since I spoke out, it's become very real."

  18. Rafiq asked about 2009 recollections & what was saidpublished at 14:42 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    Stoner starts by asking if Rafiq followed Rashid's evidence on any live feed and Rafiq says he did not.

    He then asks Rafiq some of the same questions he asked of Rashid.

    Stoner: "Was it a day game or a day/night game?"

    Rafiq: "Day game."

    Stoner: "What was the result?"

    Rafiq: "Nottinghamshire won."

    Stoner: "Do you remember by how many?"

    Rafiq: "No."

    Stoner: "How many wickets did you take?"

    Rafiq: "One."

    Stoner asks about the weather and Rafiq says he wouldn't have remembered but has seen the Sky video so now knows it was sunny.

    Stoner asks who his friends in the team were at that point and Rafiq says he got on with everyone. Stoner asks if anyone in particular besides Rashid and Rafiq reiterates he got on with everyone, adding he was "a young cricketer, everyone else was senior".

    Stoner suggest Rashid and Ajmal Shahzad were also juniors but Rafiq says they were "a lot further ahead than me".

    Stoner asks what are the words he alleges Vaughan used that day.

    Rafiq: "There's too many of you lot, we need to have a word about that."

    Azeem RafiqImage source, Getty Images
    Image caption,

    Azeem Rafiq arrives at the hearing

  19. Rafiq to be cross-examinedpublished at 14:36 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    ECB lawyer Jane Mulcahy KC asks Rafiq to confirm his witness statement.

    It's now over to Michael Vaughan's lawyer Christopher Stoner KC.

  20. Rafiq called uppublished at 14:33 Greenwich Mean Time 2 March 2023

    The panel are back after lunch.

    Azeem Rafiq has been called up and will now be cross-examined.