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Live Reporting

Stephan Shemilt

All times stated are UK

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  1. Post update

    So, after a wonderful tournament and a barely believable final, we are at the end.

    Did darts signal the start of your Christmas? Are you sad because it's back to work in the morning?

    Never fear, the BDO World Championships aren't even past the first round yet. There's still one more week of darting delight at the start of this new year.


  2. Post update

    Gary Anderson poses for the photographers, his hands on a trophy that will be his for the next 12 months.

    A darting delight that began in 2014 is over. We have a new world champion.

  3. Post update

    Runner-up Phil Taylor: "Doubles cost me a couple of sets and he took advantage My double eight and 16 were awful but Gary put me under pressure.

    "At 6-6 I felt I had him and my energy levels were good. but he did a job on me and he beat me up in the last set."

  4. Post update

    New PDC world champion Gary Anderson: "There was a set where I played well and went 6-4 up and then after the break Phil took the next two sets and I felt it was gone.

    "Phil is the best and always will be the best so that makes it more special."

  5. Get involved #bbcdarts

    Liam: The best game of darts I've ever seen.

    Jamie Mulholland: Take a bow Gary Anderson...You're the Champion of the World!

  6. Post update

    The tickertape, the trophy held aloft. The third Scot to be crowned world champion.

  7. Post update

    "And now, ladies and gentlemen, the winner, for the very first time in his career, he is the world darts champion. The Flying Scotsman, Gary And-er-son!"

  8. Post update

    The presentation. Taylor is magnanimous in defeat, holding his hands up and taking the applause of the crowd.

  9. Post update

    Gary Anderson

    What. A. Final. Have we already seen the best sporting event of 2015? What could beat it?

  10. Gary Anderson is the PDC world champion

    Gary Anderson 7-6 Phil Taylor

    Gary Anderson

    Won with double 12! Gary Anderson is the PDC world champion! He joins an exclusive club, one of only four men to have beaten Phil Taylor in a world final. There is no 17th title for the Power, we have a new man to call the champion of the world.

  11. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 6-6 Phil Taylor 13th set: 2-0

    Anderson to come for 130 and the title...bullseye? No! One match dart missed. But Taylor is nowhere and Anderson only needs 25...

  12. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 6-6 Phil Taylor 13th set: 2-0

    Now two treble 19s! He leaves 187 after six. Taylor is miles back. Beaten?

  13. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 6-6 Phil Taylor 13th set: 2-0

    What a time for an Anderson 180!

  14. Anderson breaks

    *Gary Anderson 6-6 Phil Taylor 13th set: 2-0

    On my, Gary Anderson is pulling it out at the right time. A maximum steals the advantage from Taylor, but treble 19 gets the Power on to a finish. He leaves 32, with Anderson back on 128. Will the Scot get a shot at a double? No. Two 16s for Taylor. One missed, two missed, three missed! Anderson for double and the crucial break. It's there! Gary Anderson will throw for the world title!

  15. Post update

    Gary Anderson 6-6 Phil Taylor* 13th set: 1-0

    Right, some housekeeping. The 13th set has to be won by two clear legs. If we get to 2-2, we play all the way to 5-5. If we get that far, it's one leg, winner takes all. Anderson with the darts, Taylor not keeping up. One break here is all each man needs. A mis-count from Anderson leaves a bogey, and Taylor punishes, he's to 164. Still, Anderson leaves 72. Can Taylor break? No, treble 19 missed. Anderson needs it goes. The early advantage taken.

  16. Taylor wins the 12th set

    Gary Anderson 6-6 Phil Taylor 12th set: 2-3

    Phil Taylor

    This is what champions are made of, Taylor starting with two 60s. Are we going all the way? And another 140 to take control of the leg. Anderson, though, keeps pace. Oh, it's wonderful from taylor, yet another 140. *2 for the Power, to send us to a decider. Double missed. One in big 16. Gary Anderson... 170 for the title! Not taken. Taylor for double eight...we are going to a 13th set!

  17. Post update

    Gary Anderson 6-5 Phil Taylor* 12th set: 2-2

    So, so tense. Anderson opening with a maximum to take the pressure off. He's rattling down, knowing that a hold here will put him one leg away from the Sid Waddell Trophy. Taylor not happy, but will have a shot at 167. Anderson waits on 32. No treble for Taylor, no out. Here comes Anderson. One missed, two missed, three missed! Taylor, though, gets no shot. Another Anderson miss. He leaves five. One at double one. No! Bust. Taylor for the set...16. Double 16? He can't nail it. Can you believe this drama? Nerves are getting to them both. Double four for Anderson! We are on the brink!

  18. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 6-5 Phil Taylor 12th set: 1-2

    If Anderson can break here, he'll be one leg from the title. They trade 100s, with Taylor's levels perhaps just dropping as Anderson finally recovers from his punch-drunk daze. Yep, no treble for Taylor, Anderson's chance. A mis-count means no out-shot, with Taylor setting up 106. Still, with 68 left, you feel Taylor has to take 106. No treble. Anderson for 68 and the break. One at tops? No! How big might that miss be? Taylor for 48. Double 16. Taken. A huge, huge hold.

  19. Post update

    Gary Anderson 6-5 Phil Taylor* 12th set: 1-1

    In the 11th set, Gary Anderson averaged 75, while Taylor went to 112. Still he rockets on, but at least Anderson will have a shot at 130. Not taken, but Taylor isn't on a finish. The Power down to 46 as Anderson looks for 65? Taken with the bull. Rot stopped?

  20. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 6-5 Phil Taylor 12th set: 0-1

    Can you take any more? We are getting to the end game, with Taylor, all of a sudden, looking unstoppable. Gary Anderson is searching for an answer, but there's no pressure on the Taylor throw. He leaves 126 after nine, with Anderson floundering. 98 sets it up, with 28 needed. Double 14. What happened to Phil Taylor during that break? Unreal.

  21. Taylor wins the 11th set

    Gary Anderson 6-5 Phil Taylor* 11th set: 0-3

    Phil Taylor

    What must Anderson be thinking of this? He is only averaging 80 as Taylor hits the Power-boost button. More bounce-outs for Anderson, who chunters at his misfortune. Taylor to come for 32 and the set. Double 16? In it goes! We are back on throw. There's only one in it.

  22. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 6-4 Phil Taylor 11th set: 0-2

    I wonder if Taylor knew what Anderson said on his way off stage at the end of that last set? All of a sudden, the Power is a new man, surging towards this leg. The crowd sing for him as he sets up 64 with Anderson back on 135. In the blink of an eye, Taylor is 2-0 up.

  23. Taylor breaks

    Gary Anderson 6-4 Phil Taylor* 11th set: 0-1

    So, Anderson with the darts. What can Taylor do? He can pin a maximum, that's what. At a crucial moment, the Power fills it up a second time. Surely he can't hit a nine-darter now? 60. 57. Double 12? No! The shot at perfection is just above the wire, with the Ally Pally rising to acclaim. More importantly, he's broken at the most important time.

  24. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 6-4 Phil Taylor

    Remember, Phil Taylor had three darts for a 5-3 lead. Now, he must find a way to break the Anderson throw to retain hopes of a 17th world title. If he is to win this match, we'll have to go all the way to a 13th set.

  25. Anderson wins the 10th set

    Gary Anderson 6-4 Phil Taylor 10th set: 3-1

    Gary Anderson

    Anderson is doing enough to keep Taylor at arm's length. 140s the order of the day. Now we're trading 180s. Breathless stuff. Anderson to come for 98 and a 6-4 lead. Treble 20? Yes. Double 19? Yes! Gary Anderson wins the 10th set and is one set away from becoming the world champion. "It's finished," he mouths. Is he right? He will come back to throw for the world title.

  26. Anderson breaks

    *Gary Anderson 5-4 Phil Taylor 10th set: 2-1

    Now then, a chance for Anderson. Only 58 for Taylor. Two trebles for Anderson, Taylor struggling to find the big numbers. Is this the moment Anderson needs? He's stolen the darts, miles ahead of the Power, who hits 100 but is still behind. Ooofff, three trbeles leave Anderson on 24. Taylor must take 152 just to hold throw. Can't get it. Anderson for two it goes! Anderson has the advantage and will throw for a 6-4 lead.

  27. Post update

    Gary Anderson 5-4 Phil Taylor* 10th set: 1-1

    Anderson, though, remains. 180...180. Nine darter? Treble 20? No. Boos inside the Palace. Still, he leaves 36 after nine. Easy hold for Anderson, pressure back on Taylor's throw.

  28. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 5-4 Phil Taylor 10th set: 0-1

    In all of that, Phil Taylor wasn't able to take advantage, possibly even a little rattled himself. Even with the new board, Anderson is picking points off the floor, as Taylor opens up a healthy lead with yet another maximum. With Anderson miles back, Taylor nails double 16 for a hold.

  29. Post update

    Gary Anderson 5-4 Phil Taylor*

    I don't know if this was planned anyway, but the board is being changed after that ridiculous Anderson bounce out. With new cork in place, Taylor will throw first in the 10th. Anderson, by the way, is two sets away from the world title.

  30. Anderson wins the ninth set

    Gary Anderson 5-4 Phil Taylor 9th set: 3-2

    Gary Anderson

    What has Taylor got? A 177 with his first three. This is a slobberknocker for the ninth set, with an Anderson 140 keeping his nose in front. See-saw doesn't tell half the story. Anderson on 157, setting up 64. Taylor coming for 128. No treble, no chance. Right, what has Anderson got? Double eight! It's in! What an amazing set for Gary Anderson. He leads 5-4. Is that the final swing in momentum?

  31. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 4-4 Phil Taylor 9th set: 2-2

    The crowd sing for Anderson, but Taylor, with the darts, keeps ahead with a 140. The Scot seems to have regained his composure, hitting the trebles that Taylor is missing. Anderson will have the shot at 84 for a level set. 60? Yes! Double 12? Yes! Gary Anderson is level and will throw for the set.

  32. Post update

    Gary Anderson 4-4 Phil Taylor* 9th set: 1-2

    Anderson has been angered, irked by someone shouting in the crowd. The Scot is rattled, by bad luck and what he feels is a sense of injustice. It's hard to argue with him. Taylor, meanwhile, is looking for the set against the darts and a 5-4 lead. The Power has the advantage, but he's frustrated with a visit of no trebles. One at bull for Taylor, for the set...just in the 25. He comes again for 25 and 5-4. Double eight, the dodgy double? No. Justice for Anderson, he holds. Still, Taylor coming again...

  33. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 4-4 Phil Taylor 9th set: 0-2

    You hope that ridiculous bad luck does not decide this match against Anderson. It's been too good for that. Against the arrows, though, Anderson is amongst the board and down to 84 in a flash. This for the break back he deserves, but two doubles are missed. No 170 for Taylor, meaning Anderson gets another chance. Three missed. What's going on? Taylor all over the shop too. Anderson for three, busting into 18 and pointing the finger at the crowd. Taylor steps on the throat with double 16.

  34. Taylor breaks

    Gary Anderson 4-4 Phil Taylor* 9th set: 0-1

    You are kidding. Gary Anderson had two darts in the treble 20, with a third dart joining them. That third dart knocked them both out. What does Taylor do? He puts a 180 of his own in. Has someone got a hammer behind the board? If Anderson doesn't win this final, he will reflect on some bad luck. Taylor to 124, Anderson back on 161. Taylor's 92 leaves 32, Anderson lurking on 82. Double 16 for Taylor, the most unbelievable of breaks completed. What a moment.

  35. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 4-4 Phil Taylor

    If that was the biggest leg of the match, what does that make the upcoming ninth set? Anderson with the darts, throwing for a lead that plenty would never have expected him to see again.

  36. Anderson wins the eighth set

    Gary Anderson 4-4 Phil Taylor 8th set: 3-2

    Gary Anderson

    Is this the biggest leg of the match? Taylor throwing for 5-3, beginning with a 140. Anderson shakes his head, but comes back with a 140 of his own. Taylor now struggling, no big number. Chance for Anderson...taken with a maximum! What has Taylor got? A 177! Anderson for 85! Bullseye? Has to go. No! Taylor for two 12s. One missed...two missed...three missed! He holds his head. Anderson for 25...sealed with double eight! We are all square again. Taylor smiles, but he can't believe it. What a final.

  37. Post update

    Gary Anderson 3-4 Phil Taylor* 8th set: 2-2

    What a time for Taylor to pull out his highest finish of the match and the tournament. The crowd are deafening, walking in a Taylor-Wonderland. Anderson must hold to prolong the set, doing his chances the world of a good with two maximums. Double two mopped up for a simple hold, setting up a decider.

  38. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 3-4 Phil Taylor 8th set: 1-2

    Holds of throw are starting to look tricky, the treble-hunting Anderson pressing Taylor. Once again, the chaser is to a finish first, with Taylor's 100 only leaving him on 141. 93 for Anderson, one at double 16. Just inside. Chance gone? Taylor's 141...60...57...double 12? Oh, my word! That will hurt Gary Anderson. Taylor holds and is one leg form a two-set lead. Brilliant.

  39. Post update

    Gary Anderson 3-4 Phil Taylor* 8th set: 1-1

    Anderson must consolidate, but Taylor has stolen the advantage as the crowd sing "cheerio" to someone who must be getting ejected. Taylor, irked, is down to 86 in a flash and snarls it with the previously troublesome double 16. A break back.

  40. Anderson breaks

    *Gary Anderson 3-4 Phil Taylor 8th set: 1-0

    Taylor, blue of shirt, round of belly, gets us under way, his hand wobbling slightly as he takes aim. Not loads of trebles, while Anderson pressures with a maximum. A break here would have the Scot right back in it. He's down to 120 first, while Taylor is, all of a sudden, struggling on the trebles. Another 'Robin Hood' for Anderson, Taylor coming for 152. Not taken, but set up 56. Anderson, 80 needed, takes the showman's route, with two tops. A break.

  41. Post update

    Gary Anderson 3-4 Phil Taylor*

    So, Taylor will throw for a 5-3 lead. Would that be too much for Anderson to overcome? He gave Taylor all he had in the early part of this match, yet he still finds himself behind.

  42. Post update

    MattMUFC: Anderson's body language has changed he doesn't seem the Anderson of 15-20 minutes ago

  43. Taylor wins the seventh set

    Gary Anderson 3-4 Phil Taylor 7th set: 1-3

    Phil Taylor

    Not only is Taylor playing well, but Anderson is having no luck. Bounce-outs and yet another 'Robin Hood', hitting his own dart. Taylor, with the throw, struggles for a treble 20, but covers on 19s. Anderson down to the finish first, but Taylor is back in the trebles. 70 left, for the set and a 4-3 lead. Treble 18...two at double eight. That problem area again. Problems? What problems? When it matters, Taylor finds the red bit. The Power has won nine out of the last 10 legs and is a break to the good. Is that the ball game?

  44. Taylor breaks

    Gary Anderson 3-3 Phil Taylor* 7th set: 1-2

    I wonder if this is Taylor's chance. Anderson throwing, only 56, then 60. This is big. The fans sing as Taylor fills up the red bit. One-hun-red-and-eighty! Against throw, Taylor leaves 50 with Anderson not on a finish. 18...double 16? Two more missed, that south-west region causing trouble. He comes again. One missed. Two missed. Double eight missed too! Anderson for 110. 60 in! 10! Tops? No! Still Taylor for double eight...and still missing. Finally, at the eighth time of asking, Taylor breaks.

  45. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 3-3 Phil Taylor 7th set: 1-1

    Taylor is starting to look impenetrable on throw, while Anderson is suffering yet another bounce out. 122 after nine for the Power, while Anderson is 200 behind. No need to go for the bull, 32 left. Another shot at that pesky double 16. Three in hand. One needed. A level set.

  46. Post update

    Gary Anderson 3-2 Phil Taylor* 7th set: 1-0

    Anderson was 3-1 up against Michael van Gerwen last night only to be pulled back to 3-3. Then, he pulled away to win 6-3. You can't see that happening here. However, a 180 puts him control of this leg, with the darts. 44. Four for tops, but that and double 10 missed. No treble for Taylor, so no pressure on double five. Madhouse, double one? Not a chance. Taylor is limping behind, allowing Anderson to stop the rot.

  47. Taylor wins the sixth set

    *Gary Anderson 3-3 Phil Taylor 6th set: 0-3

    Phil Taylor

    Anderson isn't playing badly, but it's nowhere near the standard he set earlier on. Taylor is doing what he's done for a quarter of a century, scoring more than Don Bradman. He comes for tops and the set. Three darts, one needed. In the blink on an eye, Taylor has won six straight and is level at 3-3.

  48. Taylor breaks

    Gary Anderson 3-2 Phil Taylor* 6th set: 0-2

    Taylor still has the better average, 102 to 100. Anderson, no treble found, made to wait as Taylor drops a dart. Anderson still can't find the lucrative parts and Taylor is turning it up again. A 140 gets the Power to a finish first, 121 with Anderson way back. Treble 20, 15, 14. 32 left. That's better from the Scot, he lurks on 50. Can Taylor finally find double 16? The third dart does. Another break, five legs in a row and throwing for the set.

  49. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 3-2 Phil Taylor 6th set: 0-1

    The crowd settle, possibly after a trip to the bar. Taylor is now after the 60, four from six in his first two visits. Anderson, dark hair, gold chain, keeps pace, though, but is suffering when a treble 20 ends on the floor. Double eight for Taylor? Still struggling there. Two missed. Three. Double four is better for the hold.

  50. Post update

    Gary Anderson 3-2 Phil Taylor*

    Anderson is playing close to his best, yet he can't shake Taylor off. The Power with the darts in the sixth, looking to level it up.

  51. Taylor wins the fifth set

    Gary Anderson 3-2 Phil Taylor 5th set: 0-3

    Phil Taylor

    We're seeing more turns than a twisty-turny thing as Anderson looks for the hold that will keep the set alive. A seventh maximum for Taylor, he'll have six from 181. The crowd sing for the Stokie, who can only get to 140 with his next three. Anderson pressure? You bet, a 140 takes him all the way to 70. Still, two missed at doubles give Taylor the chance for the set. 20...20...tops? In she goes! Phil Taylor breaks back, we're on throw in the final. Taylor stomps off stage, Anderson remains to practise.

  52. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 3-1 Phil Taylor 5th set: 0-2

    Taylor behind the break, back-to-back 140s, Anderson not quite keeping up. Hush in the Ally Pally, singular shouts heard, with applause for Taylor as he leaves 84 after nine. Anderson miles back, but Taylor does it in 11. Tide turned?

  53. Taylor breaks

    Gary Anderson 3-1 Phil Taylor* 5th set: 0-1

    What is Gary Anderson thinking? A break up in his second world final, the knowledge that holding his throw for the rest of his night will see him crowned champ. He can't get clear of Taylor at the start of this leg, but the Power can't punish enough. Finally, a 140 sees Anderson to a finish. Taylor, though has a 140 of his own. Anderson on 105, Taylor 65. Tops for Anderson...finally he misses. 64 for Taylor and break...treble 16...double eight? In she goes. An opening blow.

  54. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 3-1 Phil Taylor

    So, as we've just learned, Taylor came from 4-2 down to beat Michael van Gerwen two years ago. If he can't break the Anderson throw in the next set, he will have to do it from 4-1 back.

  55. Post update

    Taylor's last world title

    Phil Taylor with the Sid Waddell Trophy

    In 2013, Taylor won his 16th world title, becoming the first winner of the Sid Waddell Trophy, after the world championship trophy was renamed following the death of the legendary commentator who passed away in August 2012.

    Taylor, who had beaten Raymond van Barneveld in a bad-tempered semi-final, came from 4-2 down in the final to beat Michael van Gerwen

  56. Anderson wins the fourth set

    Gary Anderson 3-1 Phil Taylor 4th set: 3-1

    Gary Anderson

    A massive leg, Anderson throwing for the set, just as he did in the second. On 270, a 140 has him more than 200 ahead of Taylor and on a finish. On 130, six darts at it for a 3-1 lead. He leaves 72. 12...20...tops? Yes! Gary Anderson leads the World Championship final 3-1. His love affair with double 20 continues. Has Phil Taylor had his power cut?

  57. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 2-1 Phil Taylor 4th set: 2-1

    Is that Taylor biting his flights? Regular Taylor watchers will say that is a sign of him being worried. He must hold here to avoid going 3-1 down. He is, though, finding the trebles again as Anderson attempts a chase. Bull for the green bit. 140 for So, Taylor for 25. Double eight last. He stays in the set.

  58. Post update

    Gary Anderson 2-1 Phil Taylor* 4th set: 2-0

    When have you ever seen Phil Taylor miss nine darts at double? Never mind that, Anderson is already filling up the 60. 136 left after nine for the Scot, Taylor on 145. A double shot for Anderson? Not yet., but Taylor is, frankly, all over the show. Anderson holds with tops.

  59. Anderson breaks

    *Gary Anderson 2-1 Phil Taylor 4th set: 1-0

    Did we say Taylor was cooking? Maybe the heat has been turned off. Only 160 in his first six. Why do I doubt? A 180 when needed, 161 left after nine. He couldn't could he? No, opts against the bull as Anderson sits back. 32 for Taylor, sometimes a problem spot. Problems again, three missed. Anderson, though, can't take the 170. Another miss from Taylor. And another. And another! Six darts at double missed. Anderson for 72 and the break, a great chance. What's happened here? That's out of the board. Chance wasted. Still, Taylor is struggling. Nine darts missed at double! Anderson doesn't waste another chance and earns a break.

  60. Anderson wins the second set

    Gary Anderson 2-1 Phil Taylor* 3rd set: 3-1

    Gary Anderson

    Now, a chance for Anderson to wrap it up one leg early as Taylor goes all round the board. The crowd taunt each other, something to do with where everyone is sitting, as Anderson streaks towards the set with a maximum. That's the 604th of the tournament, a new record. The fourth seed leaves 51 as Taylor floats around at the back. For the set, then. 11 for tops, the second of which is home. Anderson in the lead again.

  61. Post update

    Gary Anderson 1-1 Phil Taylor* 3rd set: 2-1

    Oh, that's bad luck for Anderson. He finds the stem of his own dart and gets nothing, allowing Taylor to keep pace. Crowd still subdued, this third set not quite warming them yet. Taylor, arched spine, leans towards the board, then watches Anderson leave 76. Pressure from the Power? You betcha, a 140 to leave 76. Anderson, though, mops it up in three. A hold.

  62. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 1-1 Phil Taylor 3rd set: 1-1

    You just feel that Taylor is starting to cook. Opening the leg with a maximum and stretching out into a decent lead. The pace has dropped, the noise too. Anderson looks less likely to break at the moment, Taylor will have six from 127. He needs only three! Fabulous finishing, ended with double eight.

  63. Post update

    Former F1 driver Timo Glock at Alexandra Palace

    Former Formula One driver Timo Glock: At Ally Pally for the final #worldofdartsselfie

  64. Post update

    Gary Anderson 1-1 Phil Taylor* 3rd set: 1-0

    The players back after a break, Anderson's tartan sleeve collecting arrows that don't find a treble. No treble? Better put three in next go to address that. A Scottish maximum. Taylor, though, is keeping pace, and joins Anderson in the low-100s after nine. 144 for Taylor and break. No treble, though. Anderson for 72. 12...20...tops? No. Chance for Taylor, 84 for a break. In the 60...double 12? Oooohhh, no. The Powrer's first chance goes begging, punished by Anderson's double 10.

  65. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 1-1 Phil Taylor

    I wonder if, even at this early stage, Anderson might rue that chance to take a set against the darts. It's his throw in the third.

  66. Post update

    Anderson's fashion faux-pas

    Gary Anderson

    Darts players are probably not best known for their sartorial elegance but a couple of years ago, Gary Anderson brought the level down even further.

    At the 2013 World Championship, the Scot showed up wearing an eye-watering monstrosity which featured random pieces of material with varying patterns.

    Thankfully now he opts for a sober black shirt with a tartan sleeve.

  67. Taylor wins the second set

    Gary Anderson 1-1 Phil Taylor 2nd set: 2-3

    Phil Taylor

    Now he's flying. A 180 takes Taylor's average to 110. Boos when the chance of a nine-darter goes, while Anderson is starting to miss. Keep focussed, though, Philip, there's a set to win. No finish for either man after nine, Taylor will have six from 179. Better, a 139 leaves tops. Anderson pressure, 140 to go to 82. Tops for Taylor and the escape...two missed. Double 10? No. A chance for the Scot. Missed 25, one at double 10? Huge dart....just wide. The chance for 2-0 gone. For now. Double drama, but Taylor finally finds the red bit at 4 o'clock. Banter between the two, dancing in the crowd. Wonderful.

  68. Post update

    Gary Anderson 1-0 Phil Taylor* 2nd set: 2-2

    Is Taylor just starting to make his bed in the 20 red bit? A 180 denied by a deflection. More red action, this time the one, two, three. Anderson has lost the arrows and Taylor should break. He's on 16 after nine. Double eight for a break. One missed, second time means an 11-dart leg. Power surge.

  69. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 1-0 Phil Taylor 2nd set: 2-1

    What has Taylor got? A 180, that's what, all to the soundtrack of the song that tells us there's only one of him. Anderson is miles back as Taylor comes for 81. He'd like to take this with conviction, but one at tops is missed. Nothing from the Scot, simple hold for Taylor. Anderson to throw for the set...

  70. Post update

    Gary Anderson 1-0 Phil Taylor* 2nd set: 2-0

    Now, as we all know, it's only a break if you hold straight after. Anderson, off the back of a Taylor 140, has given away the advantage, with Taylor again homing in on the red bit. He leaves 90. Two 20s. Bullseye? Miles off. Anderson for 68, treble 20 and double four. Concerning for Taylor. Anderson is giving nothing away.

  71. Anderson breaks

    *Gary Anderson 1-0 Phil Taylor 2nd set: 1-0

    Both men averaged over 100 in that first set, no surprise there given the quality. A loose start from the Power here, though, unpunished by Anderson. This is better, Anderson filling up the treble 20 for a maximum and he has the chance to set up a finish as Taylor sits on 110. The Power comes with Anderson lurking on 76. No shot for Taylor, Anderson coming for the break. Double eight? In she goes. Anderson breaks.

  72. Post update

    Gary Anderson 1-0 Phil Taylor*

    So, Taylor won the bull and gave away the arrows in the hope of an early break. It didn't come. Now, he throws first in the second set.

  73. Post update

    Taylor's first world title

    Phil Taylor with the 1990 World Championship trophy

    Taylor's first World Championship win came in 1990 when as an unseeded player he beat his mentor and top seed Eric Bristow 6-1 in the BDO final at the Lakeside.

    He went on to win again in 1992 when he beat Mike Gregory 6-5 before the sport changed dramatically with the formation of the PDC.

  74. Post update

    David Meyler

    Hull City's David Meyler: Fancy Phil Taylor to win this 7-5

  75. Anderson wins the first set

    Gary Anderson 1-0 Phil Taylor* 1st set: 3-2

    Gary Anderson

    Oh Philip, you've made a lifetime of this. Three perfect arrows start him off with a 177 and the chance to steal the arrows. Anderson responds with a maximum of his own, much-needed. The Scot will come for 121 as Taylor sits on 139. For the set...60...11...bull? In the red bit! Gary Anderson wins the first set with a 121 checkout! The Flying Scotsman is off to a flyer.

  76. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 0-0 Phil Taylor 1st set: 2-2

    Taylor shows how adept he is at switching down the board, using treble 19 to get out of trouble. Still, Anderson is keeping pace against the arrows - he can win the first set with a break here. Anderson leaves 170 as Taylor sits on a bogey, he will come for 50. Anderson for the max checkout. One treble 20, but not a second. Taylor, 18 for two 16s. Double eight? Yes. Decider coming up.

  77. Post update

    Gary Anderson 0-0 Phil Taylor* 1st set: 2-1

    This is some start. Perfect darts from Anderson, the crowd booing when a sixth at the treble 20 fails and ends the chance of a nine-darter. Still, he's left 81 after nine. No pressure from Taylor, the Scot will have six from here. He uses three to leave double 16. One missed, second on home.

  78. Post update

    *Gary Anderson 0-0 Phil Taylor 1st set: 1-1

    Fill em up, Philip. "One-hundred-and-eighty", the first maximum of the match. Taylor has double six for a 12-darter, finding the green bit at 3 o'clock on the board.

  79. Post update

    Gary Anderson 0-0 Phil Taylor* 1st set: 1-0

    Anderson will be pacier, Taylor as methodical as ever. The Scot, black shirt, settles first, finding the treble with each of his first two visits, but Taylor pressures with a 140. The Power, blue shirt unzipped, chases having won the bull and given the honour away. Both around 120 after 12, Anderson having one at tops. Last night, he slept there. Same again? You betcha.

  80. Post update

    *Gary Anderson v Phil Taylor

    "First leg, first set, Gary to throw first. Game on."

  81. Post update

    Gary Anderson v Phil Taylor

    A hug between the players, who have never before met in the World Championship. Taylor sorts his darts, then throws his practice arrows. Crowd still singing for Taylor.

  82. Post update

    Gary Anderson v Phil Taylor

    Phil Taylor

    The brass for Phil Taylor, regal, telling us we are in the presence of sporting royalty.

    "The record-breaking, history-making, 16-time champion of the world."

    Lightning bolts.

    I've got the power!

  83. Post update

    Gary Anderson v Phil Taylor

    Lasers inside the Ally Pally, a greeting from MC John McDonald. Strums of the electric guitar for Anderson.

    Spotlight on the Flying Scotsman, with the speakers then bursting into House of Pain's Jump Around.

    The Palace bouncing.

    "Jump, jump, jump, jump up jump up and get down."

  84. Post update

    Gary Anderson v Phil Taylor

    Ready for the walk-ons?

  85. Post update

    Gary Anderson v Phil Taylor

    Now it's the song for Anderson, swiftly followed by another ode to Taylor. Split loyalties?

  86. Post update

    Gary Anderson factfile

    Gary Anderson

    Age: 44

    Reached the semi-finals of the BDO World Championship in 2003 before switching to the PDC in 2009.

    Lost 7-5 to Adrian Lewis in the 2011 final at Alexandra Palace

    Won the 2011 Premier League but subsequently struggled for form and dropped out of the world's top 10 by January 2013.

    He returned to the top 10 by 2014 and won the Players Championship in Butlins in Minehead in November for his fourth marjor title.

  87. Post update

    Phil Taylor factfile

    Phil Taylor

    Age: 54

    Won two world titles with the BDO before switching to the PDC in 1993 and he has gone on to dominate the sport, winning 14 more world titles in 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010 and 2013 as well as a host of other honours.

    In 2014 he won his 15th World Matchplay title, beating Michael van Gerwen 18-9 and also won the Grand Slam of Darts where he defeated Dave Chisnall 16-13.

    He finished second behind jockey AP McCoy in the 2010 BBC Sports Personality of the Year awards.

  88. Post update

    MattMUFC: Always been a Taylor fan but so want Anderson to win this.

  89. Post update

    No sign of the players yet, but the Ally Pally is already rocking. They are singing to tell us there's only one Phil Taylor. Electric.

  90. Head to head

    Gary Anderson v Phil Taylor

    The pair have played each other 38 times since their first meeting in 2007.

    Taylor has the edge with 27 wins while Anderson has nine and there have been two draws.

    However, in 2014, Anderson has the edge with three wins and a draw in their six meetings - including on his way to winning the Players Championship in Butlins, Minehead in November.

  91. Post update

    Raymond van Barneveld on Twitter: The day after, still devastated I couldn't bring what was needed. Fair play to mr Taylor, good luck in the final. I would like to thank you, especially you, for supporting me the past period. All the positive messages really gave my confidence a boost!

  92. Post update

    Anderson's road to the final

    Gary Anderson watched on by Peter Wright

    First round: beat Scott Kirchner 3-1 (average 86.20)

    Second round: beat Jelle Klassen 4-3 (103.02)

    Third round: beat Cristo Reyes 4-1 (104.54)

    Quarter-final: beat Peter Wright 5-1 (102.12)

    Semi-final: beat Michael van Gerwen 6-3 (102.2)

    Overall tournament average: 99.62

    Checkout percentage: 40%

  93. Post update

    Taylor's road to the final

    Phil Taylor and Raymond van Barneveld

    First round: beat Jyhan Artut 3-0 (average 100.57)

    Second round: beat Mark Webster 4-0 (101.92)

    Third round: beat Kim Huybrechts 4-3 (102.52)

    Quarter-final: beat Vincent van der Voort 5-3 (100.08)

    Semi-final: beat Raymond van Barneveld 6-2 (102.39)

    Overall tournament average: 101.5

    Check-out percentage: 46%

  94. Get involved

    So, my question to you is this: who will be walking away with the Sid Waddell Trophy and be crowned as sport's first world champion of 2015?

    Will the Power take a remarkable 17th crown, or will the Flying Scotsman get his name on the big prize for the first time. Text 81111, or tweet using the hashtag #bbcdarts.

    And, while we're at it, does 16 world titles already cement Taylor as the greatest sportsman in the world? If not, who is?

  95. Post update

    Yep, after 18 darting days that have spanned the festive period, 72 players have been whittled down to two.

    Sixteen-time champion Taylor, the world number two from Stoke-on-Trent, and Scotland's Anderson, fourth-ranked and appearing in his second final.

  96. Post update

    But this is no cemetery. There is no darkness, no eerie silence, nothing to be afraid of.

    There is lights, music, entertainment, razzmatazz and sporting drama.

    In the darting cathedral of the Alexandra Palace, tungsten is king.

    This is the 2015 PDC World Championship final.

    Alexandra Palace
  97. Post update

    If Phil Taylor was take a stroll through the darting graveyard of his victims in world championship finals, he would see 16 stones, adorned with the names 11 of different men.

    It is the task of Gary Anderson to ensure he does not become monument number 17.

  98. Post update

    Eric Bristow. Mike Gregory. Rod Harrington. Dennis Priestley (four times). Peter Manley (three times). John Part. Kevin Painter. Mark Dudbridge. Raymond van Barneveld. Simon Whitlock. Michael Van Gerwen.

    Gary Anderson?