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Live Reporting

Paul Fletcher

All times stated are UK

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  1. Post update

    Well, many thanks for your company today. 

    From a British point of view it was a pretty successful day, with Chris Froome extending his lead and Steve Cummings taking the stage.

    I'll be back on Sunday for the 183km canter from Mende to Valence.

    Do join me for that.

  2. Post update

  3. He gave it everything

    Rob Hayles

    Former GB cyclist

    Quote Message: We saw Steve Cummings languishing at the back of the group just waiting and biding his team. I thought it might be too steep but he got over the top and was right up there – it was amazing. The French riders were looking at each other, saying they needed to work together but Cummins - a former pursuit rider - gave it everything he had.
  4. Yellow jersey

    Good day for Froome

    1. Chris Froome (Britain / Team Sky) 56:02:19"

    2. Nairo Quintana (Colombia / Movistar) +3:10"

    3. Tejay van Garderen (U.S. / BMC Racing) +3:32"

    4. Alejandro Valverde (Spain / Movistar) +4:02"

    5. Alberto Contador (Spain / Tinkoff - Saxo) +4:23"

    6. Geraint Thomas (Britain / Team Sky) +4:54"

    7. Robert Gesink (Netherlands / LottoNL) +6:23"

    8. Vincenzo Nibali (Italy / Astana) +8:17"

    9. Tony Gallopin (France / Lotto) +8:23"

    10. Bauke Mollema (Netherlands / Trek) +8:53"

  5. Froome's lead extended

    Chris Froome now has a lead of three minutes 10 seconds - with Nairo Quintana second and Tejay Van Garderen third.

    Chris Froome finishes stage 14
  6. Post update

    You may have noticed that Cummings was wearing an orange helmet today. That was because 18 July is Nelson Mandela Day and MTN-Quebeka are a South-African team.

    What a day for the team to pull off their first Tour de France stage win.

  7. Post update

  8. Today's top five

    1. Stephen Cummings

    2. Thibaut Pinot, at 0.02

    3. Romain Bardet, at 0.03

    4. Rigoberto Uran, at 0.20

    5. Peter Sagan, at 0.29

    Steven Cummings beats the two Frenchmen
  9. Post update

    Simon Yates - another Brit - finished the stage in 10th place.

  10. Tears from Cummings

    Wow, that was a pretty sensational 15 minutes, with Steven Cummings of wildcard team MTN-Quebeka bringing home the stage win.

    Cummings, overcome with emotion, appears to be crying his eyes out. Emotional scenes.

  11. Post update

    Froome and Quintana come in pretty much together - both of them sprinting home.

    Indeed a late sprint from Froome might give him a second or so - perhaps a statement of intent more than anything else. 

  12. Post update

    Alejandro Valverde blasts past Alberto Contador.

    Not proving to be a great finish for Tejay van Garderen, who may well lose second here.

  13. Post update

    Quintana and Froome coming in together. This last gap has caused all sorts of little gaps. 

  14. Post update

    Froome and Quintana coming up together.

  15. Cummings wins stage 14

    Steven Cummings wins stage 14

    Brilliant, just brilliant.

  16. Post update

    Cummings out in front - 200m to go. 

  17. Post update

    Thrilling finish in store...

  18. Post update

    Rob Hayles

    Former GB cyclist

    Quote Message: Chris Froome is not panicking. There isn't much of an opportunity to take too much time from him.
  19. 1km to go

    Romain Bardet and Thibaut Pinot together at the front. Steve Cummings joins them..... 

  20. Post update

    I don't think Chris Froome has any team-mates with him.

    Tejay Van Garderen struggling to keep pace. Froome hauling Quintana in. Nibali struggling.

  21. 2km to go

    And Alejandro Valverde is behind those two.

    Alberto Contador is sitting on the wheel of Chris Froome - can Froome close the gap?

  22. Post update

    And back in the yellow jersey group, Nairo Quintana attacks, with Vincenzo Nibali behind him.

  23. 2.5km to go

    Romain Bardet leaves Simon Yates behind him. The Frenchman is really working hard. He is out on his own now. Kolas and Koren - well, their attempt is over.

  24. 3.8km to go

    Romain Bardet and Simon Yates are together in pursuit of Golas and Koren.

    Team Sky back on front of the main group as they reach the bottom of the final climb.

  25. 3.4km to go

    The surge by Romain Bardet has split the 18 riders, with Thibaut Pinot struggling to keep pace.

    The turn of pace does not suit Peter Sagan.

  26. Post update

    Romain Bardet

    Romain Bardet of AG2R has seen enough and made his move, desperate to catch the top two.

  27. Post update

  28. 4.3km to go

    So, Michal Golas and Kristijan Koren have a 13-second advantage. They are on the 3km - short but sharp - climb towards the finish in Mende.

  29. Get Involved

    Extreme cycling

  30. 5km to go

    Rattling along now as the front two approach the Cote de la Croix Neuve.

    Movistar, BMC, Sky - they're all towards the front of the main bunch, who are almost six minutes down from where the stage will surely be won and lost today. 

  31. Post update

    Rob Hayles

    Former GB cyclist

    Quote Message: The first hour of racing is often more exciting than the last hour of racing, but you very rarely get to see it. People presume that the TV cameras come on and then the riders spring into action. It's anything but. Most breakaways begin from the word go.
  32. 9km to go

    Koran and Golas are being cheered up the Cote de Chabrits. They are looking strong going over the top. The chasing 18 aren't too far behind them. 

  33. Post update

    British riders Simon Yates and Steve Cummings are in the group of 18 trying to catch the front two. There are plenty of other interested parties, too, in that group. Sagan, Pinot, Roy, Uran etc etc 

  34. Post update

  35. Post update

    Rob Hayles

    Former GB cyclist

    Quote Message: Tejay van Garderen is the only one of the yellow jersey contenders who has not put a move in yet on Chris Froome. I think he is doing the right thing, staying on the wheel of Froome and biding his time. So far I do not think he has put a foot wrong.
  36. 11km to go

    TV pictures cut back to Team Sky's Richie Porte, who has a flat front tyre at a very bad time. He had just gone back to the team car to pick up a loads of water bottles, which he has just jettisoned.

    Kristijan Koren has now caught Michal Golas and we have a two-man leading group. FDJ driving the pace for the remaining 18 behind them.

  37. Plan B

    Fabian Cancellara crashed out of the Tour while wearing yellow (as did Tony Martin - Froomey, you've been warned).

    But the Swiss rider has been doing his best to get over the disappointment and seemed to be at a concert showcasing Swiss musical talent on Friday evening. Stress? Felt it, never heard of him.

  38. 13km to go

    And there is another move here, as Kristijan Koren tries to catch Michal Golas. He is now 11 seconds behind.

    Still serene (relatively speaking) down the road with the main bunch.

  39. Post update

    Rob Hayles

    Former GB cyclist

    Quote Message: Today we will be expecting the GC riders to be trying to either take time out of each or limit the losses they sustain at the hands of their rivals. There is not a lot of distance over the top for anyone to take any serious time out of Chris Froome today.
  40. 16km to go

    Fair play to Michal Golas. He has gone early and is pushing hard. His lead is now the long side of 30 seconds as he reaches the town of Barjac at the bottom of the category four Cote de Chabrits.

  41. Get Involved

    Extreme cycling

    Text 81111 or use #bbccycling

  42. Post update

    The weather seems to be improving, certainly the thunderstorms have yet to materialise.

    The breakaway is still more than five minutes clear, with a 20 second or so lead for Michal Golas, who almost gets it wrong taking a fast corner on his descent from Sauveterre. Speedy corrective action ensues. 

  43. Post update

    Quote Message: Mur de Huy? Tick. Mur de Bretagne? Tick. Mur de Mende? Well, they do not call it that, but they could, and we are about to see why. Its actual name is the Cote de la Croix Neuve, although it used to be called Montee Jalabert after Mende's most famous cycling son, Laurent Jalabert. It starts steep, then gets very steep for 2km, then completely levels out when the road reaches the airstrip at the top of the hill. The finish line is on the runway and would make for a great bunch sprint between Mark Cavendish and co - shame none of them will be able to get up the climb quick enough to contest it. from Matt Slater BBC Sport at the Tour de France
    Matt SlaterBBC Sport at the Tour de France
  44. 25km to go

    Riders in the sun on stage 14

    Michal Golas still on his own - but not by far from the chasing 19-man breakaway.

    They have the category four Cote de Chabrits and the category two Cote de la Croix Neuve before the finish.

    Team Sky still on the front of the main group. How often have I written that today? 

  45. Post update

    Rob Hayles

    Former GB cyclist

    Quote Message: The heat is really playing a part in this year's Tour. It has been so hot that on Friday I think Team Sky had three riders who were relaying water bottles back to the riders up at the front almost continuously.
  46. 27km to go

    Matthieu Ladagnous was first over the Cote de Sauveterre and has now had a little dig off the front. He is quickly reeled in and Michal Golas of Etixx - Quick-Step has a go.

    The main group are now approaching the top of the summit.  

  47. Post update

  48. 33km to go

    The 20 breakaway riders are still together, approaching the top of the Cote de Sauveterre. FDJ are still at the front driving the pace. Their lead is five and a half minutes over the main field, which is decreasing in size.

    Some of the sprinters have decided to conserve their energy. 

  49. A luxurious lifestyle

    I could not help but laugh when I saw the tweet below from Mark Cavendish. Imagine what sort of injury you could pick up if you dropped a boiling hot cup of tea all over your lycra?

    I kind of assume that all sports stars live a luxurious lifestyle all the time. But then again, I imagine that could get expensive when you've got a big cycling team to look after for a month, plus support staff etc etc  

  50. Get Involved

    Extreme cycling

    Yup, this is extreme cycling.

    Text 81111 or use #bbccycling

  51. Post update

    Some of the field are starting to slip off the back of the main group - including Andre Greipel, who has cuts on his arms and legs after taking a tumble earlier - as they climb the category two Cote de Sauveterre.

  52. Post update

    Rob Hayles

    Former GB cyclist

    Riders make their way towards the climb
    Quote Message: It is beautiful terrain for us to watch but it is not so nice for the cyclists to ride.
  53. Listen up

    You can hear live commentary of the remainder of this stage by using the play button on this page.

    Commentator Simon Brotherton is tipping Joaquim Rodriguez today, while summariser Rob Hayles reckons Alejandro Valverde will win. 

    Matt Slater is also in the finish in Mende for BBC Sport and is backing Romain Bardet.

  54. 40km to go

    The breakaway group are now on their way up the category two Cote de Sauveterre. The three FDJ riders in the 20-man group are up towards the front - including Thibaut Pinot.  

  55. Get Involved

    Extreme cycling

    I don't fancy this one....

    Text 81111 or use #bbccycling

  56. Distinguished guests

    President Hollande is at the race today. He is no fool. This has got to be France as its best, just stunning.

    Team Sky are still at the front of the chasing group - with Ian Stannard cranking his way through an incredible amount of work.

  57. More on Morabito

    A little more on Steve Morabito, who withdrew after crashing earlier today. Turns out he has a broken collarbone.

    He will have an operation on Sunday. Good luck with the recovery.  

  58. Geraint Thomas's guide to stage 14

    The route from Rodez to Mende

    Team Sky's Geraint Thomas has been taking us through the Tour stage by stage.

    Of today, Thomas told us: "It's a really tough finish. It's a 3km ascent at 10%, and you certainly know about it when you reach the bottom.

    "For Team Sky, it's all about making sure it's the right riders in the breakaway. As long as there's nobody who could compete for the overall lead you can let them go.

    "It's still a dangerous little finish though, and you could still see one of the yellow jersey contenders looking to chip off a bit of time with an attack."

  59. 50km to go

    Riders pass sailboat

    There are some interesting names in the breakaway. Peter Sagan, 15 times the bridesmaid, is probably desperate to go one better than he managed on Friday.

    But there are some useful climbers with him who might fancy the short, sharp finish - Romain Bardet perhaps, or Thibaut Pinot. The French could probably do with a stage win right now. Rogoberto Uran Uran might also fancy his chances.

    The gap is now six minutes.

    Anyone catch your eye? Text 81111 or use #bbccycling

  60. Riding on the rhino

    Chris Froome has the image of a rhino on his bike.

    Well, let's face it with some of the questions that have come his way (and the same question numerous times for that matter) during this race, he probably needs a skin as thick as one.

    Chris Froome's bike ahead of stage 14
  61. Get Involved

    Extreme cycling

    In the heat or the cold - tell us about your pain.

    Text 8111 or use #bbccycling

  62. 62km to go

    Ian Stannard leads the peloton

    The lead is down to six-and-a-half minutes.

    Ian Stannard is on the front and driving the peloton along.

    Keep working on it Tommy....

  63. Enough to make you jealous

    And here is wonderful Gorges du Tarn discussed by Matt Slater below.

    Gorges du Tarn

    As well as the village of Sainte-Enimie....

  64. Listen up

    Don't forget that there will be live commentary of this stage on the website from 15:00 BST - Simon Brotherton and Rob Hayles are your men for that one.

    If you cannot wait until then, you can always check out the podcast as Simon, Rob and Matt Slater discuss stage 13.  

  65. In red...

  66. Post update

    A spectator watches as the pack ride past
    Quote Message: The riders are approaching the Gorges du Tarn now and if you have never been to this part of the world before I am not surprised: it is very remote, you don't see many faces and there are only a couple of narrow roads in and out. But I think the French like it that way because they do not want everybody turning up and spoiling one of this country's most beautiful spots. Team BBC stayed in a tiny village called Sainte-Enimie last night which appeared around the corner like a hidden kingdom in a breathtaking wilderness. What it lacked in air conditioning and wifi, it more than made up for in fresh, local produce and the Tarn's cooling waters. The Tour will hurtle through there at around 15:00 BST. Blink and you will miss it, which is just fine by those in the know. from Matt Slater BBC Sport at the Tour de France
    Matt SlaterBBC Sport at the Tour de France
  67. Another abandon

    There has been another abandon - the second today - with Giant-Alpecin's Ramon Sinkeldam suffering from illness and pulling out.

    It will be interesting to see what happens with the main group towards the end today - will we see attacks off the front up the short, sharp climb to Mende as Chris Froome's GC rivals try to claw back a few seconds? 

  68. 80km to go

    OK, so matters have become a bit more simple.

    On the one hand we have the breakaway of 20 - seven minutes behind them are the main group.

    There are two British riders in the breakaway - Simon Yates and Steven Cummings. 

  69. Get Involved

    Extreme cycling

    With the cyclists struggling in the French heat over recent days, we asked for your memories of cycling in extreme conditions.

    And this looks pretty extreme....

    You got any to share with us? Text 81111 or #bbccycling 

  70. Hot and windy

    The riders at the Tour de France
    Quote Message: There are no threats to Chris Froome's yellow jersey up the road, so Team Sky look content to tap out a comfortable rhythm, eight minutes back. They are now in a flat stretch of the stage but it is hot and windy, and the finish is very hard indeed. We are also about to get a thunder storm in Mende. It is all happening here. from Matt Slater BBC Sport at the Tour de France
    Matt SlaterBBC Sport at the Tour de France
  71. Post update

    Quote Message: Hmm, after yesterday's looooooong build-up to a thrilling finish, the riders are mixing the order of play up a bit today. Right from the gun we had groups trying to get away, and it has continued in that vein for two hours. The upshot is that Peter Sagan, Simon Yates and Steve Cummings are among 21 riders clear of the peloton, although Sagan might have just got what he wanted from his early exertions: 20pts at the intermediate sprint to stretch his lead in the green jersey competition. from Matt Slater BBC Sport at the Tour de France
    Matt SlaterBBC Sport at the Tour de France
  72. Peraud battling on

    Good to see that Jean-Christophe Peraud is still on his bike and hopefully feeling OK (or as OK as possible) after his hard fall yesterday.

    Jean-Christophe Peraud the day after his fall
  73. 90km to go

    So after the intermediate sprint, all 20 breakaway riders came together before Ruben Plaza briefly darted off the front. They have a lead of more than eight minutes.

    Between the two is Luis Angel Mate, four minutes behind the leading group.

    We're currently on a flat section of around 75km before the category two Cote de Sauveterre.

  74. Post update

    Chris Froome (left) and Peter Sagan
  75. Green jersey

    Peter Sagan leads the breakaway

    The lead group of seven comprises Andriy Grivko, Mathieu Ladagnous, Peter Sagan, Rigoberto Uran, Bob Jungels, Ruben Plaza Molina and Jarlinson Pantano.

    Not surprisingly, Sagan is first to the intermediate sprint at Millau, hoovering up more points as he looks to tighten his grip on the green jersey.

  76. An ever-increasing lead

    The lead is now at seven minutes - and is climbing rapidly.

    Too early to say the winner will come from the breakaway?

    Text 81111 or use #bbccycling

  77. Post update

    Fans out lining the roads, making the most of the sunshine (while it lasts).

    I have to say, the TV pictures of the riders making their way along the stage are showcasing some truly stunning scenery. 

    The breakaway of seven now have a lead of four minutes over the peloton. Between the two are 13 riders (they are 30 seconds behind the leaders). 

    Fan awaits start of stage 14
  78. Post update

    It is hot once again today but storms are forecast for later in the day, which could makes conditions very interesting to say the least.

    Don't believe me? Have a look at this....

  79. Get Involved

    Extreme weather

    Apparently temperatures at the finish line in Rodez peaked at 38C on Friday.

    This came a day after there were hailstones close to the finish of stage 12 at Plateau de Beille.

    It seems that the tarmac-melting weather on Friday caused the most problems and was on the minds of a few riders after the stage finished.

    It got me thinking, what are the most extreme conditions you've ever encountered while cycling? I've gone home in the snow before, but I cannot help but feel that there must be better stories out there - and photos. 

    Text 81111 or use #bbccycling

  80. Post update

  81. Post update

    We've had attacks, mini-breakaways starting and failing, pretty much all day so far.

    There are eight riders clear now, including Peter Sagan. Team Sky are driving the main group about 20 seconds back.

  82. Tough guys

    We've lost 24 riders so far following the withdrawal of Steve Morabito. Frenchman Christophe Peraud hit the road hard on Friday but is back on his bike today.

    Before the stage he said: "Today is going to be horrible."

    Jean-Christophe Peraud
  83. Farewell Morabito

    By the way, there was a crash very early on today that involved the likes of Robert Gesink, Thibaut Pinot and Steve Morabito.

    Sadly for FDJ's Morabito he withdrew shortly afterwards. 

  84. So far today

    The pack make their way over a bridge

    So, how are things panning out so far today?

    Peter Sagan, possibly still fuming after blowing it yesterday, is in a breakaway of 24 riders. They have a lead of almost a minute from the main group.

    He is with the likes of Warren Barguil, Damiano Caruso, Pieter Weening and Bartosz Huzarski, Simon Yates, Steve Cummings and Pierre Rolland.

    Huzarksi, by the way, was the first over the category four climb up Cote de Pont-de-Salaras.

  85. Sagan & second

    Yesterday saw a wonderful late surge from Greg van Avermaet as the 30-year-old Belgium claimed a famous win.

    "I thought I'd caught second," said Van Avermaet. "I pushed for the line and was so happy he didn't overtake me."

    It is the 'he' that interests me - the 'he' is Slovak sprinter Peter Sagan. The 'he' has not won a stage at the Tour since 2013. The 'he' has now finished second four times this year at the Tour and 15 overall.

    Does Sagan lack a killer instinct? Or is he very unlucky?

    Yesterday he very much blamed himself.

    "It was my mistake. I was waiting too long to start my sprint."

    Any theories on Sagan? Text 81111 or use #bbccycling

  86. Taking nothing for granted

    Chris Froome

    Chris Froome himself is certainly anything but complacent.

    After the end of Friday's stage he said: "The finish is going to be really tough. More than 10 per cent for 3km.

     "We can definitely expect it to be another GC (general classification) day again."

  87. Remember 2010?

    Andy Schleck

    Today's stage comprises two category four climbs and two category two, including 3km at an average 10.1% gradient up to the finish at Mende. Ouch.

    The Tour last finished at Mende in 2010 and yellow jersey holder Andy Schleck made it clear going into the stage that he did not expect Alberto Contador to eat into his 41-second lead.

    It didn't quite work out that way, with eventually stage winner Joaquim Rodriguez and Contador dropping Schleck towards the end after launching a surprise attack. 

    Contador took 10 seconds off Schleck and the Spaniard went on to take yellow in Paris.

    The Spaniard was eventually stripped of that title - but that's another story.

  88. Nothing to worry about?

    Chris Froome

    This time next week we'll all be looking forward to the penultimate stage of the race as the Tour goes up one of its most famous climbs - Alpe d'Huez.

    Who know's how tense and close the race will be by that stage.

    Today's 178.5km stage from Rodez to Mende doesn't have the same history or, on the face of it, the same potential for drama as Chris Froome looks to defend his handsome lead.

    But then again...