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Live Reporting

Chris Osborne

All times stated are UK

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  1. One day to go

    Folks, that's all from us today. I'm off for a lie down in a dark room and will probably neck a few energy sachets before tomorrow's final stage. Stay tuned on the BBC Sport for website for reaction, but we'll see you tomorrow in Paris. Sort of.

  2. Froome: 'Renew the rivalry'

    Quote Message: I knew I had 2:38 to play with but at some moments it was hard to believe I'd hang on. It's harder to say if this was harder than 2013, but every day was flat out, it was very hard. Next year I'll come back and renew the rivalry with Nairo. He's a great prospect, has a bright future, a great talent who races correctly, making his race at the right moment. from Chris Froome on France 2
    Chris Froome on France 2
  3. What, there's one more stage?

    You better believe it. On this flat charge into Paris, the GC contenders will be making sure they stay upright. On the Champs Elysees it's an all out fight between the sprinters for that moment of glory.

     "Cavendish has won four times in Paris but he will be especially motivated to win a fifth after missing out to Marcel Kittel in 2013 and crashing out on stage one last year," says Geraint Thomas in our stage-by-stage preview.

    Stage 21
  4. White jersey

    Like a contestant on Bullseye, Nairo Quintana will not be leaving empty handed. The 25-year-old Colombian has secured the young rider's white jersey by an absolute landslide.

    In terms of the GC, he is set for a second Tour finishing in second, both times behind Chris Froome.

  5. Almost good?

    As good as done, I'd say.

  6. Tweet us via #bbccycling

    F. Vermeylen: Russian for 'being a fan' is literally 'to be sick for'. Following Froome up that climb I felt ill; now elated. Va va Froome!

    Dave Philpot: I wonder who will take longer to recover from today's stage... the riders, or those watching?

    Mark Fletcher: Can we have a Tour like this next year please. More massive climbs, less sprints and time trials clearly produces the best tour.

  7. Cav in the clear

    Mark Cavendish will be able to have a pop at the sprint on the Champs Elysees tomorrow, but just about after he sneaks in under the cut-off time on today's stage. The Manx man's prospects are not brilliant though, with team-mates Tony Martin and Mark Renshaw no longer in the race to help him.

  8. Green jersey

    Peter Sagan has the green jersey sewn up. So it's just sprinters' glory on the line tomorrow.

  9. Polka dot jersey

    In all the yellow jersey excitement, we should mention that it's double delight for Chris Froome, who will also be king of the mountains at this year's Tour.

  10. 'The most resilient character I've met'

    Quote Message: Chris is the most unbelievable competitor - the most polite guty off the bike - but on it the most resillient character I've met. He deserves more credit than he gets. The way he puts up with the abuse is unbelievable. Britain doesn't have many champions like this fella. from Team Sky's Dave Brailsford on ITV4
    Team Sky's Dave Brailsford on ITV4
  11. Tweet us via #bbccycling

    Stuart Mitchell: Unbelievable effort from Quintana but 2mins 38 is very hard to make up in one stage should have been more daring earlier in tour.

    Karl Brookes: Well done @chrisfroome, especially for such dignity in the face of adversity!

    Ali: And breathe. Great effort by the @TeamSky boys just when #froomey needed it #TDF #twotimewinner

  12. 'A credit to Britain'

    Quote Message: It was a bit close in the end. I think after everything he's endured, Chris has shown his real mettle. They don't see what we see every day. He's a credit to Britain. Today the lads were geed up for it and they were superb. from Team Sky's Dave Brailsford on ITV4
    Team Sky's Dave Brailsford on ITV4
    Chris Froome
  13. Post update

    Rob Hayles

    Former GB cyclist on BBC Radio 5 live sports extra

    "The way Froome has ridden throughout this Tour has been brilliant. He's been totally dominant so this win is not surprising at all. It was too little, too late for Quintana but it has been an incredible race on the Alpe d'Huez."

  14. Get Involved


    Benoit:  This year's Tour is proof its the greatest sporting event in the world. Well done @chrisfroome

    Liam Watson:  Well done Chris Froome! Tour De France winner for the second time, easily one of the best stages in the Tour's history

  15. Yellow jersey

    Chris Froome's eventual yellow jersey-winning gap over Nairo Quintana is one minute 12 seconds - it was two minutes 38 seconds at the start of the day.

    Meanwhile, Vincenzo Nibali is over the line, but he will stay fourth in the GC, with Alejandro Valverde third.

  16. Post update

    Quintana is sat down, Froome reaches out a limp hand and the Colombian puts his out in return. Both men look destroyed. But there is so much respect between the two of them.

  17. Yellow jersey

    Breathe everyone. Breathe.

    Nairo Quintana just lit up this stage and Chris Froome had enough to answer all of the questions.

    The Team Sky rider just needs to stay on his bike in Paris tomorrow to keep hold of the yellow jersey.

  18. Froome finishes

    Froome approaches the finish line. He is home about 1min 20secs after Quintana and he will be a two-time Tour de France winner.

    Chris Froome finish line
  19. Quintana second

    Quintana is over 16secs later. Now we wait for Chris Froome.

  20. Pinot wins stage

    Froome must use everything he has. Forget the pain.

    Thibaut Pinot is gong to delight the French on Alpe d'Huez

    Thibaut Pinot wins
  21. 1km to go

    Quintana is 21secs off leader Pinot. And now 1min 22secs ahead of Froome. Legs turning to jelly - all for a bright yellow T-shirt. Blimey.

  22. Tweet us via #bbccycling

    Tommy Tomkins: This is one of the greatest sporting finales I've ever, ever seen.

    Claire Spiller Rowe: Missing a thrilling finish to TdF because garage thought my car failed MOT & now waiting for them to amend certificate not happy

    Danny Harvey: Froome in with Porte, Poels and don't forget Yates - can't let another Brit go unmentioned!!!

  23. 1.3km to go

    The spectators are behind barriers at this point and the road widens. It's much safer so the riders should get home. Froome has steadied the gap at 1min 15secs as the road flattens out somewhat.

    Tour de France spectators
  24. 2km to go

    Quintana was built to climb. He's absolutely flying - he's going to push this all the way. He's past Hesjedal, who reacts and tries to go again.

    Quintana is 1min 15secs ahead of Froome. He needs twice as much. Thrilling stuff.

  25. 2.7km to go

    There are two races here. Pinot, Hesjedal and Quintana for the stage. Quintana and Froome for the yellow jersey. Froome is struggling - it's hurting. There are boos as he treads up the climb.

  26. 3km to go

    The noise from spectators around Froome is certainly a lot more negative than around Quintana. He may even have been spat at again. The gap to Quintana is one minute. It's growing - but the road might just run out?

  27. 3.4km to go

    Quintana almost looks like he is enjoying this pummeling climb. Weirdo. He's chasing down Thibaut Pinot. Can the Frenchman hold on?

  28. Post update

    Rob Hayles

    Former GB cyclist on BBC Radio 5 live sports extra

    "There was a man running alongside Froome cheering him on and thankfully, he didn't trip over his flip-flops. Chris Froome is holding his lead at 35 seconds, which is not enough for Quintana, but this is such a tight race for the yellow jersey with good team work on show."

  29. 3.9km to go

    The majority of the crowd are rooting for Quintana. Some are pushing him up the slope. I make it 44 seconds ahead of Froome now.

    Nairo Quintana
  30. 4.2km to go

    Quintana has left Anacona. He needs two minutes in less than 5km. We're up to 35 seconds ahead of Chris Froome. There are so many Colombian supporters here.

  31. 4.6km to go

    The gap between Quintana and Froome is sticking, it is not growing. Froome is edging towards glory. But here goes Quintana on a push...

  32. 5km to go

    Thibaut Pinot looks set to deliver a bit of French excitement as he romps towards the summit and the finish line. He looks strong.

  33. 5.7km to go

    Quintana is 32secs ahead of Chris Froome.

    Nairo Quintana
  34. 5.9km to go

    The leaders have hit Dutch corner. It's a bonkers sea of orange - hundreds of supporters who have been drinking most of the day. Now there's a man streaking, buttocks swinging on the road. This Tour has it all.

    It's Thibaut Pinot out in front.

  35. 6.5km to go

    Nairo Quintana still has Winner Anacona with him. The camera behind Chris Froome shows that Quintana is out of sight, the gap is 28secs. That'll do for Froome.

  36. 7km to go

    Ryder Hesjedal has now taken the stage lead, edging ahead of the AG2R pair.

  37. Quintana 20secs ahead of Froome

    This is tremendous racing. Chris Froome has Richie Porte with him and Wouter Poels, they are dragging their team-mate up this beast of a mountain, probably towards the yellow jersey.

  38. Tweet us via #bbccycling

    Ethan Hassell: Lots of boos and jeers for all team sky cars. Coming from everyone bar the many English supporters.

    Jhohan: Here's hoping for Quintana to attack and see sky fall apart.

    Ed Yarnold: Fingers crossed that @chrisfroome manages to ascend this final climb without a spectator doing something out of order.

    Ian McCormack: This is the longest most nerve wracking penalty shoot out ever! Hope Froomey is going to destroy them all in 10km!!!

  39. 7.9km to go

    Quintana is flying through the pack behind the leaders, getting into the slip streams and then springboarding. There is no time gap to Froome yet but there is certainly a gap.

  40. 8.6km to go

    Meanwhile, Alexandre Geniez has been joined by his A2GR team-mate Thibaut Pinot at the front. Will they sprint it out for the stage win? Ryder Hesjedal is just behind them.

    French TV are focusing on this - because two of them are French.

  41. 8.9km to go

    Alberto Contador can't keep with the pace, he's going through treacle. Is Froome in trouble? He has two team-mates with him, but there is a gap.

  42. Quintana follows

    Like on that first climb, Quintana is off to join his team-mate. Froome just about kept contact on that occasion. What about now?

  43. Valverde attacks

    Nairo Quintana's team-mate, the man third in the GC Alejandro Valverde makes a move, much like we saw on the first ascent. Team Sky are happy to let him go, he won't be making up 5mins 25secs on Froome.

  44. 10.1km to go

    You feel like Nairo Quintana is toying with Chris Froome at the moment, torturing the Brit with surprise attacks. Regardless, the Colombian is running out of road.

    10km for Froome to claim a second Tour title.

  45. 10.7km to go

    What about at the front? Alexandre Geniez is 41secs in front of Ryder Hesjedal and Thibaut Pinot.. The yellow jersey group are 2mins 32secs off the leader.

  46. 11.1km to go

    No dice Quintana. Richie Porte and Wout Poels do impeccable work to haul the Colombian back. Froome is going to owe his team-mates a very large French beer.

  47. Post update

    Rob Hayles

    Former GB cyclist on BBC Radio 5 live sports extra

    "I've just done some calculations and Quintana will have to take 11.4 seconds per kilometre to take the yellow jersey from Chris Froome, which is very unlikely because it means Froome would have to have a horrendous climb from here to lose his jersey."

  48. Quintana's moment?

    Quintana was caught and the cheeky boy hid in the middle of the pack before launching slingshot to go again. Wouter Poels tries to keep with him.

  49. 11.9km to go

    Alexandre Geniez is 3mins ahead in the lead. Effectively, Quintana would have to catch the Frenchman and leave Froome for dead within the next 12km.

  50. Quintana goes again

    Do or die Nairo. Do or die. Off he goes.

  51. Nibali flat

    Vincenzo Nibali suffers a puncture and gets a new bike. Chris Froome didn't attack, for the record...

  52. 13km to go

    This is where the destination of the yellow jersey will be decided. The peloton is on the slopes of Alpe d'Huez. Can Nairo Quintana eat up 2ins 38secs in 13km of grueling climbing and catch Chris Froome?

  53. Your cycling climbs


    Alpe d'Huez looms... but what is your greatest climb? Use #bbccycling to tell us

  54. Alpe d'Huez - what's the big deal?

    An altitude of 1,835m. A distance of 13.8km at a whopping average incline of 8%. Add to that 21 bends (22 including hairpin 0?) on a mountain that has become the mecca for cycling spectators since it was first used on the Tour in 1952.

    Want to know more? This three-minute documentary by BBC Radio 5 live will give you a taste of why Alpe d'Huez is the Wembley of cycling.

    Alpe d'Huez
  55. 16.9km to go

    The chase group behind Alexandre Geniez have bunched together now. There's nine of them in there, 2mins 20secs behind the leader. 1min 39secs further back is the yellow jersey group.

    The start of the climb up Alpe d'Huez is about 3km away.

  56. Tweet us via #bbccycling

    Will Liam Noel: Great to see Froome has four team mates backs ready for the monster climb at the end, hoping for a Froomey win

    Tim Jackson: Finally broke 1hr for Alpe d'Huez a couple of days ago. Interestingly it has 22 hairpins not 21 - last is labelled Turn 0

    Noel Hathaway: Vroom Vroom Froome! My nails are to the quick and wearing a hole in the floor from all the pacing...

    Ali: Oh my. I can't watch. Yes I can. For now. Too tense. Sky boys regroup to keep their guy in the mix. Allez Allez!

  57. Post update

    BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra

    BBC Radio 5 live sports extra are live with commentary on Chris Froome's decisive day. You can also listen by clicking the Live Coverage tab.

  58. 23.7km to go

    Geraint Thomas looked like a man who had given all he had to give yesterday. But here he is at the front of the peloton, upping the pace as they whizz past the sparkling Verney lake near Allemont.

    They are four minutes behind leader Geniez.

  59. Post update

    Rob Hayles

    Former GB cyclist on BBC Radio 5 live sports extra

    "Will Chris Froome need help outside of Team Sky towards the end? Who knows? It might well come to that and it's going to be tough in this battle for the yellow jersey, but he looked very confident and very happy at the end of stage 19."

  60. Your cycling climbs

    Keep your cycling climbs coming. Use #bbccycling

  61. Get Involved


    Rule number two of getting involved: Cute dog pictures will almost definitely be published.

  62. 27.7km to go

    One minute and 30 seconds behind Geniez are Lars Bak and Nicolas Edet. Three minutes further back are seven riders, including Thibaut Pinot, Pierre Rolland, Ruben Plaza and Winner Anacona.

  63. 31.4km to go

    Alexandre Geniez is looking strong out in front. He's tucked in on his bike, whipping down the ascent and is 3mins 45secs in front of the yellow jersey group. The Frenchman broke away right the start remember.

  64. Team Sky vehicles

    I mentioned earlier that there may have been some aggression towards the Team Sky vehicles up ahead on Alpe d'Huez. This is all we know at the moment.

  65. Froome almost matching Quintana

  66. Your cycling climbs


    We've just seen the GC contenders do it, but what are your biggest climbs? Use #bbccycling to show us

  67. 40.5km to go

    Chris Froome has found his friends. Richie Porte and Nicolas Roche are at the front of a reformed peloton.

    Thibaut Pinot, Ruben Plaza, Winner Anacona and Ryder Hesjedal have spurred forward though and they are a minute behind Geniez, with three riders floating in between.

  68. Get Involved


    Totum:  Any other SKY/ Froome fans on edge? I am on the edge of an edgy edge & the rest of his team have vanished rather sharpish today

    Stuart: How good has this tour been? this is going to be one hell of a finish

  69. Post update

    BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra

    Rob Hayles will be live on BBC Radio 5 live sports extra and online from 14:30 BST.

  70. 48.3km to go

    We can probably take a small breather as Quintana, Froome, Valverde and Nibali set into a rhythm. The big question is this: Has Quintana taken enough out of Froome to hit him for 2mins 38secs on Alpe d'Huez and clinch the yellow jersey? Stay tuned, this should be good.

    Alexandre Geniez leads by 2mins 28secs

  71. 49.1km to go

    Froome uses the descent to slot in behind Quintana and he's right behind the Colombian. Nibali and Valverde are a few seconds further back - they have a chat and pick up the pace. Will the peloton regroup?

  72. 51.2km to go

    That Nibali move has sparked Froome into life, the yellow jersey man is pumping the legs and drops his team-mate Porte. Quintana is over the summit. But Froome is closing.

  73. 52.6km to go

    Valverde is looking like he is struggling to keep pace with Quintana - the Colombian needs his team-mate for the descent. And Vincenzo Nibali is attacking Froome...

  74. 53.7km to go

    Meanwhile Alexandre Geniez is still out on his own heading to the summit of  Col de la Croix de Fer and he gets there first to collect 25 points. Quintana and Valverde ar 2mins 38secs further back.

    Alejandro Valverde and Nairo Quintana
  75. 54.8km to go

    This is excellent from Movistar. We have a real race on for the yellow jersey. They have made 10 seconds on Chris Froome. It's nowhere near enough but it is a start.

  76. 55.3km to go

    Geraint Thomas and Nicolas Roche drop off the back. Chris Froome has just Richie Porte with him. Quintana is up with Valverde and they are a good few seconds ahead.

  77. 55.7km to go

    The gap is growing and Quintana is in behind Serpa - the pair are countrymen. If Quintana can get up to Valverde he can tuck in behind his team-mate on the descent. Can Team Sky react?

  78. Quintana goes

    It's happening. Nairo Quintana has moved...

  79. 56.5km to go

    Jose Serpa of Lampre is the next man to fire off the front of the peloton. It's a name you won't have heard much - he's 139th in the GC, so nothing to worry about for Froome.

    Valverde is 30secs ahead of the group and is 3mins behind leader Geniez.

  80. 57.2km to go

    Chris Froome has Richie Porte and Nicolas Roche with him, and the Team Sky pair go to the front in a defensive move. It seems they are happy to let Valverde go - the third-placed Spaniard is 5mins 25secs behind Froome in the GC.

  81. 57.9km to go

    It's Nairo Quintana's team-mate Alejandro Valverde who makes the first big move. He's gone up the road and is pulling away. Quintana stays.

  82. 58.3km to go

    Alexandre Geniez has moved ahead of the breakaway and is looking to go solo. But the GC contenders are pedaling a bit harder in the peloton and Nairo Quintana looks like he might be putting himself in a position to move.

  83. The little Colombian

    Chris Froome was taking nothing for granted yesterday, reminding reporters that there was a 'little Colombian' still standing between him and victory.

    Since his nine-mile journeys cycling to school in Colombia, Nairo Quintana has been a man content on a bike. He has become renowned for explosive moves on the mountains, which could prove useful today - will he go for it now?

    Quintana facts
  84. 59.5km to go

    Team Sky are tucked in just behind AG2R La Mondiale and the peloton is closing on the breakaway - 3mins 44secs now. But Peraud's spent and drops back.

    Tour de France
  85. 60.8km to go

    Jean-Christophe Peraud, who suffered horrendous road rash earlier in the Tour, is increasing the pace of the peloton. He's a team-mate of Romain Bardet and the plan is to get the polka dot wearer to the top of Col de la Croix de Fer first for 25 king of the mountain points.

  86. Your cycling climbs


    There's something very inspiring about going up, isn't there?

    Send us photos of your cycling climbs using #bbccycling

  87. 62.5km to go

    Ruben Plaza, Winner Anacona and Rafal Majka did not last long - they've been hauled back into the peloton, which is now 4mins 41secs off the breakaway.It's still a long slog up this first climb and there's still time for Nairo Quintana to go for glory.

  88. Trouble at Dutch corner?

    ITV4 are reporting that spectators reacted aggressively to the Team Sky vehicles when they passed through Dutch corner just now.

    Dutch corner is on bend seven on Alpe d'Huez, and it's famed for being a bit of a party zone.

    Dutch corner
  89. 67.7km to go

    I take back what I said about those riders getting swallowed up. Rafal Majka, Ruben Plaza and Winner Anacona have had a second burst and are 30 seconds ahead of the peloton and 5mins 30secs behind the breakaway.

  90. Survive the stage

    Those sprinters dropping off will be doing some maths while in the seat. There will be a cut-off point to finish the stage and not be eliminated from the Tour.

  91. 71.3km to go

    Those riders who went for a maraud off the peloton are about to get swallowed back up again. The breakaway group of four have lost more time and are 6mins 18secs ahead.

    There are a few sprinters dropping off the back now, including Mark Cavendish and Andre Greipel. 

  92. #polkadreams

    Bardet is dreaming of the spots.

  93. Polka dot jersey

    As we await the emergence of the summit of Col de la Croix de Fer, here are the king of the mountains standings. There are 50 points up for grabs on today's two climbs. Can Romain Bardet cling on to the spots?

  94. 73.7km to go

    Alexandre Geniez, Lars Bak, Nicolas Edet and Ramunas Navardauskas are getting pulled back, their lead of nearly 8mins is down to 7mins 14secs.

  95. Your cycling climbs


    Hope you don't get fleeced up there (there's sheep in the picture and they have fleeces, you see).

    Anyway, send us your photos of your cycling climbs using #bbccycling

  96. 75.5km to go

    Ruben Plaza and Warren Barguil are also among seven riders attempting to bridge the gap to the front four. Winner Anacona is also moving for Movistar, maybe to give Quintana a man up the road.

    Team Sky are unmoved.

  97. 76.3km to go

     Alexandre Geniez, Lars Bak, Nicolas Edet and Ramunas Navardauskas are now 7mins 51secs ahead in their breakaway group. There are a few moves off the front of the peloton, including Tinkoff's Rafal Majka. Team Sky will not worry until Nairo Quintana's Movistar start getting animated.

  98. Your cycling climbs

    These spotted guys have made it to the top. Send us pictures of your cycling climbs by using #bbccycling

  99. Team Sky suffering?

    Team Sky

    Nairo Quintana and his Movistar team may have been handed the tiniest semblance of hope yesterday that this Team Sky squad is not invincible.

    After 19 leg-sapping stages, the up-til-now indefatigable Richie Porte, Nicolas Roche and Geraint Thomas were finally cast aside. But Chris Froome was still able to rely on Wouter Poels until the final few km up to the line at La Toussuire.

    Can Movistar pick off Team Sky again and isolate Froome? It will be their only hope. 

  100. 80km to go

    The peloton zips around a roundabout in Pierrepin-Dessous that has a statue in the shape of a knife in the middle. But who will have the cutting edge today?

    Stay tuned for similar hilarious gags throughout the afternoon.

  101. 80.9km to go

    The peloton is on Col de la Croix de Fer. Does Nairo Quintana want to win the yellow jersey? The next 29km up to the top will give us the answer.

    The crowds are growing here, plenty of noise and colour on the roadside. It's lovely to see.

  102. Get Involved


    Rule number one of getting involved - if you say nice things we will use your photo.

  103. Phwoar!

    British Olympic gold medallist Dani King is a very, very lucky lady.

  104. 82.7km to go

    That gap keeps growing and growing. Alexandre Geniez, Lars Bak, Nicolas Edet and Ramunas Navardauskas are 6mins 45secs ahead as we hit the lowest point of today's route. That means, as Yazz might gleefully shout into your earholes, the only way is up, baby.

  105. Your cycling climbs


    What's your greatest climb? Whether it's to the mountain top or a toddle up a hill, send us the picture you tookby using #bbccycling

  106. 87km to go

    The sky is blue and glorious. The peloton is wide and broad. The pace is slow and steady. Team Sky briefly had a go at the front, and shared a chuckle between them. Five minutes up the road are the four breakaway riders. They're switching positions like a top pursuit team in a bid to keep the gap growing.

  107. Post update

    BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra

    Plenty of British support for Chris Froome on Alpe d'Huez. But our BBC Radio 5 live team have also spotted a Colombian contingent rooting for Nairo Quintana. 

    There is commentary on BBC Radio 5 live sports extra from 14:30 BST.

    Colombian fan
  108. 92.6km to go

    The Alexandre Geniez lead group must have dinner plans - they are three minutes up the road. We've got about 10km before the ascent up Col de la Croix de Fer begins. It's here where we will find out if Nairo Quintana is really going to put a serious challenge on Chris Froome.

  109. Yellow jersey

    As if you needed reminding, but here's how the yellow jersey standings looked before stage 20.

    The odds of Chris Froome being overhauled? Slim. Impossible? We'll see.

    Yellow jersey
  110. 100.6km to go

    That seven is just four now, with three riders, including Geschke, deciding not to bridge the gap. The four 20secs in front are Alexandre Geniez, Lars Bak, Nicolas Edet and Ramunas Navardauskas.

  111. 102.5km to go

    There are seven riders in a small break 20 seconds up the road. Simon Geschke and his beard are there, as is Geniez still. Mark Canvendish is considering moving up there too - save it for Paris Cav.

  112. Your cycling climbs


    So, we can't all have gone up Alpe d'Huez, although some of you probably have.

    Send us your pictures from the highest point you've cycled to, whether it's the hill at the end of your road or 1,500m in the sky. Get involved using #bbccycling

  113. 106.9km to go

    Alexandre Geniez is the first man to make a move and another three riders go with him. There are a few more looking like they will pop off the front of the group to on this steady descent.

  114. Allez!

    Le Tour general director Christian Prudhomme pokes his head out of a car sunroof and waves a tiny flag. That means the 20th stage of the 102nd Tour de France is under way.

  115. Froome v Quintana

    The riders are rolling their way to the start line. Chris Froome and Nairo Quinana are shoulder to shoulder. Sunglasses shield their eyes, hide any emotion.

    A few other riders are keen to have a small natter. Quintana and Froome less so.

    There are 110.5 decisive km ahead.

    Chris Froome Nairo Quintana
  116. Post update

    BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra

    How is your view this morning? This is what the BBC Radio 5 live team woke up to today. There is commentary on BBC Radio 5 live sports extra and online from 14:30 BST.

    5 live
  117. Get Involved


    A few minutes until stage 20 is under way. Who's going to win it? Can Quintana realistically challenge Froome for yellow? 

    Give us your thoughts using #bbccycling

    Chris Froome Nairo Quintana
  118. It means no worries...

    ...for the rest of your days

  119. Stage 20: Modane to Alpe d'Huez

    Stage 20

    This is what the Team Sky rider must conquer to become the first Briton to win two Tours.

    The 110.5km route initially included a jaunt up Col du Galibier, but a rock slide meant there had to be a rethink and the Col de la Croix de Fer was drafted in.

    Will Nairo Quintana go for broke on that first hors category climb, or will the Movistar man bank it all on the final ascent?

    Will he give it a go at all, or just protect his second place on the podium?

  120. Froome on the brink

    Chris Froome

    Chris Froome, champion in 2013, has held the yellow jersey this year since stage seven. By the time he won stage 10 his lead was up to 2mins 52secs and after stage 14 it was up to 3mins 10 secs.

    Yesterday, Nairo Quintana chomped 32 seconds off that gap, leaving it at 2mins 38secs.

    The maths are simple for Froome - finish within two minutes and 38 seconds of the little Colombian and, barring a disaster in Sunday's procession to Paris, he will be a two-time Tour de France winner.

    Simple, right?

  121. The final test

    Alpe d'Huez

    It's a big old hunk of geological legend. It will make you or break you.

    Today, the 21 bends up Alpe d'Huez are what stand beyond Britain's Chris Froome and a second Tour de France title.