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Live Reporting

Gary Rose

All times stated are UK

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  1. Post update

    OK that is all from us after what proved to be an incredibly one-sided final. Amazing to think one year ago, Shaun Murphy thought about giving up snooker and now he is a Masters champion.

    Read the report on Murphy's win by my colleague Shamoon Hafez and, until next time, goodbye.

  2. On a comeback

    Stephen Hendry

    Seven-time world champion on Facebook

    Q: Matt Foster I think a comeback from you would spark great interest I'd love to see it, have you ever thought about coaching another professional?

    SH: I do get asked advice now and then from some pros, but if they keep doing it I'll have to start charging them! I don't think I'll ever do it full-time, I don't have the patience.

    Q: Dan Fuller Have you considered a comeback after Ronnie overtook your record of most centuries?

    SH: I've not considered a comeback because of that. Even if I did return, he would still be playing more tournaments than me so I'm not going to catch him.

  3. On Ronnie O'Sullivan

    Stephen Hendry

    Seven-time world champion on Facebook

    Q: Simon Gordon Roberts. At the moment Ronnie is the star of snooker. Do you see anybody on the circuit replacing him?

    SH: Judd Trump's time might come in two or three years.

    Q: Connor Scantlebury. Do you reckon that Ronnie O'Sullivan has the ability to beat your crucible wins?

    SH: He has the ability no doubt, but whether he can win another three remains to be seen.

  4. On Shaun Murphy

    Stephen Hendry

    Seven-time world champion on Facebook

    More from Stephen Hendry this time about Masters winner Shaun Murphy:

    Q: Daniel Crossfield. Do you think Shaun can win the world championship this year if he plays like he has at the Masters?

    SH: Yes he can, he seems to have a better 'killer instinct' over the last year and he should have won more majors with his talent.

  5. Post update

    Stephen Hendry

    Seven-time world champion on Facebook

    Earlier, six-time Masters champion Stephen Hendry joined BBC Sport on Facebook for a Q&A with the fans. Here is a pick of the best ones:

    Q: Ashley Phillips. Best player you've played against?

    SH: Ronnie O'Sullivan is the most talented, but I loved my battles with Steve Davis.

    Q: Wullie Mccandless. Did you ever feel sorry for an opponent and did you ever wish someone to win so you could play them in the next round of a tournament?

    SH: No, I've never felt sorry for an opponent.

  6. Post update

    The snooker may be off the television now and we have just about hoovered up all the reaction to be had but we still have a few other bits and pieces to keep you entertained.

    They were meant for the mid-session interval but it is fair to say Shaun Murphy's comfortable win caught us all a tad off guard...

  7. Post update

    Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy has finally got his hands on this trophy. He had set himself a target of claiming it by 2025, so he is just slightly ahead of schedule. What next for the Magician?

  8. Get involved #bbcsnooker

    Saisrikanth Y: Enchanting snooker by Shaun Murphy. Great to see him complete the triple crown. The Masters has been a fantastic tournament.

    Marge Dacre: Well done to Shaun Murphy! He played like he was at the practice table enjoying himself.

    Aodhan: Congratulations Shaun Murphy @Magician147 2015 Masters Snooker Champion.

  9. Post update

    Shaun Murphy wins the 2015 Masters

    Steve Davis

    Six-time world champion on BBC TV

    "It is never nice to get a drubbing in the final but it was just one match. If you look at Neil Robertson's standard in the tournament as a whole it was very high.

    "However, you judge yourself on winning and losing and you beat yourself up on the last defeat."

  10. Post update

    Shaun Murphy wins the 2015 Masters

    Shaun Murphy goes home with the trophy he has been after for a few years and £200,000 in his pocket. Not a bad week at all.

  11. Get involved #bbcsnooker

    Hazel Allen: Yayyy well done Shaun Murphy! Triple crown!

    Peter Revill: Murphy deserved that. Shame there's not any more, but he was dominant.

    Hollum: Massive congrats to Shaun Murphy for getting the triple crown! So well deserved!

  12. Post update

    Shaun Murphy wins the 2015 Masters

    Masters winner Shaun Murphy: "It is unbelievable. I cannot believe it. I first came to this event when I was 12 and my dad asked if I felt I'd ever play in it and I said I'd love to and to win it is unbelievable.

    "I just decided to stick in there and be patient. In all I have played pretty well this week and I am blown away."

  13. Post update

    Shaun Murphy wins the 2015 Masters

    Let's hear from the man himself....

  14. Post update

    Shaun Murphy wins the 2015 Masters

    Shaun Murphy

    As Neil Robertson says, Shaun Murphy joins the 'triple crown' club, today's win completing the capture of World, UK and Masters titles.

  15. Post update

    Shaun Murphy wins the 2015 Masters

    Neil Robertson is first up to speak, and he is gracious in defeat: "Shaun played very well today.

    "I just could not produce the sort of snooker that got me to the final. I'd just like to say welcome to the triple crown club. Shaun is a worthy champion."

  16. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-10 Shaun Murphy

    All over as Neil Robertson cruises to victory, putting the frame out of Neil Robertson's sight. What a performance!

  17. Winner


  18. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-9 Shaun Murphy

    Nothing on for Neil Robertson and Shaun Murphy is back in. This could be it, that Masters trophy is in touching distance.

  19. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-9 Shaun Murphy

    The difference between these two players today is highlighted by the points scored by the two, 819 for Shaun Murphy compared to 339 for Neil Robertson. Murphy fails to add to that, though, when he misses a red bottom right with the rest. He leads 23-7 in this frame.

  20. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-9 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy misses a long red and concedes a foul when the black goes in the middle left pocket following a ricochet. Neil Robertson's mind looks to be gone though, he misses a regulation red and Murphy is back in.

  21. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-9 Shaun Murphy

    Damage limitation for Neil Robertson now, Shaun Murphy is playing for the Masters title in this frame. Can he secure it? The 12th frame is under way.

  22. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-9 Shaun Murphy

    John Virgo

    BBC Sport snooker commentator

    "Whenever you lose the first five frames at this level it is always going to be tough. You are under pressure every frame. Neil Robertson got a bad start and he was never able to recover."

  23. #bbcsnooker

    Mark Beedie: It's like he doesn't even want to be there. Hit and hope! Just get this over and done with already

    Paul Barker: Murphy looking like he could finish this match early. Fantastic performance so far

    Alexander Clark: Neil Robertson is getting absolutely demolished

    Tweet us using #bbcsnooker

  24. Shaun Murphy takes the 11th frame

    Neil Robertson 2-9 Shaun Murphy

    In this form, there was no stopping Shaun Murphy and he does enough to ensure Neil Robertson stays in his seat.

    One frame away. Anyone up for another episode of Coast?

  25. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-8 Shaun Murphy

    Nothing doing on Neil Robertson's visit although he spreads the reds about and a chance for Shaun Murphy to finish off here. He is 52 points ahead with only 51 remaining.

  26. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-8 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy finishes off what Neil Robertson started, potting a red into the middle pocket. A chance or him to build a healthy advantage, although there are still some bunched reds to deal with. He tries to cut one into the bottom left pocket, misses but not much on for Robertson now.

  27. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-8 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy manages a break of eight in return, his visit ended when a long red misses the yellow pocket. Nothing left open for Neil Robertson and a safety battle ensues, before Robertson attempts a double into the middle pocket, but the red strikes both jaws and stays out.

  28. #bbcsnooker

    Steve: Very impressive performance by Murphy, with a bit of help from Robertson

    Peter Meades: The Magician is in the zone... cueing like an absolute dream

    danny smith: Well can't see @Magician147 losing now

    Tweet in using #bbcsnooker

  29. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-8 Shaun Murphy

    Neil Robertson gets off the mark but he can only manage a break of seven as he misses the black. It is just not his day.

  30. Get involved #bbcsnooker

    Stephen: I'd 8-2 be Neil Robertson right now.

  31. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-8 Shaun Murphy

    A few shouts of encouragement for Neil Robertson from the crowd before Shaun Murphy steps up to break in the 11th frame.

  32. Post update

    John Parrott

    Former world champion on BBC TV

    "I think that last frame was massive. It puts a totally difference perspective in the match, that was the last throw of the dice for Neil Robertson."

  33. Post update

    World Snooker on Twitter: SPORTING GREAT: Delighted to welcome six-time Paralympic gold medallist David Weir to the final

    David Weir
  34. Shaun Murphy takes the 10th frame

    Neil Robertson 2-8 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy's break ends at 127 - the same as he got in the first session but he is marching towards victory here. We might not need a mid-session interval at this rate. Two wins away.

  35. 100

    Neil Robertson 2-7 Shaun Murphy

    Black bottom left and there it is! The century and on he goes. Neil Robertson is not getting another visit in this frame.

  36. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-7 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy drills the black into the bottom right pocket and he is storming his way towards a second century in this final. 89 so far in this break.

  37. 50

    Neil Robertson 2-7 Shaun Murphy

    This is looking good for Shaun Murphy as he rattles his way past the half-century mark. There's plenty of loose reds and a good chance for a big score here.

  38. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-7 Shaun Murphy

    Another mighty fine long red into the bottom right pocket and Shaun Murphy is up and running.

  39. Get involved #bbcsnooker

    Daniel: That pink is probably the worst shot Neil Robertson's played in years. Could end up crucial.

    shane cook: The thunder from down under sure made a blunder

    Adam Todd: Absolute giveaway! As if Robertson wasn't up against it enough already! 7-2 Murphy, and this could be a very early finish!

    Tweet in using #bbcsnooker

  40. Post update

    John Parrott

    Former world champion on BBC TV

    "It is not very often Neil Robertson plays a poor safety shot. The amount of pink that was sticking out in that frame, once he clipped it, there was only one place that pink was going to go - towards the corner pocket. A very strange shot.

    "The Ronnie O'Sullivan match may have taken it out of him."

  41. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-7 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy is edging closer to the Masters trophy here. Ten frames will win it, Neil Robertson to break. He needs this one.

  42. Post update

    Steve Davis

    Six-time world champion on BBC TV

    "It all went wrong for Neil Robertson in that frame. Early on, he was in prime position but played a poor shot to hamper himself."

  43. Shaun Murphy wins the ninth frame

    Neil Robertson 2-7 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy

    Neil Robertson pots the yellow but a double on the green misses middle left. Shaun Murphy then gets lucky with the green which leaves nothing on for Robertson. This frame is 30 minutes old already as a tactical battles ensues before a mistake by Robertson gifts Murphy the pink and allows him to clean up.

  44. #bbcsnooker

    RobT: What a cracking first frame of the session this has been! C'mon @Magician147

    Dan: Amazing tactical exchange by Murphy and Robertson!

    Tweet us using #bbcsnooker

  45. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-6 Shaun Murphy

    Neil Robertson doesn't take up the chance, sinking a solitary red before Shaun Murphy is back in. He plays it safe and Robertson sinks the final red middle left, but can't follow that up. 53-32.

  46. #bbcsnooker

    Michael: If Robertson doesn't clear up, he's not winning this match tonight.

    Nick Cox: It might be a long night if @nr147 gets the first couple!

    Get involved using #bbcsnooker

  47. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-6 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy tucks the cue ball up behind a red near the baulk cushion. Neil Robertson kisses it and sends the cue ball down the other end. Murphy's safety is poor and presents Robertson with the chance to take this frame.

  48. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-6 Shaun Murphy

    Big frame this one and don't both players know it? It is all very tactical with no clear opportunities on the two reds remaining on the table.

  49. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-6 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy misses a red to put Neil Robertson back in but a double kiss means another visit for Murphy. The cue ball is up against the cushion but Murphy pulls out a beautiful long pot straight down the throat of the green pocket. 51-32.

  50. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-6 Shaun Murphy

    This is good stuff so far from Neil Robertson, he has a 51-8 advantage but there are some difficult reds on the table to come, but he misses a long blue before them.

  51. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-6 Shaun Murphy

    First blood to Shaun Murphy with a lovely long pot to the bottom right. Black is on and Murphy has the chance to build a healthy score here, but he only manages eight when another long red hits the jaw of the green pocket. Neil Robertson steps up to the table.

  52. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-6 Shaun Murphy

    It is a typical, tentative safety battle in the opening minutes of this frame, no-one wants to give an inch.

  53. Post update

    Ken Doherty

    Former world champion on BBC TV

    "The atmosphere is making the hairs on the back of my neck stand-up, I don't know what it feels like for the players.

    "We know how crowds love a comeback, they will certainly want to see one tonight. It is imperative for Neil Robertson to get the first frame on the board."

  54. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-6 Shaun Murphy


    Who will have their hands on this in a few hours' time? Out trot the two players to the sound of their respective walk-on music. Shaun Murphy is all smiles, Neil Robertson looks focused as he gives a little wave to the crowd.

    Murphy to break. Here we go.

  55. #bbcsnooker

    Conor Burns

    Conor Burns MP on Twitter: Front row seat for Masters final. Sitting one away from snooker legend Jimmy White

  56. #bbcsnooker

    Dan Mcmahon: Want to see Shaun Murphy win it, but hope Neil Robertson can make a game of it & get back in it

    GM: Come on Murphy finish the job! And win your first Masters!

    Kenny Kong: If Robertson comes back from 2-6 down against Murphy (yet to win this title), this will become another classic of The Masters.

    Tweet in using #bbcsnooker

  57. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-6 Shaun Murphy

    Dramatic shots of our two finalists in the opening montage on BBC Two. "This is my time" declares a straight-faced Shaun Murphy.

    Serious business.

  58. Live now

    Neil Robertson 2-6 Shaun Murphy

    BBC Two


    The cameras are rolling and television coverage is LIVE. Forget about work tomorrow, it is all about the green baize right now.

  59. Murphy's 127

    Neil Robertson 2-6 Shaun Murphy


    We've had one century in this final, Shaun Murphy winning the third frame with a break of 127, which you can watch again online. More to come?

  60. Post update

    Red-hot Murphy the red-hot favourite

    BBC Sport's Frank Keogh: "Murphy was rated a 7-4 outsider by bookmakers to win the final but is clear favourite at 1-4 after opening up a big lead, while Robertson (odds-on at 1-2 beforehand) is now out to about 3-1.

    "The Magician, whose world title win came 10 years ago, began the tournament at Alexandra Palace as a relatively unconsidered 16-1 shot, while the Thunder from Down Under was 7-1 third favourite, behind Ronnie O'Sullivan and Judd Trump."

  61. Post update

    Stephen Hendry

    Seven-time world champion

    Six-time Masters champion Stephen Hendry joined BBC Sport on Facebook for a Q&A with the fans. Here is a pick of the best ones:

    Q: Harry Bowler. Why did you waste your life playing snooker, it is not even a sport so why?

    SH: I think with what I have achieved, it's not been wasted.

    Q: Oyewole Felix Bosco. Apart from snooker what other sport did you like playing and which team did u support?

    SH: I love playing golf and I support Chelsea.

    We'll pop a few more of Stephen's answers to your questions onto this page during the final

  62. Post update

    The Ally Pally is filling up nicely as the resumption of the Masters final draws near. Enough time, then, to see a few of Stephen Hendry's answers to your questions from the Facebook Q&A earlier...

  63. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-6 Shaun Murphy

    Alexandra Palace

    BBC Radio 5 live snooker reporter Jamie Broughton: "Great excitement here for the final, it's not as close as many expected. But, by winning two out of the last three frames, Neil Robertson isn't out of this at 6-2 down. He can quickly win back-to-back frames, and how nervous will Shaun Murphy be if he gets close to victory? He needs the Masters title to complete the triple crown of big snooker events. 10 needed to be champion."

  64. Comeback kings

    Stephen Hendry

    Where would a Neil Robertson win rank among the great Masters comebacks? Here's a few memorable ones:

    2004 Paul Hunter beat Ronnie O'Sullivan 10-9. Was 2-7 behind

    2001 Paul Hunter defeated Fergal O'Brien 10-9. Trailed 3-7

    1991 Stephen Hendry beat Mike Hallett 9-8. Was 0-7 down

    1987 Dennis Taylor beat Alex Higgins 9-8. From 5-8

    What is your most memorable comeback? And how do you see tonight playing out? Let us know via #bbcsnooker

  65. Get involved #bbcsnooker

    Aodhan: Neil Robertson 2-6 Shaun Murphy. Didn't see this one coming. Still got plenty to happen this evening.

    Ian Robbins: At 2-6 there's still a chance for Robbo but he needs the first frame tonight and 3 of the first 4 you'd think.

  66. BBC coverage

    BBC Two


    BBC Two coverage begins at 19:00 GMT and you an access that video at the same time at the top of this page. For now, you are stuck with my words. Sorry about that.

  67. Post update

    Neil Robertson 2-6 Shaun Murphy

    Welcome back to our coverage of the 2015 Masters final.

    Shaun Murphy looks to be on the verge of joining only nine other players - including Robertson - who have won all three majors of World, UK and Masters crowns.

    Neil Robertson, though, may take heart from a little rally towards the end of the first session this afternoon, winning two of the final three frames.

    Too little too late, though?

  68. Post update


    Call me crazy, but I can't help but feel we are in for something epic.

    Neil Robertson may be trailing 6-2 and have been as much off his game in the first session as Shaun Murphy was on fire, but he is the world number one, and with good reason. Surely there is twist in this tale?

    But then, maybe I'm just talking nonsense and we'll all be sat watching Last Tango in Halifax in a couple of hours...

  69. Post update

    Right then, time for me to resupply on some snacks and what not because you never know, we could be in for quite the battle tonight. We'll be back at 18:30 GMT before the second session begins at 19:00.

    Have a read of the full report from the first session and see you in a couple of hours.


    World Championship to stay in Sheffield until 2017

    Here is what World Snooker chairman Barry Hearn had to say about the announcement:

    "It is really good news and we love the uniqueness of Sheffield. We have always said that while we have the support of Sheffield and the BBC, nothing changes. We have reached an agreement with the council to stay there until 2017."

  71. Post update

    John Parrott

    Former world champion on BBC TV

    "Neil Robertson has had a slightly below par session and needs to put a line through it and go into the final session all guns blazing. He needs to come back refreshed and give it everything."

  72. Get involved #bbcsnooker

    Lee Housley: Just a matter of time until the Masters is won by @Magician147. Too good for Neil Robertson today.

    Nikky Devall: Have to say @Magician147 is on fire today

    Elliott Greenfield: Wouldn't mind if Robertson pulled it back in this evening session

  73. Post update

    Steve Davis

    Six-time world champion on BBC TV

    "From Shaun Murphy's perspective, nothing you can complain about. He has a big lead going into the final session. Neil Robertson goes into it with nothing to lose."

  74. Neil Robertson takes the eighth frame

    Neil Robertson 2-6 Shaun Murphy

    Fantastic stuff from Neil Robertson as he nails a long red and goes on to clinch the frame. It keeps him in this ahead of the evening session, just.

  75. Post update

    "Not about hitting it, but can you get it safe?"

    John Virgo

    BBC Sport snooker commentator

    Neil Robertson

    A tricky red ends Shaun Murphy's break at 49. He plays a solid safety behind the black but Neil Robertson gets out of it, successfully ensuring the red is not on for Murphy in the process. Safety battle at the moment.

  76. Post update

    Stephen Hendry Q&A

    At the end of this session you can ask Stephen Hendry anything and everything you like about snooker.

    He is holding a Q&A on the BBC Sport Facebook. so get your questions too him.

  77. Post update

    Tales of the unexpected

    If Shaun Murphy gets this frame, it is looking pretty bleak for Neil Robertson but there's hope from the past as Masters finals have a history of comebacks:

    2004 Paul Hunter beat Ronnie O'Sullivan 10-9. Was 2-7 behind

    2001 Paul Hunter defeated Fergal O'Brien 10-9. Trailed 3-7

    1991 Stephen Hendry beat Mike Hallett 9-8. Was 0-7 down

    1987 Dennis Taylor beat Alex Higgins 9-8. From 5-8

  78. Post update

    Neil Robertson 1-6 Shaun Murphy

    Neil Robertson needs this frame. He gets himself out of a sticky situation by seeing off a difficult blue to keep him at the table and goes on to build up a 43 lead. A cracking safety shot towards the baulk cushion leaves a tough red for Shaun Murphy, but he nails it. Murphy's chance now.

  79. #bbcsnooker

    Freddie Hunt: What has happened to the world #1? Robertson looking a shadow of himself. Murphy punishing Robertson's uncharacteristic errors

    Mark: Murphy's in beast mode! Best form of his life!

    Raj: Always been a fan of Shaun Murphy. On form, very very good. Lacks consistency though. Steamrolling today.

    Tweet in using #bbcsnooker

  80. Post update

    Neil Robertson 1-6 Shaun Murphy

    The Thunder from Down Under has a face like thunder at the moment. That glimmer of hope Neil Robertson had from the sixth frame has been snatched away by a methodical display from Shaun Murphy in the seventh. Into the eighth and final frame of this session.

  81. Post update


    Can Neil Robertson come back from this? The stats don't make clever reading for him so far.

  82. Post update

    Stephen Hendry

    Seven-time world champion on BBC TV

    "It was a wake up call for Shaun losing the sixth frame. He is back focussed and that is what has impressed me about Murphy, being able to win frames in one visit."

  83. Shaun Murphy takes the seventh frame

    Neil Robertson 1-6 Shaun Murphy

    No return visit for Neil Robertson as Shaun Murphy takes the frame with one left in this session. 6-2 is the best Robertson can hope for now.

  84. Post update

    BBC Sport's Shamoon Hafez: "Having lost the sixth frame in this final, it brought to an end Shaun Murphy's 11-frame winning streak in the competition. The Magician won six-in-a-row against Mark Allen last night, and the first five today."

  85. Post update

    Neil Robertson 1-5 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy sees off a superb long red into the bottom left pocket and sets himself up nicely for a colour. He sets about building up his break and Murphy looks on course to claim this frame.

  86. Post update

    Neil Robertson 1-5 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy drops a red into the bottom right, he was hoping to get the cannon to put him on for the black but instead he is left with nothing. He plays a safety up to baulk.

  87. Post update

    John Parrott

    Former world champion on BBC TV

    "A brilliant break from Neil Robertson. We can all play when the sun is shining, but what can you produce when the black cloud is hanging over you? Everyone wants to see a close match being played and that is that start of it."

  88. Robertson takes the sixth frame

    Neil Robertson 1-5 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy

    Neil Robertson gets himself on the scoreboard and saves himself the ignominy of a whitewash. Shaun Murphy nods the concession after a break of 80 from Robertson. That will do the Australian the world of good.

  89. Post update

    BBC Sport's Shamoon Hafez: "The only whitewash there has ever been at the Masters was in 1988, when BBC Sport pundit Steve Davis trounced a sorry Mike Hallett 9-0 at the Wembley Conference Centre."

  90. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-5 Shaun Murphy

    A sign of just how below par Neil Robertson has been - he's on 35 at the moment, his highest break in six frames. He looks on course to go well beyond that though.

  91. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-5 Shaun Murphy

    Neil Robertson gobbles up an easy red presented to him by Shaun Murphy. His pot success rate of 75% is well below what is needed, but can he put that right in this frame? A break of 25 so far...

  92. #bbcsnooker

    Mary O'Connell: Can't believe Neil Robertson is so far behind. Wonder if he felt all he had to do was beat Ronnie.

    Sajan Shah: Murphy is steam rolling Robertson....both players mental strengths will be tested these next 3 frames

    Zaynab: Shaun Murphy must have dinner plans...

    Tweet in using #bbcsnooker

  93. Post update

    John Parrott

    Former world champion on BBC TV

    "I think Neil Robertson has run his race. World number one against Ronnie O'Sullivan was a massive game, and he put everything into that."

  94. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-5 Shaun Murphy

    Three more frames to play this afternoon. Can Neil Robertson claw himself back into this? Sixth frame is under way.

  95. Post update

    Steve Davis

    Six-time world champion on BBC TV

    "Neil Robertson looks like he is in his shell. He had a chance early on in the frame to go into the pack of reds but played a conservative shot. He came unstuck. Shaun Murphy had a chance to do the same and careered into the pack."

  96. #bbcsnooker

    Steve: Robertson was 5-1 down to Selby in the 2013 UK and won 10-7. Not a foregone conclusion yet.

    Tweet in using #bbcsnooker

  97. Murphy takes the fifth frame

    Neil Robertson 0-5 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy needs to develop the two reds in the middle of the table to give him a chance of clinching the fifth...

    Shaun Murphy

    And he does so to make it five out of five after his toughest battle yet.

  98. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-4 Shaun Murphy

    Superb stuff from Shaun Murphy as he screws the cue ball off the right-hand cushion after potting a red and it loosens up two reds. Good chance now to take this frame.

  99. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-4 Shaun Murphy

    Neil Robertson squeezes a red into the yellow pocket, a bit of luck about that but he will take what he can get in this frame. The black follows in the next shot but he misses a tough red and it is over to Shaun Murphy.

  100. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-4 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy holds a 37-24 advantage and it has been like that for a while in this frame. No-one wants to take a risk.

    Murphy has a long, hard look at the table as he weighs up his options, one minute 55 seconds it takes him before he attempts a long red to the green pocket, misses. Thirteen minutes since a ball was potted.

  101. #bbcsnooker

    Steve Davis

    Six-time world champion on BBC TV

    "Arguably this frame could win Shaun the Masters. Big moments perhaps."

  102. Post update

    "Where's the cueball going?"

    John Virgo

    BBC Sport snooker commentator

  103. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-4 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy is getting no dice with that left middle pocket as he watches a red strike the jaw. After some pretty faultless snooker, he has made a couple of errors in this frame.

    A few safety exchanges follow with both Murphy and Neil Robertson looking very tentative. They know this is a big frame.

  104. Post update

    Stephen Hendry

    Seven-time world champion on BBC TV

    "It is imperative for Neil to win this session 3-1. Until you get that fifth frame for a lead at the interval, you always have it at the back of your mind that you might end up being 4-4."

  105. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-4 Shaun Murphy

    Error-strewn frame at the moment as Shaun Murphy misses a long red to the bottom right pocket before Neil Robertson does likewise on the opposite side. Cagey.

  106. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-4 Shaun Murphy

    Four frames down and Neil Robertson's highest break stands at just 30. A big improvement is needed when he visits the table, and he is back up when Shaun Murphy misses left middle. What can he do now?

  107. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-4 Shaun Murphy

    Neil Robertson needs an early opportunity to get back into this and he gets it, but he can only manage a break of 15 as he tries to power the black into the bottom right, too much on it and Shaun Murphy has his chance to stamp his authority on frame five.

  108. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-4 Shaun Murphy

    Alexandra Palace

    The players are back out and Shaun Murphy to break. Four frames to come before the end of the first session.

  109. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-4 Shaun Murphy

    John Parrott

    Former world champion on BBC TV

    "It is a bit of self preservation for Neil Robertson in this mini session. If he can get 5-3 behind that will be a big result for him."

  110. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-4 Shaun Murphy

    1-0, 1-1, 1-2, 2-2. That's how things stood after four frames of the 2012 Masters final between these two. Close, but Neil Robertson flew out of the blocks in the second session on that occasion and dominated Shaun Murphy to take victory.

    Surely plenty more twists and turns to come in this one? It is shaping up to be an absolute classic.

  111. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-4 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy says he almost quit snooker 12 months ago. A sit down, a serious think about his career and he chose to instead focus on getting himself where he wants to be.

    The 'triple crown' has been his target for a while now, and he is looking good at the moment to finally achieve it. He'll be itching to get back out there.

  112. Post update

    Steve Davis

    Six-time world champion on BBC TV

    "Shaun Murphy is is playing better than he has ever played. The last time he played with so much enjoyment is when he won the world title in 2005. If he plays like this in April/May, there is no-one who can touch him for his second world title.

    "Murphy is taking on shots with so much danger, he does not care. That is the best way to go for pots."

  113. Get involved #bbcsnooker

    DQM: Shaun Murphy putting the World Number One to the sword here!!!!

    Golden Cue Snooker: Can't believe what's happening to Robertson, credit to @Magician147 playing unbelievably well !

    Callum Rowe: That is definitely not the result I expected come the mid session interval. Neil needs to get on the practice table

    Tweet in using #bbcsnooker

  114. Post update

    John Parrott

    Former world champion on BBC TV

    "Neil Robertson's safety play hasn't been the best but he is also playing against someone who is supremely confident. If I was Robertson, I would take 6-2 because he is being comprehensively outplayed."

  115. Interval

    Neil Robertson 0-4 Shaun Murphy

    So Sean Murphy leads 4-0 at the mid-session interval. Where is the Neil Robertson who so confidently despatched of Ronnie O'Sullivan in the semi-final? He needs to make an appearance soon.

  116. Murphy wins the fourth frame

    Neil Robertson 0-4 Shaun Murphy

    A missed red means Shaun Murphy's visit ends with a break of 76. The crowd expects Neil Robertson concedes but he returns to the table. He needs five snookers. It is too big an ask and he concedes.

  117. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-3 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy pots the black into the bottom left and the reds are well placed for some heavy scoring now. The stats don't make good reading for Neil Robertson - 96% pot success rate for Murphy, 76% for Robertson. Not good enough.

  118. Post update

    Dennis Taylor

    BBC Sport snooker commentator

    "Neil Robertson is under real pressure at the moment and that is down to Shaun Murphy's play. A little shake of the head from the Aussie, you don't see that too often."

  119. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-3 Shaun Murphy

    Better from Neil Robertson as he clips a red into the right middle. He then misses a long brown into the bottom right, however, and it's Robertson 8-5 Shaun Murphy in this frame.

  120. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-3 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy styles it with a humdinger of a pot - a long red drilled into the right corner to get up and running in this frame. Nothing on after the cue ball rebounds into the reds and up steps Neil Robertson.

  121. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-3 Shaun Murphy

    Steve Davis fans

    BBC cameras zoom in on a couple of spectators showing their love for Steve Davis with t-shirts sporting the words "We love the Nugget". "At least somebody does" quips Dennis Taylor, prompting chuckles from the crowd listening in on their earpieces.

  122. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-3 Shaun Murphy

    Alexandra Palace

    Shaun Murphy fails to sink a long red into the corner pocket, much to the relief of Neil Robertson. This frame is five minutes old and nothing down yet.

  123. #bbcsnooker

    Robbie Malcolm: Absolutely flying @Magician147 awesome cueing

    Alan hardie: Shaun Murphy playing fully automatic snooker

    Warren: 3-0 to the Magician then. Looks like the next frame is massive for Neil Robertson - he needs to win it

    Tweet in using #bbcsnooker

  124. Post update

    Ken Doherty

    Former world champion on BBC TV

    "Shaun Murphy looks very, very confident. The fourth frame is a big one for Neil Robertson."

  125. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-3 Shaun Murphy

    Neil Robertson steps up to break in frame four. He needs to get off the mark here, otherwise Shaun Murphy is going to be difficult to catch.

  126. Shaun Murphy wins the third frame

    Neil Robertson 0-3 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy

    There it is, Shaun Murphy clears up and its a break of 127. Stunning stuff. I thought this was going to be tight, maybe not?

  127. Post update

    Dennis Taylor

    BBC Sport snooker commentator

    "Shaun Murphy looks like a man on a mission here. What a start!"

  128. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-2 Shaun Murphy

    This is brilliant snooker from Shaun Murphy. The confidence is absolutely flowing as he cuts a red into the middle right pocket. Could be some heavy scoring now as he sets about surpassing the century mark and taking frame three.

  129. Post update

    Ken Doherty

    Former world champion on BBC TV

    "Everything going into the centre of the pocket for Shaun Murphy. The crisp sound as the ball hits the leather."

  130. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-2 Shaun Murphy

    A red into the middle pocket sends the white up to baulk. Shaun Murphy does not like this, but recovers well by drilling the green into the left middle, 51 so far in this break and he shows no sign of stopping.

  131. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-2 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy gets the first red down and he is on the pink, drains it in the far corner. Red, pink, red, pink at the moment as Murphy builds this break.

  132. #bbcsnooker

    Jurgen Gruson: What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? Great stuff this!

    Paul Barker: The Magician is weaving his magic. Come on Shaun.

    Tweet in using #bbcsnooker

  133. Post update

    John Parrott

    Former world champion on BBC TV

    "Shaun Murphy has worked on a lot of things but he changed his technique and he has been given some different routines to improve on his concentration."

  134. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-2 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy's mum picked this tournament to be the first one she saw her son play live. So far, it is looking a good choice. Perfect start for Murphy as we enter the third frame.

  135. Post update

    Steve Davis

    Six-time world champion on BBC TV

    "Both these players have looked untouchable this week, that can't continue. Every day is different and Shaun Murphy has made a good start."

  136. Shaun Murphy wins the second frame

    Neil Robertson 0-2 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy

    Not taken in one chance but still enough for Shaun Murphy. He takes the second frame, a fair old tactical battle, and now leads 2-0...

  137. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-1 Shaun Murphy

    An attempted snooker does not quite come off for Neil Robertson and Shaun Murphy is 19 ahead with 13 points remaining.

  138. Get involved #bbcsnooker

    Ric Jangle: Murphy seems much more decisive...he said as much in last night's interview

    Pie PAFC Face: Do you think that Neil Robertson is looking very shaky in these early frames?

  139. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-1 Shaun Murphy

    Hang on, Neil Robertson is not giving this one up without a fight. He gets the white behind the black again for a snooker, from which Shaun Murphy can't escape. Two more snookers and Robertson will be back in this.

  140. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-1 Shaun Murphy

    Neil Robertson is incredibly unlucky after returning to the table as he places the white right behind the black for a great snooker, but also pots the green in the middle pocket by mistake. Not what he wanted. Shaun Murphy is on the verge of moving two frames ahead.

  141. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-1 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy makes a break of 45 when the black rattles the jaws of the bottom left corner pocket and fails to go down. Neil Robertson steps back up, but it is a short stay, seeing away a red but missing the blue.

  142. View from the table

    Neil Robertson 0-1 Shaun Murphy


    A great view of what Neil Robertson and Shaun Murphy will be seeing in today's final.

  143. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-1 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy is off the mark in this frame with a beautiful long pot to the left corner. A great opportunity now for 'The Magician' to work his magic...

  144. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-1 Shaun Murphy

    There was an opportunity for some heavy scoring there but Neil Robertson fails to capitalise, its a break of 30 and Shaun Murphy returns to the baize.

  145. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-1 Shaun Murphy

    Neil Robertson

    A poor safety from Shaun Murphy leaves Neil Robertson with enough sight of a red. It's a long pot but Robertson nails it. Murphy leans back in his seat. This could be a long wait.

  146. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-1 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy exuberates confidence as he strides around the table, sizing up his options.

    Neil Robertson had the measure of Murphy tactically in the 2012 final, but the latter has worked on that side of his game considerably since then and it shows. Great battle between the pair in this second frame, with neither leaving the other a pot on.

  147. Post update

    John Parrott

    Former world champion on BBC TV

    "Is it essential you get a good start in a final, especially against the world number one Neil Robertson. Shaun Murphy will be over the moon with that frame."

  148. Post update

    Steve Davis

    Six-time world champion on BBC TV

    "A cagey start but when Neil Robertson did get in, he missed a pink. That is one frame where an unforced error has been a catalyst, as opposed to someone getting one because of a good safety shot."

  149. Shaun Murphy wins the first frame

    Neil Robertson 0-1 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy

    An error from Neil Robertson and Shaun Murphy gobbled it up. A break of 63 and Robertson concedes. First blood to Murphy.

    Key to this final might be taking frames in one chance, which Murphy does. Game on.

  150. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-0 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy is finding a bit of rhythm now, 49 ahead with 67 remaining and two reds in the open. Is he going to finish this one off?

  151. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-0 Shaun Murphy

    Jimmy White

    The 1984 and people's champion Jimmy White is in the crowd once again. The Whirlwind has been an interested spectator throughout the week at Alexandra Palace.

  152. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-0 Shaun Murphy

    Neil Robertson misses a pink after mustering six points. He screws up his face in frustration, he knows he should have seen that away.

    The 2012 final between these two was initially a very cagey affair, with the score 4-3 after seven frames but eventually Neil Robertson took control. Are we in for something similar today?

  153. #bbcsnooker

    Dan: In for a great day of snooker..two of the great talents in the game!

    Angela Browne: I really hope it's a good match and on balance I think I'd like Murphy to win...

    Gregg Howe: Come on then @nr147. Smash it like the boss you are.

    Tweet in using #bbcsnooker

  154. Post update

    Ken Doherty

    Former world champion on BBC TV

    "The Masters will complete the triumvirate for Shaun Murphy. He will be full of confidence and attack from the front. He just needs to play the way he has and win frames on one visit."

  155. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-0 Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy sees away the first pot of the final, a red into the bottom left corner pocket. He leaves himself with very little on though and he can only manage six before Neil Robertson returns to the table.

  156. Post update

    Dennis Taylor

    BBC Sport snooker commentator

    "I am not going to predict who is going to win but both these players are form players. Murphy played faultless snooker against Allen and it will be a cracking final."

  157. Post update

    Neil Robertson 0-0 Shaun Murphy

    One word for the opening few minutes of the first frame - cagey. Safety exchanges are the order of the day, while Neil Robertson displays some early jitters as he fails to sink a long red. Nothing down yet.

  158. Post update

    A few shouts of encouragement from the crowd before quietness descends in the Alexandra Palace. A shake of the hands, a smile for the cameras and the two players take their positions.

    Best of 19 frames - Shaun Murphy to break. The 2015 Masters final is under way.

  159. Burn baby burn!


    Disco inferno!

    That's the walk on music of choice for Shaun Murphy at this year's Masters. Good choice? Got to admit, can never help but tap my toes whenever I hear it, it is definitely the sort of tune that settles nerves.

    From dramatic to daft, you hear all sorts of things when snooker players emerge these days, but what would be your walk-on music and why? Combine Harvester by The Wurzels for me. Don't ask why...

  160. Post update

    MC Rob Walker, drama etched all over his face, is speaking now. The crowd is ready, the players are ready. Are you?

  161. Walk-on in a snooker wonderland

    BBC Sport's Frank Keogh: "Masters finalist Shaun Murphy tells me he still listens to 'Shoot To Thrill' by AC/DC before matches, but he enjoys an old favourite for his walk-on music.

    "'It's all about Disco Inferno. I love it,' he says. Last year, Murphy arrived in the Alexandra Palace arena to Stevie Wonder's Superstition.

    "His opponent Neil Robertson prefers Heart Of Courage by Two Steps from Hell, which is used in the video game Mass Effect 2."

  162. Post update

    Shaun Murphy

    BBC Sport's Shamoon Hafez: "Destiny awaits Shaun Murphy as he looks to become only the 10th player in snooker history to complete the 'triple crown' of World, UK and Masters titles.

    "I spoke to Murphy ahead of the tournament and it seemed as though he wasn't expecting too much from this tournament.

    "A chest infection over Christmas put his preparations back by a week and it certainly felt he was looking to future Masters tournaments when he mentioned wanting to win the crown within the next 10 years.

    "But three superb performances this week leaves him on the verge of a memorable triumph."

  163. Post update

    The Masters
  164. Post update

    Steve Davis

    Six-time world champion on BBC TV

    "John Virgo said he thought Shaun Murphy was in a very good place in his head and he played in the semi-final like he has a force field around him, but he is coming up against another player who seems to have a force field around them, whose is going to weaken?"

  165. Murphy's dream

    Story of the semi-final

    Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy roared back from a 2-0 deficit to beat Northern Irishman Mark Allen in their semi-final.

    Allen led after breaks of 83 and 62, before Murphy won six straight frames to win the match and give himself the chance of claiming a first Masters title as well as career 'triple crown'.

    'The Magician' can join an elite group of nine players who have won all three of snooker's majors, having won the 2005 World title and 2008 UK crown.

  166. Robertson 'took apart' O'Sullivan

    Story of the semi-final

    Ronnie O'Sullivan

    Ronnie O'Sullivan, who was the defending champion, saw his 15-match winning streak ended in emphatic fashion by Neil Robertson on Saturday.

    Robertson won 6-1 to reach his third final in four years and leave O'Sullivan to reflect on his own game.

    "I am not the player I was 18 months ago," said O'Sullivan. "If I can get it back by playing more, I think I can."

  167. Robertson v Murphy



    These two last met at the 2014 Wuxi Classic quarter-final with Neil Robertson triumphing 5-4, improving his head-to-head record to 11-7.

    The stats are very much in Neil Robertson's favour but right now they don't count for much, it is all about who handles this final better.

  168. Live now

    We've got live coverage on BBC Two and online at the top of this page now, direct from the Alexandra Palace. First up, some emotive VT to get us all in the mood. Get on it.

  169. Post update

    John Parrott

    Former world champion on BBC TV

    "Neil Robertson was tactically very adept in the 2012 final but Shaun Murphy was absolutely outstanding yesterday and produced some heavy duty scoring and I think he is a better player."

  170. History to repeat?

    Neil Robertson

    This final is of course a repeat of the 2012 Masters final - the first to be held at the Alexandra Palace.

    After a tense first session, Neil Robertson triumphed 10-6 on the back of a dominant display in the second session.

    Robertson brought his son Alexander out to enjoy the celebrations on that occasion, but the youngster was more interested in playing on the snooker table than his dad's victory.

    Three years on, he'll probably understand more about what it all means, if Robertson wins.

  171. BBC coverage

    The Masters final on the BBC


    As has been the case throughout the tournament, the Masters final is live on the BBC on television and online. BBC Two coverage begins at 12:50 GMT and runs until 17:15 before resuming against at 19:00.

    You can also have a look back through the highlights of the tournament by clicking the highlights tab at the top of this page.

  172. Get involved #bbcsnooker

    Mike Pegler: The way Robertson dismantled Ronnie yesterday he will take some stopping me thinks.

    Matt Andrews: Actually going to go for Murphy many people opting for Neil but perhaps Murphy will make it more of a thinking game.

  173. Post update

    The Alexandra Palace doors have been open for just over one hour and the seats are filling up nicely as MC Rob Walker warms up the crowd.

    An extra 200 seats were brought in this year, taking the total capacity to 1700. In demand, this.

  174. Robertson's route to the final

    Neil Robertson

    World number one Neil Robertson is into his third Masters final and he has been in scintillating form so far. This is how he got here:

    Round 1 - beat Robert Milkins 6-4

    Quarter-final - beat Ali Carter 6-1

    Semi-final - beat Ronnie O'Sullivan 6-1

  175. #bbcsnooker

    Shaun Murphy on Twitter last night: I'm so rock and roll. Back to the apartment after a mammoth game tonight and it's pyjamas and a coffee in bed. Thanks for the support guys.

    Nothing wrong with that Shaun, consummate professional.

  176. Murphy's route to the final

    Shaun Murphy

    Shaun Murphy roared back from two-frames down to beat Mark Allen on Saturday and cruise into today's final. Here is how he got here:

    Round 1 - beat Mark Selby 6-5

    Quarter-final - beat Stephen Maguire 6-4

    Semi-final - beat Mark Allen 6-2

  177. #bbcsnooker

    Neil Robertson on Twitter: Morning guys! Final of The Masters today 1pm start.

  178. Post update

    Hello! Welcome to live coverage of the 2015 Masters final. The defending champion has been dumped out meaning we've got ourselves a repeat of the 2012 final - Neil Robertson versus Shaun Murphy.

    Robertson has been sizzling throughout the tournament so far, with the highlight undoubtedly being his dominant dismantling of Ronnie O'Sullivan in the semi-final.

    It is going to take some doing to deny Robertson a second Masters title but, after his own impressive semi-final display, Shaun Murphy will certainly fancy his chances...

  179. Who will be the champion?

    He broke the all-time career centuries record...

    Ronnie O'Sulliva

    ...notched up a record 43rd win at the tournament...

    Ronnie O'Sullivan

    ...but none of it was good enough to stop the might of world number one Neil Robertson powering into the Masters final.

    Neil Robertson

    Can Shaun Murphy succeed where Ronnie O'Sullivan failed?