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Live Reporting

Stephan Shemilt

All times stated are UK

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  1. Post update

    In three Christmas weeks, we have crowned two new darts world champions in two finals that have gone all the way.

    Well done to Gary Anderson, but tonight belongs to Scott Mitchell, the Scotty Dog who is having his day.


  2. Post update

    And with that, the 2015 BDO World Championships comes to a close. You know it's the end when the TV coverage ends with a montage. Everyone loves a montage.

  3. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Vicky: Darts is definitely the sport with best losers and winners. Congratulatory & apologetic respectively, a lot of respect evident.

    Vaughan Griggs: Well done Scott Mitchell, a very worthy champion and to Martin Adams too, very dignified in defeat.

    George Dixie: Probably shouldn't be sat here with my head in my hands over a game of darts. Gutted for Wolfie.

  4. Post update

    Bobby George

    Two-time BDO world championship finalist on BBC Two

    "The 158 checkout was where Scott did it for me. He had so many chances to take the title, but he kept his cool and he got there in the end. But Wolfie is some darts player."

  5. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Jack Cox: Scott Mitchell... The most famous man from Bransgore!

    Bryan Mackie: What an almighty match that was to watch. Well deserved, Scott Mitchell, well deserved.

    Flash: What a game of darts, Martin Adams. What a man.

  6. Post update

    The presentation party is on stage, with Martin Adams receiving his prize as runner-up. Scott Mitchell shakes his head when his prize of £100,000 is read out, then he moves forward to take the silver trophy.

    He walks to the front of the stage and lifts it high.

    The 2015 champion of the world, Scott Mitchell.

  7. Post update

    When reminded that he owed his wife a honeymoon, after he took her to the Channel Islands after they were married 23 years ago so he could play in the Jersey Open:

    Champion Scott Mitchell: "We might go to Cornwall, let's not get carried away!"

  8. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Tom Doherty: Why have I never watched the darts before?! Unbelievable entertainment!

    Benjamin Watts: That's what sport us about! Seeing people's dreams unfold infront of their eyes. Congrats Scott Mitchell, what a final!

  9. Post update

    Champion Scott Mitchell on BBC Two: "It's quite amazing. Halfway through that, I really wished I was watching it, I didn't want to be up here. but it's everything your dreams are made of. Martin is an awesome champion, he's helped us all and I hope I'm still playing like that at his age."

  10. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    AK: Fully deserved Scott Mitchell, he's done well all week. Martin Adams put up a classy old guard performance though!

    Rob Vary: Gutted for Wolfie but hats off to Mitchell deserved it.

    Gemma Morris: Cracking games of darts!! Well happy for Mitchell!

  11. Post update

    Runner-up Martin Adams: "It wasn't too shabby, was it? I could have played better early on, but that's the way darts goes. Fair play to Scotty, he beat me. He ain't a bad old lad for a farmer's boy! This is the greatest crowd I've ever come across."

  12. Post update

    Mitchell is back, jumping about on stage, taking the screams and whistles of the crowd. What a wonderful Lakeside final. Who says darts isn't a sport? Twice in two Sundays the boys on the oche have delivered wonderful sporting drama.

  13. Post update

    Vassos Alexander

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Year after year, Scott Mitchell would come to Lakeside and fail to find his best darts. This year, he's strutted about like he owns the oche - and now he does."

  14. Scott Mitchell is the BDO World Champion

    Scott Mitchell 7-6 Martin Adams

    Won with double 20! Scott Mitchell is the world champion! He sinks to his knees, tears streaming down his face. There's congratulations from Martin Adams, who beams a smile. A Scotty Dog is thrown from the crowd, with Mitchell then running to celebrate with his family. Great scenes.

  15. Post update

    *Scott Mitchell 6-6 Martin Adams 13th set: 2-1

    Mitchell leaves 40. Adams must take out 121. Bullseye? No! Mitchell for tops and the title...

  16. Post update

    *Scott Mitchell 6-6 Martin Adams 13th set: 2-1

    Mitchell with a healthy lead, he'll have six from 221. He takes 81, meaning it will be 140 for the world title. Where's Wolfie? He's pinning a 180 of his own.

  17. Post update

    *Scott Mitchell 6-6 Martin Adams 13th set: 2-1

    180 for Mitchell!

  18. Post update

    *Scott Mitchell 6-6 Martin Adams 13th set: 2-1 shot at the double, Adams returns and must hit double 16. He does! Now, Mitchell throwing for the title.

  19. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 6-6 Martin Adams* 13th set: 2-0

    Each with a 140 in this leg that Wolfie has to win - in fact, he has to win the next two. Wolfie, though, is without a treble in his next visit and Mitchell bags a 140 and beats his chest. Adams keeps pace to have a shot at 161 as Scotty loses the plot, Wolfie will have six from 161. He'll come for double 62 to stay in this final, with Mitchell waiting on 100. Two missed at double 16... here comes Mitchell for the title...

  20. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Phil Thomas: Don't care if you are a PDC or a BDO fan, you have to admit this is great entertainment.

    Alan David Duncan: 158 finish? Unbelievable stuff from Scott Mitchell!

  21. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 6-6 Martin Adams* 13th set: 2-0

    Where has Scott Mitchell found that from? Still, his biggest task is to hold his throw on the back of the break. Wolfie pressures, but Mitchell is still the first to a finish. Both men on 161. No treble for Mitchell, meaning Adams will get his chance. He too misses the little red bit. Scotty's turn for 101. One dart at double top... just short! Now it's Adams' turn...double 16? No! Bent the wire! Mitchell for 20. Surely? Hear the roar! He's one leg away... again!

  22. Post update

    Phil Cartwright

    BBC Sport at the Lakeside

    "How many times have you played a best-of-five-legs match with your mate down the pub? This is the same. Except this is worth more than a free drink and a bag of crisps. This is to be world champion and for an extra £65,000."

  23. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "A 158 at the start of the deciding set? Are you sure? What a time to hit your highest checkout of the week!"

  24. Mitchell breaks

    *Scott Mitchell 6-6 Martin Adams 13th set: 1-0

    Can you believe this? For the second time in two Sundays, we are into a 13th set to decide a world darts champion. The decider must be won by two clear legs. If we get to 5-5, it will be a one-leg shootout. Adams with the darts in the 13th, clearly winning the race to a finish. Has Wolfie found his best darts at the most crucial time? Mitchell is nowhere as Adams leaves 64. Double 16 the shot, not taken, but you suspect he will be back. Or will he? Scott Mitchell takes out 158 with double 19! He breaks the throw! He's back in front! Amazing stuff.

  25. Adams wins the 12th set

    Scott Mitchell 6-6 Martin Adams* 12th set: 2-3

    Adams for 91. Bullseye hit. Big nine hit. Double 16? He's done it! We're going all the way!

  26. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 6-5 Martin Adams 12th set: 2-2

    Mitchell is all over the place, he can't find a treble. Adams, though, is thriving, more than 100 ahead after six. Still no treble for Mitchell, Adams winning the race to a finish. 180! Wonderful drama.

  27. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Last night, Glen Durrant missed three match darts against Adams, and lost. Mitchell has just missed one."

  28. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Paul Summerhill: Gripped by #bbcdarts - edge of my seat! Come on Scotty!

  29. Post update

    *Scott Mitchell 6-6 Martin Adams 12th set: 2-2

    Adams takes double six! Now, Mitchell with the darts...

  30. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 6-5 Martin Adams 12th set: 2-1

    Double 16 for the title! One match-dart missed!

  31. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 6-5 Martin Adams 12th set: 2-1

    Martin Adams on the point on no return. He must win the next two legs to keep Mitchell from the title. A 140 from Wolfie gives him the edge, with more treble hunting getting the three-time champ down to a finish. 161 is the shot, but, with Mitchell way back, a 60 doesn't hinder him much. A 140 at least gives Mitchell some pressure, but Adams misses double 12. Mitchell for 104 and the world title...

  32. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 6-5 Martin Adams* 12th set: 2-1

    Mitchell looks intent on holding with an opening 140 as a lady dressed as Elvis watches on. Mitchell again goes treble hunting, making it hard for Adams to find yet another break. Scotty takes his time, a crucial treble taking him down to 121. Wolfie, back on 183, so Mitchell has six to move within a leg of the title. Tops will be the shot for a 2-1 lead in the 12th. Two missed... three missed! Adams, though, is all the way back on 123. Another chance for Mitchell. Taken! We are on the brink!

  33. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Mitchell is playing at his own pace, not being affected by the tempo of Martin Adams's game."

  34. Mitchell breaks

    *Scott Mitchell 6-5 Martin Adams 12th set: 1-1

    Can Mitchell find the break that would return his advantage? A chink of light as Wolfie doesn't find a treble, but Scotty can't take full advantage. Adams looks for 141, putting a decent dent in it. 11 left. Mitchell for 142? One treble, but not a second. Can you believe this? Adams has busted 11 with 19! Mitchell must take 44.... double 16? Yes! Another break, but Mitchell back on top.

  35. Adams breaks

    Scott Mitchell 6-5 Martin Adams* 12th set: 0-1

    Mitchell with the darts. He needs three holds. Adams has to break to keep himself in the hunt for a fourth title. So far, Mitchell has been unable to consolidate his breaks in this final, and, again, Adams hunts the treble to snatch the advantage. Wolfie comes for 131. He leaves tops and will have three at it. Must go. It does! Yet another break! Are we going to a deciding set?

  36. Post update

    Vassos Alexander

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "An hour or so before this final, Scott Mitchell told us 'if I get ahead, I will win'."

  37. Mitchell wins the 11th set

    *Scott Mitchell 6-5 Martin Adams 11th set: 3-1

    Can someone finally hold throw? Scott Mitchell starts like a man who intends to, rattling in his seventh 180. A hold here will put him a set from the title. On 221 after, he's in a fine position, while Adams' scoring has gone AWOL. Scotty to 81 after nine, he'll again have plenty of darts for a 6-5 lead. Double six? Yes! Scott Mitchell is a set away from the world title!

  38. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Michael: Martin Adams was clean shaven when this final started.

    Al G Bra: Adams is a bottle player, and he's got plenty of it!

    Lee Taylor: Darts literally too close to call at times.

  39. Mitchell breaks

    *Scott Mitchell 5-5 Martin Adams 11th set: 2-1

    We've been going for more than two and and a half hours, with the tension cranking up a notch with each passing leg. Adams, after that break, takes his foot off the gas, letting Mitchell take a very healthy lead. Scotty will have at least six at 221 and another break. He'll come to finish 81 as Adams, who maybe looks a little jaded, flounders behind. 16s for Mitchell, missed, but he will come back. Mitchell has to replace a flight, then steadies for two eights. Two missed. Not three, though. Yet another break.

  40. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "I wonder whether the fact that Adams know how to get across the line will be a factor over the next three sets."

  41. Adams breaks

    Scott Mitchell 5-5 Martin Adams* 11th set: 1-1

    Mitchell, then, has the break in the 11th. Can he ram home the advantage and move to within one set of the title? The averages (both at 92) aren't great, and the finishing has been shoddy, but it's absorbing stuff. Mitchell, with the darts, has the first shot out, a 112. No treble, no finish. Adams, then, for 96 and a break back. One at double eight.... it's all he needs! The Lakeside erupts with Wolfie howls. Back on throw.

  42. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    James Cox: And people say darts isn't a sport... the pressure and atmosphere is so real right now!

    Kris Middleton: You might want to get Kate Humble out of that volcano. This #bbcdarts could be a while!

    Kate Humble: Into The Volcano - and other regular BBC Two programmes - will resume after the darts concludes.

  43. Mitchell breaks

    *Scott Mitchell 5-5 Martin Adams 11th set: 1-0

    Here comes Wolfie, starting the 11th set with a maximum. Mitchell, though, keeps pace and the pair meet at 261. Oh, Scott Mitchell, what a time for a maximum. He comes for 81 as Adams watches with 64 in his back pocket. Mitchell for two 12s? An 11-dart leg! What a time to break the throw!

  44. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Simon: What a great darts final on the edge of your seat do they cope?

    Fi Donovan: Loving the final of the BDO at Lakeside. Must make it there next year.

    Ross Downs: Come on Wolfie! Behind you all the way.

  45. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "The three sets Mitchell has won against the Adams throw - on each occasion, Adams has broken back straight away."

  46. Adams wins the 10th set

    Scott Mitchell 4-4 Martin Adams* 10th set: 1-3

    Adams, the three-time champion, throws for the 10th set and a level match. He does well with his early arrows and follows up with a 140 to leave 143 after nine. Applause inside the Lakeside, the same again when Mitchell lands a 140 of his own. Still, Adams has the luxury of setting-up a shot at 83, Mitchell waits on 100. Adams for the set... double 16? No! Two darts missed. Mitchell can't take out a ton, so Adams comes back to huge noise. One missed... two missed... a third dart lands! We're all square!

  47. Post update

    Vassos Alexander

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Martin Adams simply doesn't get involved in boring and mundane finals. They've all gone to the wire."

  48. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 4-4 Martin Adams* 10th set: 1-2

    If Wolfie just starting to show his teeth? A maximum pressures the Mitchell throw in a crucial leg and will have the first shot at a finish, but three loose darts let Mitchell back in. 152 for Adams, but no real impression made. Scotty for 68. One at double 18... just falling short. Adams for 109 and the set, but a horrible effort. Mitchell must take this double nine. Ah, more poor finishing. It's amazing how mistakes can be so fascinating. Adams for two 12s! No! Can anyone take this leg? Scott Mitchell can! Hard work to hold, but Adams can still take the set.

  49. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Andrea Gunn: Never been so nervous watching the darts in all my life! #teammitchell

    Kevin Harrison: Can't believe how much I'm enjoying the darts.

    Clarkyboy2002: The BDO final is getting very exciting. Rooting for Scott Mitchell personally.

  50. Post update

    *Scott Mitchell 5-4 Martin Adams 10th set: 0-2

    Mitchell worked so hard to win the ninth set, but already that might be for nothing. He'll have top break Adams in this 10th set to keep his lead. Adams, though, is not for breaking, pinging in a long-overdue 180 to get down to a finish. Moving all the oche, Wolfie hits a big treble to leave tops. This time? Yes. He's one leg from levelling at 5-5.

  51. Adams breaks

    Scott Mitchell 4-4 Martin Adams* 10th set: 0-1

    We're back for the final session. The next time the players leave the stage, one of them will be world champion. Mitchell, the Big Pink, gets to 201 in nine, with Wolfie doing the same. A top treble gets Mitchell to 95, drawing applause. However, he can't get to a double, leaving Adams for 120. Tops? No, it just hasn't been kind to him all night. Mitchell for two 10s... another miss. Surely Adams has to take this chance? He does. An early break in the 10th set.

  52. Post update

    Phil Cartwright

    BBC Sport at the Lakeside

    "Taking that ninth set was a huge moment for Scott Mitchell. He's been so calm and calculated all week, rarely have we seen him show that level of emotion on stage. Some of his World Championship winnings are likely to go towards a new tractor for the Mitchell family farm - he's two sets away from being able to afford one at the very top of the range."

  53. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Julian: Not the best darts I've seen but certainly the most exciting. Brilliant war of attrition.

  54. Post update

    *Scott Mitchell 5-4 Martin Adams

    Where are we? I'll tell you. When we return, Scott Mitchell will return to throw for a 6-4 lead. Put simply, if he holds his throw six times, at the right times, he is world champion.

  55. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Karl 'Tango' Nolan: Cracking game of darts here from both lads.

    BOAB: Quite a final so far. Still anybody's.

    Warren: Huge leg in the match that. 5-4 to @scottydogdart and the set won against the throw.

  56. Post update

    Bobby George

    Two-time BDO world championship finalist on BBC Two

    "That's the first time all week I've seen that reaction from Scott Mitchell. A very entertaining match, not one-sided."

  57. Mitchell wins the ninth set

    *Scott Mitchell 5-4 Martin Adams 9th set: 3-2

    So, one final leg before the break, in which one man will have a 5-4 lead. It should be Martin Adams, because he has the darts. But, three loose darts give Mitchell a chance. The Big Pink nudges ahead, nibbling at the Wolf, who just about covers himself with treble 19. Adams will have six from 217, setting-up 132. Can Mitchell make a hole in 193? These are big darts... one treble 19. Adams looks for two bullseyes, the second of which misses. Mitchell for 96, a break, and the set. Ah, he's all about the bass - no treble. So, Adams for 48. 16, double 16. No! Mitchell for 58... two at tops.... yes! Mitchell breaks! He leads 5-4!

  58. Post update

    Vassos Alexander

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Essentially, we are going with throw. Martin Adams threw first in the match, and in this set - Scott Mitchell will throw first in the 10th set."

  59. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 4-4 Martin Adams* 9th set: 2-2

    Back on throw, then, in this ninth set, with Mitchell holding the darts and looking to send us to a decider. Mitchell scores well to set the pace, looking relaxed once more. A great camera angle from above the board shows the crowd, set in rows of tables, with a busy bar at the back. A great last dart from Adams gets him to 101 as Mitchell sits on 141. Wolfie to come for the set... a treble... big nine... double 16? No! Mitchell for two 18s. Taken! A decider coming up.

  60. Post update

    George Riley

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "That's his highest checkout of this final, taking out 94 with a bull."

  61. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Peter Wass: It'll be close, but experience will out. Number four for Wolfie.

    Rudi Feix: Stuck in work watching updates online, come on Wolfie.

  62. Mitchell breaks

    *Scott Mitchell 4-4 Martin Adams 9th set: 1-2

    So, Adams throwing for the set and a 5-4 lead, an advantage that he might not surrender. Mitchell needs to remember that, Adams should win this set, Wolfie had the darts. Mitchell talks to himself as he throws, getting to 161 first, but Wolfie can also get down to 131. Mitchell can't take 161, but leaves 94. Adams for the set... leaves 32. Mitchell's 94 must go. Bullseye? In! And a break!

    Scott Mitchell celebrates
  63. Post update

    Vassos Alexander

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Scott Mitchell's an emotional guy. If he wins this, the tears with flow. Martin, you sometimes think he has ice in his veins. He doesn't let the missed chances affect him."

  64. Adams breaks

    Scott Mitchell 4-4 Martin Adams* 9th set: 0-2

    All of a sudden, Scott Mitchell is looking nervous. Worried even. Still, a 140 keeps Wolfie back, with the Scotty Dog knowing that six from 179 will do. As Mitchell's son peers around some Chelsea Pensioners, Mitchell gets to 79, a two-dart checkout. Two at double 11, but he'll have to come back for double four. Adams can't take 103 can he? He can! That's a break. Wolfie is howling.

    Martin Adams celebrates
  65. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Bryan Mackie: What an equaliser, Wolfie! C'mon, son!

    Rian Hoskins: ‏That may be a turning point. Mitchell has been brilliant at checkouts this week so surprising he missed that. Gives Adams a boost.

  66. Post update

    *Scott Mitchell 4-4 Martin Adams 9th set: 0-1

    I just wonder if that was Scott Mitchell's chance. Martin Adams is used to going the distance in huge matches - his first world title was a 7-6 win over Phill Nixon - so he'll be happy to keep going all night. He has the darts here and comes for 118, leaving tops. Mitchell for 139, but no shot at double. Can Wolfie finally find tops? No, but his love affair with double 10 continues. He's back in front.

  67. Post update

    Vassos Alexander

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Mitchell had four chances for a double to take a 5-3 lead in a first-to-seven match - and he didn't take any of them."

  68. Post update

    George Riley

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "The biggest grin and the biggest release of adrenaline of the night from Martin Adams. What a comeback."

  69. Adams wins the eighth set

    Scott Mitchell 4-4 Martin Adams*: 8th set: 2-3

    Is this the biggest leg of the match so far? Mitchell knows it, but gives Adams the smallest opening, one that goes missed. Scotty will have six from 219, but can only leave 136 with his first three. He looks tense, while the Lakeside crowd are hanging on every dart. No pressure from Wolfie, two 60s from Mitchell... double eight? No! He'll be back, though. Adams sits on tops, but can only watch as Mitchell looks for 16 and the set. One missed. Double four? Missed. Double two? No! Four set-darts gone. Adams and tops? You better believe it! A huge cheer, the loudest of the night. We are level again.

  70. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Bournemouth footballer Marc Pugh: Scotty Mitchell throwing well. Fancy him to win this.

    The local Daily Echo reported yesterday how Pugh is a "darts fanatic", while Mitchell is a "keen follower" of Pugh and his Cherries team-mates - and how the pair regularly tweet each other.

  71. Post update

    *Scott Mitchell 4-3 Martin Adams 8th set: 2-2

    Now, Adams must hold to have a chance of levelling this at 4-4. His face remains expressionless as he opens up a healthy lead. Six darts from 121, but a poor third dart only leaves 79. Tricky finish, but made easier by the fact that Mitchell is in different post code. Still, it's taken six arrows for Adams to get from 121 to 32. Three darts at two 16s.... now one at double eight... in she goes! He punches the air! Now, though, Mitchell throws for the set...

  72. Post update

    George Riley

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "I'm liking the body language around Scotty Mitchell at the moment. Does Martin Adams have enough in the tank?"

  73. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 4-3 Martin Adams*: 8th set: 2-1

    It's just dawned on me. The thing that keeps Adams different from other darts players (bar the wolf-like appearance). He tucks his shirt into his trousers. No scruffiness from Wolfie, he could go to the office looking like that. Anyway, Mitchell leaves 32 after 12 as he looks to hold. Done with the minimum of fuss. He looks confident and is one leg away from a 5-3 lead.

    Martin Adams' 'Wolfie' belt buckle
  74. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Kate Allen: Loving the #bbcdarts in my onesie with a cuppa!

    Lewis Phillips: Pull yourself together Wolfie.

  75. Post update

    *Scott Mitchell 4-3 Martin Adams 8th set: 1-1

    Is Adams's poor finishing finally catching up with him? He should have broken in that last leg. His finishing is down at 26%, compared to Mitchell's 40%, which itself is only steady. Wolfie with the darts, not doing enough to shake Mitchell off, but still first to a finish. Shanghai, 120 is the shot, one at tops! Just over the wire. Now, Mitchell for 136. Two 60s! Just missing double eight. That would have been a huge blow. Still Adams struggles with tops, finally landing double 10.

  76. Post update

    George Riley

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "I asked Martin this afternoon how he was feeling, and he said he was loving it. He loves this stage, he's a Lakeside legend."

  77. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 4-3 Martin Adams*: 9th set: 1-0

    How big might that be? Scott Mitchell wins a set against the darts and is now throwing for a 5-3 lead. Would Adams be able to come back from that? Wolfie is given an opening here, but can't take it. Mitchell, after a few loose darts, gets back amongst the 60s to keep Adams at arm's length. Still, Wolfie for 161... failed with treble 17. Mitchell for 85 and a hold? Two 16s? No. Wolfie on 24. Three missed at double 12! His finishing really has let him down all night. Mitchell for two eights? Taken with the third dart!

  78. Post update

    George Riley

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Both players are around the 94 average, but Mitchell's energy levels have to be better than those of Martin Adams, given the events of yesterday."

  79. Mitchell wins the seventh set

    *Scott Mitchell 4-3 Martin Adams 7th set: 3-1

    So, Mitchell throwing for a lead he has not held since the first set of the match. A 140 is more than handy and means he will have six from 261. Very good from Scotty, a 140 leaves 121 after nine. This is a better standard. He'll have that for the set, with Adams miles back. No treble for Scotty, but he'll still get a shot at 64. Tops? Missed, but Adams can't do anything with 167. Tens for Mitchell? Yes! He takes the lead!

  80. Post update

    Phil Cartwright

    BBC Sport at the Lakeside

    "The end of the sixth set and the start of the second break signalled a huge surge for the bars. The crowd at Lakeside know they could be in for the long haul tonight."

  81. Mitchell breaks

    *Scott Mitchell 3-3 Martin Adams 7th set: 2-1

    Are we nervous once more? Both players struggling to hold throw. The odd shout of "C'mon Scotty", as Bananaman dishes out some kisses. Mitchell with the darts, but Adams doing the better scoring. Still, a ton gets Mitchell to a finish, 141, under a little pressure as Adams sits on 132. No treble for Scotty, a chance for Wolfie to hold. Not taken, Mitchell's opportunity for yet another break. One at double 16! Mitchell in front again!

  82. Post update

    Vassos Alexander

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Adams has hit the red bit at the top of the board, and more importantly, he has levelled the match."

  83. Adams breaks

    Scott Mitchell 3-3 Martin Adams*: 7th set: 1-1

    I wonder how big that break might be? Without looking too far ahead, if Mitchell can win this set, he'd be throwing in the next for a 5-3 lead. The man with the pink flash has the darts, not scoring heavily enough to shake Adams off. In fact, a 180 gets the Wolf down to 138, the first to a finish. Treble 20, the single 18, setting it up to leave 40. Mitchell makes no impression on 133, so Wolfie comes for tops. Taken with the second dart, a break back.

  84. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Both players have it in them to throw a lot better. The doubles percentages have been significantly lower than they have been for both players all week."

  85. Mitchell breaks

    *Scott Mitchell 3-3 Martin Adams 7th set: 1-0

    Yep, it's almost as if the first session didn't count. Those sets were shared and all that matters from now is what happens in the next seven. Will we see some improved finishing? You feel that, if one man can fins the doubles, he will be the winner. Mitchell scoring better, but not on a finish. Adams with the darts and looking for 121, but a trip to single one leaves him nothing. Mitchell for 74 and a break. One at bullseye... the middle of the middle! break of throw.

  86. Post update

    George Riley

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "It was a race to seven sets. It's now a race to four."

  87. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 3-3 Martin Adams*

    Back to the action, the MC announcing the players once more as they return. Wolfie waving, Mitchell looking tense. Adams will throw first in the seventh.

  88. Post update

    Phil Cartwright

    BBC Sport at the Lakeside

    "It never seems to be straight-forward for Martin Adams in Lakeside finals. His three previous victories here ended 7-6, 7-5 and 7-5. Wouldn't surprise me if this one goes all the way too. All comes down to the doubles. If either of them can find the finishing they've shown throughout the week, they'll surely be crowned world champion."

  89. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 3-3 Martin Adams

    The players are off for a second break, this one will be longer. During the interval, BBC Two is taking a look at 30 years of darts at the Lakeside.

  90. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Six sets of brilliant darts, but the most crucial moments of the night still lie ahead of us."

  91. Mitchell wins the sixth set

    Scott Mitchell 3-3 Martin Adams* 6th set: 3-1

    Mitchell, though, remains only one leg from the set and begins his quest for a break with a maximum. Still, Adams is to 161 after nine, with Mitchell lurking on 121. Only 60 for Wolfie, a chance for Scotty Dog. Oh, he's made a mess of this, with Wolfie doing the same from 101. Both of these players really struggling when in range of a finish, but double 10 seals the set for Mitchell. All square, not even halfway through yet.

  92. Adams breaks

    Scott Mitchell 2-3 Martin Adams* 6th set: 2-1

    So, Mitchell throwing for the set and a level match. Even now, you get the feeling we could be going all the way here. An Adams 180 is sandwiched between two Mitchell 140s, the Scotty Dog then making a mess of his third set to leave 178. Adams for 146, the view through his glasses telling him one treble isn't enough. Wolfie, though, will get another go to prolong the set. Two 16s? Two darts missed. Scotty for 60 and the set... 20... tops? Two missed! Who wants it? Martin Adams does. The set continues.

  93. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Neil Watson: This is a very exciting final.

    Dan Woods: Come on Scotty.

  94. Mitchell breaks

    *Scott Mitchell 2-3 Martin Adams 6th set: 2-0

    Adams with the arrows, but, when that comes second in the leg, there's less pressure. It's up to the man with the first advantage to hold his throw. As the cameras pick up a glittering skull and crossbones on Mitchell's pink and black shirt, Adams gets down to 41. Mitchell, though needs only 61. One dart at double 16... taken. Mitchell breaks for a 2-0 lead.

  95. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Despite those missed darts in the fifth set, Scott Mitchell still has the advantage in terms of finishing."

  96. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 2-3 Martin Adams* 6th set: 1-0

    Mitchell must chase again, but has the benefit of the arrows in the sixth set. Two tucked in the corner of treble 20, enough space for another 10 in there. Only one needed for a 180. As a man in a sombrero puts his hand up a puppet, Mitchell gets down to 100 exactly, with Wolfie prowling on 76. Oh, Mitchell makes a hash of that, but Wolfie only gets one at the bull. Just tugged wide into 25. Mitchell needs tops badly, taking it out for a nervy hold.

  97. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "One thing which has helped Scott Mitchell's rise to number two in the BDO rankings has been his use of hypnotherapy. Every conceivable situation in a match will be played out - he will not be fazed by anything out there."

  98. Adams wins the fifth set

    *Scott Mitchell 2-3 Martin Adams 5th set: 2-3

    At a crucial moment, Adams pulls out a very important maximum, following that up with a 140 to leave 81 after nine. With Mitchell miles back, Adams will have at least six for the fifth set, using the first three to leave double eight. This has to go. One missed. Two missed, both outside the wire. Yes, the third one goes in! Adams takes a 3-2 lead, celebrated with howls inside the Lakeside.

  99. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "This is the 70th match Martin Adams has played here at the Lakeside, and he's won three-quarters of them."

  100. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 2-2 Martin Adams* 5th set: 2-2

    Adams, then, is one leg away from a 3-2 lead. Mitchell using the darts well here, though. Is that a notepad tucked into Adams' top pocket? What is there to write down? If not, what is it? Anyway, a loose leg from both men, Mitchell the best off after nine, getting down to 181. The underdog will have six from 121, with three poor arrows only getting him to 76. Still, nothing from Adams and Mitchell has one at double 18. As has the norm lately, it's outside the wire. Can he tidy up with three in hand? Finally, a ninth dart at double finds the bed. We'll have a decider.

  101. Post update

    Tony Green

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "That leg was all Scotty's, but Martin's nicked it."

  102. Post update

    *Scott Mitchell 2-2 Martin Adams 5th set: 1-2

    So, back on throw in the fifth, both players locked on 301 after six apiece. 301-down is a game played by us wannabe dartists. Anyway, no out for Adams from 166, Mitchell sitting on 161 - and a chance to finish. No impression, but 24 left. You feel Adams must take this 123. Treble 18? No. Mitchell for two 12s and yet another break... three missed! That's seven missed double in a row. Adams gets a let-off on double four.

  103. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Adams hasn't hit double top in the match so far. But that was a chance for Mitchell - four missed darts at a double."

    Martin Adams at the 2015 BDO final
  104. Adams breaks

    Scott Mitchell 2-2 Martin Adams* 5th set: 1-1

    Is that a turning point? Mitchell has won six of the last nine legs. Is Adams' poor doubling finally catching up with him? Mitchell, the Big Pink, attempts to hold Wolfie off, getting down to a finish first. He'll have six at 140 for a 2-0 lead. One dart at double 10, just inside the wire to miss a 140 finish. Good Adams pressure as Mitchell comes for two fives. One miss. Two miss. Three missed! How big might that be? Wolfies, though, is miles away from tops, only to clear up on double 10. Both men in double trouble.

  105. Mitchell breaks

    *Scott Mitchell 2-2 Martin Adams 5th set: 1-0

    "I'm not going away," says Mitchell as he matches Adams' opening 140 at the start of this fifth set. He follows that up with a maximum, pressuring the Adams throw. Wolfie sits on 161 as Mitchell gets to 121. Treble 20... treble 17... bullseye? Not even close. Now, Mitchell for 121. Bull again... no. Adams for double 16, but his poor finishing continues. Mitchell for the break? Double eight! Mitchell takes the advantage in the fifth.

  106. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Scotty Dog is not without his supporters today. Plenty have come up from the New Forest to support him."

  107. Mitchell wins the fourth set

    Scott Mitchell 2-2 Martin Adams* 4th set: 3-1

    Mitchell, though, remains one leg away from the set and pressures the Adams throw with an opening maximum. After nine, the Scotty Dog is down to 81 with Adams so far back he may as well be in the bar. Mitchell has at least six at this 81 out, using three of them to set up tops. Taken at the second attempt! We're level once more.

  108. Adams breaks

    Scott Mitchell 1-2 Martin Adams* 4th set: 2-1

    So, Mitchell for the set and a level match at 2-2. Wolfie, facial whiskers that make him look like, well, a wolf, has a chance, but three loose darts have Mitchell to a finish first. The man in pink looks for 160 as Adams sits on 97. Only one treble for Mitchell, so he leaves 20. Adams... treble 19 in. Double 20 missed. Double 10? In it goes! Adams finally finds a double and, more importantly, breaks back.

  109. Post update

    Tony Green

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "I don't think Martin wanted a break there, to be honest. He was really into his rhythm, his finishing was good, but Scotty is back in sight now. He wants to win this to get his father a tractor - I think if he gets a nine-darter, he can get a combine harvester."

  110. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Again, Adams's finishing is letting him down at crucial moments."

    Martin Adams
  111. Mitchell breaks

    *Scott Mitchell 1-2 Martin Adams 4th set: 2-0

    Adams throwing first, but Mitchell has effectively stolen the darts, looking for a break that would put him in firm control of this fourth set. He has the first dabble at a finish, but make no real impression on 161, ditto for Adams on 148. One dart at double top for Mitchell... not enough beans. dams for double seven... another double missed. Mitchell in at two 10s for the break and the chance to throw for the set.

  112. Post update

    Tony Green

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "The crowd here are absolutely marvellous. Still a lot for Scotty Mitchell to do here. Martin Adams has hardly had a mention this week."

  113. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 1-2 Martin Adams* 4th set: 1-0

    Three loose darts from Adams give Mitchell, a chest as wide as a mattress, the advantage. He wipes his brow on a black sweatband on his left wrist, then comes to leave a finish of 68. 16, 20, then double 16? No. Adams' failed attempt at 147 means Mitchell will have another chance, one that is taken. Solid start.

  114. Post update

    Phil Cartwright

    BBC Sport at the Lakeside

    "Scott Mitchell looked understandably disappointed as he made his way backstage after that narrow failure to take out 123 for the third set. Close friend and former Lakeside semi-finalist Richie George gave him a quick pep talk during the first break. A focused Adams headed straight for the practice board, no doubt to work on his finishing."

  115. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Lee Savery: No surprise that Adams has picked up his game before the break. This is set to be a good final!

    Andy: I want to like Martin, but he's not a likeable man. Shame because he tries hard.

  116. Post update

    *Scott Mitchell 1-2 Martin Adams

    Back come the players, Scotty will have the arrows in the fourth set. Even this early, you feel he must hold.

  117. Post update

    Bobby George

    Two-time BDO world championship finalist on BBC Two

    "Second set, Martin was bullying Scott - he started hitting the big scores and started finishing. But it was so close in the third."

  118. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    KarenMc: Finding myself slightly addicted to the #bbcdarts. Game on Scott Mitchell #hampshireman

    Marilyn Smith: #TeamWolfie

  119. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Mitchell was a fraction away from hitting a 123 for a 2-1 lead. Now he finds himself 2-1 down to the three-time champion."

    Scott Mitchell
  120. Adams wins the third set

    *Scott Mitchell 1-2 Martin Adams 3rd set: 2-3

    Wolfie, throwing for the set, is showing his teeth, pinching the advantage with clever use of the bull. He sets up a finish of 58, three in his hand for a 2-1 lead. Two at tops. Oh dear, this double trouble continues, two missed at double 20. Mitchell for 123... double nine? Just into double 12, busting his score. Adams must take this... he does! Wolfie punches the air and heads of stage to howls of support. Great stuff.

  121. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Another decisive leg coming up, which will decide whether you're a set up or a set down going into the first interval."

  122. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 1-1 Martin Adams* 3rd set: 2-2

    Mitchell's average is down at 91, seven points below Adams. Now, Wolfie is after the break that will give him the third set, but Mitchell is just about holding him off. Mitchell, arms like tree trunks, lips pursed as he throws, looks for 93 and a hold, backing off as he nails treble 17. One at double 16 is inside the wire, giving Adams the shot at 101. Oh, big nine missed, straying into the double nine. No out. Mitchell for double eight... we're going all the way.

  123. Post update

    Phil Cartwright

    BBC Sport at the Lakeside

    "You know that Only Fools and Horses episode where Del and Rodney go to a party dressed as Batman and Robin, only to find everyone else in suits and ties? Well, Lakeside has been exactly the opposite of that this week. Not so many costumes around on the night of the final, but I've already bumped into the Honey Monster, Austin Powers, a bloke in a Mexican poncho and the two female members of Abba. No idea where Benny and Bjorn are, but I'm sure they'll turn up at some point."

    Martin Adams whips up the crowd at the Lakeside
  124. Post update

    *Scott Mitchell 1-1 Martin Adams 3rd set: 1-2

    Adams' average is up at 98, but his finishing down at 20%. Still, he gets the crowd up again with another maximum, waving before coming for 81 and a hold. Double 12... two darts missed, but he'll come for double three. Awkward. In she goes, we stay on throw in this third set.

  125. Post update

    Vassos Alexander

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "It's still early in the game, but that was under pressure - Mitchell had two darts at double eight to hold his throw."

  126. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 1-1 Martin Adams* 3rd set: 1-1

    And now, it's the third time Adams has started a leg with three perfect arrows. Another maximum. Wolfie at it again, though, with a sixth shot a treble 20 just flicking the barrel and going wide. He leaves 81 after nine, Mitchell looking for a 12-darter just to hold. Bullseye missed. Wolfie for 81, the bullseye finally missed. Mitchell hits a clutch double eight to hold throw. Good standard.

  127. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Adams's finishing's been either flawless or faulty. Twice he's finished with a bullseye, three times he's missed four darts for a leg. And three times, he's started a leg with three perfect darts."

  128. Post update

    *Scott Mitchell 1-1 Martin Adams 3rd set: 0-1

    So, two sets won against the darts, both with a 3-0 scoreline. Early indications show that Adams is scoring well, but struggling on the doubles. My inner Bobby George is whispering "trebles for show, doubles for dough". Wolfie making the running with the arrows in the third set opener, coming for 116 as Mitchell sits on 101. One at the bull... nailed it again! Adams shouldn't bother with the doubles, just keep hitting the little red bit.

  129. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Adams had a 10-darter in the 2010 final against Dave Chisnall, but couldn't repeat it here. But it's the 250th set he's won on the Lakeside stage."

    Martin Adams during his 2010 BDO final against Dave Chisnall
  130. Adams wins the second set

    Scott Mitchell 1-1 Martin Adams* 2nd set: 0-3

    Adams looks to have settled, hitting another 180, following that up with two more perfect darts. Could it be? No, the sixth strays. He's throwing for the set, remember, filling up another 180 to leave only 16 after nine. Three at double eight for the set. Can he? One missed. Two missed. Three missed. These doubles must be playing on his mind. Mitchell for 76. Double eight? No. Finally Adams cleans up on double two to level the match.

  131. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Bryan Mackie: I don't give a flying arrow what anyone says, the World Darts Championship is genuinely the most exciting TV you'll ever watch.

  132. Post update

    *Scott Mitchell 1-0 Martin Adams 2nd set: 0-2

    Altogether now: "it's only a break if you hold afterwards". Mitchell pressure, but Wolfie has one in his hand and the bullseye in his sights! ho needs the doubles? Just hit that little red bit in the middle. Adams holds in the most spectacular fashion.

  133. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Lee Savery: Surprised Martin Adams has started so nervously.

  134. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "Even legends have nerves. Martin Adams very relieved to get on the board."

  135. Adams breaks

    Scott Mitchell 1-0 Martin Adams* 2nd set: 0-1

    An incredible start from Martin Adams, for the wrong reasons. Eight missed darts at doubles, his throw broken twice. Is last night's epic semi-final win affecting the three-time champ? His scoring isn't a problem, he's setting up camp around the treble 20 lipstick, looking for a break that will pressure Mitchell early in this second set. He's the first to a finish, coming for 97 as Scotty sits miles back. Two at tops...both missed! That's 10 doubles gone begging. Three more chances... the third finally taken. Wolfie on the board, the Lakeside howling its appreciation.

  136. Post update

    Vassos Alexander

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "That set wasn't really won, was it? It was gifted."

  137. Mitchell wins the first set

    *Scott Mitchell 1-0 Martin Adams 1st set: 3-0

    You know what, Mitchell might the greatest athlete to wear pink since Bret 'the Hitman' Hart hung up his wrestling boots. A break here would see him take the first set, but Adams has him at arm's length. Wolfie to come for 62, will have one dart at double eight. Well inside, that's five missed doubles for Adams so far. Another missed, and another, and another! Mitchell for tops... double 10. That's the set!

  138. Post update

    Jim Proudfoot

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "If Scott Mitchell was suffering some early nerves, two strong legs will have eased them."

  139. Post update

    Scott Mitchell 0-0 Martin Adams* 1st set: 2-0

    Mitchell, a mountain of a man, is throwing first behind the break. Scoring not as prolific from either men in this leg inside a hushed, tense Lakeside. The man from the New Forest is to a finish first, looking for a 158. Well set-up to leave 24 as Adams fails to take out 160. Mitchell looking for two 12s, nailed with the first arrow.

  140. Post update

    Phil Cartwright

    BBC Sport at the Lakeside

    "If we've learned anything from the walk-ons, it's that these two are real crowd favourites. Was difficult to hear the Baha Men or Duran Duran over the cheers from a sell-out crowd in Frimley Green."

  141. Mitchell breaks

    *Scott Mitchell 0-0 Martin Adams 1st set: 1-0

    The perfect start for Adams, who bunches three arrows in the red bit to open with a 180. Another shot at the nine-darter? No, the fifth arrow is awry after four perfect shots. Still, Wolfie, proudly sporting the cross of St George on the back of his white shirt, follows up with another 180, which Mitchell matches. Adams for the hold, but two doubles missed. Mitchell for 121... missed double 14. Despite the heavy scoring, we've got early double trouble, but Mitchell is finally in on double seven for a break.

  142. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    Judith Stewart: Looking lovely in purple Bobby George! Should be a great final - let's go boys!

    Aaron Orr: Come on the Wolfie.

    Andy Dickson: C'mon Mitchell.

  143. Post update

    Vassos Alexander

    Darts commentator on BBC Two

    "What's Wolfie got left in the tank after last night's semi-final? As for Scott Mitchell, how are the nerves before the biggest final of his career?"

  144. Post update

    Scott Mitchell v Martin Adams

    First set, first leg, it's Martin to throw first. Game on.

  145. Post update

    Scott Mitchell v Martin Adams

    "Wooooooo, Ooooooooo, Ooooooooo."

    Wolfie howls at the crowd, then begins his walk-on to a bit of Duran Duran. Both men are on stage, loosening up.

  146. Post update

    Mitchell, on the other hand, whitewashed Jeff Smith 6-0 in the semis, but was pushed all the way by Tony O'Shea in round one.

    He is the first man to be introduced to the crowd, played on by Who Let The Dogs Out? There's no invisible dog lead, which is disappointing.

  147. Post update

    Bobby George

    Two-time BDO world championship finalist on BBC Two

    "Wolfie's had lots of battles here. He can just keep grinding him on the scoring, but I think it's going to be close."

  148. Post update

    Adams reached his fifth world final in the most dramatic of circumstances. After dropping only one set on the way to the semi-finals, he was puched all the way by Glen Durrant, winning in the deciding 11th set.

    Wolfie also missed a shot at a nine-darter, which you can watch right here.

    Martin Adams salutes the crowd after his semi-final win
  149. Post update

    Bobby George

    Two-time BDO world championship finalist on BBC Two

    "Wolfie's a three-time world champion, he know not to panic. Scott is the new boy on the block, but he's the man of the moment and has shown he can play darts under pressure."

  150. Post update

    BBC Sport

    And, as you're reading this entertaining and informative live text, you might want to watch too.

    Live coverage is under way on BBC Two and at the top of this page, via the Live Coverage tab.

  151. Get involved via #bbcdarts

    GrumpyGrandad: BDO darts final tonight . Wolfie for the win me thinks

  152. Get involved

    So, who is going to win this 38th BDO World Championship final? Will Wolfie become only the third man to win a fourth BDO title, or will Scotty become the big dog for the first time? Text on 81111 or tweet using the hashtag #bbcdarts.

    Also, with Adams aiming for a world title at the age of 58, who is sport's greatest ever veteran? Stanley Matthews? Jack Nicklaus? George Foreman?

  153. Post update

    Phil Cartwright

    BBC Sport at the Lakeside

    "I've wandered through the practice room a few times since arriving here at Lakeside and both finalists look exceptionally relaxed, considering they're about to throw for a world title. Scott Mitchell has been hard at work on the practice board whenever I've seen him this afternoon, Martin Adams less so, but both will be ready for action come the first call of 'game on'."

    Martin Adams and Scott Mitchell
  154. Post update

    Or should that be one old wolf and one new dog?

    Three-time world champion Martin Adams, Wolfie to his nearest, dearest and the darting fraternity, is, at 58, aiming to extend his record as darts' oldest top dog.

    In his way is a first-time finalist, Scott Mitchell, the Scotty Dog.

  155. Post update

    Yep, a four-week period of tungsten-tossing darting-delight comes to a conclusion here, with the crowning of 2015's second world champion.

    Like last Sunday's pulsating PDC finale, we've got one old dog and one new, erm, dog.

  156. Post update

    I'll be honest, I was beyond gutted when the Christmas tree came down this week.

    As we know, darts means Christmas and Christmas means darts. Tonight, it all comes to an end.

    I'm not sure how we're all going to cope.