Symud archif BBC Cymru i gartref newydd // Inside BBC Wales' film and tape archive
- Cyhoeddwyd
Mewn adeilad tywyll ym mherfeddion adeilad y BBC yn Llandaf, mae newid mawr ar y gweill.
Yr wythnos hon fe gymrodd BBC Cymru reolaeth o'i phencadlys newydd yng nghanol Caerdydd - ond beth fydd yn digwydd i holl archif teledu a radio BBC Cymru?

In the depths of BBC Wales in Cardiff change is in the air!
This week, BBC Wales received the keys to its new headquarters in Cardiff city centre, so what will now happen to its extensive TV and radio archive?

Mae'r broses o ddigido'r casgliad ffilm - dros 13,000 can o ffilm - eisoes wedi cychwyn. Fel yr hen eitem ffilm yma o'r gyfres newyddion Heddiw o 1970
The process of digitizing over 13,000 film cans from the 60s, 70s and early 80s is well under way: Like this one, from a Welsh language news item in 1970

Ond mae 'na lawer mwy o rai tebyg dal i fod ar y silffoedd...
But there are plenty more where that came from...

Ac nid dim ond ffilm sy'n cael ei gadw yma, ond hen dapiau fideo hefyd. Dyma ran o'r casgliad o 4,728 o dapiau un modfedd sydd ar y silffoedd, sydd i gyd erbyn hyn wedi'u digido
And it's not just film that's stored here. There are 4,728, old 1" fideo tapes on the shelves, which have all been digitized and are waiting to be transported to a new home

Hen ddesg olygu ffilm Steenbeck sydd yn cael ei defnyddio i droi'r deunydd ffilm yn ddigidol
To digitize the film items, an old, adapted Steenbeck editing desk is used

The desk includes this prism and digital camera set up, which captures each frame of film in full HD, as it's spooled through at up to five times normal speed

Mae'r camera digidol hwn yn ffilmio pob ffrâm o'r ffilm wrth iddo gael ei chwarae hyd at bum gwaith y cyflymder arferol

Ymhell cyn dyfodiad y we, dyma sut yr oedd hen straeon newyddion yn cael eu catalogio - hen doriadau papur newydd o'r 60au a'r 70au mewn cwpwrdd ffeilio

Before the internet age, this is how old news stories were catalogued - cuttings from 60s and 70s newspapers, stored in rows of filing cabinets

Ac wrth gwrs, mae'r sgriptiau a'r gwaith papur sydd yn mynd gydag unrhyw gynhyrchiad i gyd yn cael eu cadw yma hefyd...bocsys a bocsys o ddogfennau papur, yn ogystal â'r 64,000 o dapiau AV, a'r 100,000 o dapiau sain sydd hefyd yn byw yma
Of course, there's paperwork too! Production notes and scripts in boxes, piled high amongst the 64,000 AV tapes and 100,000 audio tapes which are also stored here

Ond pan mae'r ffilm yn torri, rhaid mynd yn ôl at ddulliau hen ffasiwn o'i thrwsio
But when the film breaks as its being digitized, as it does quite often, then you have to resort to the old fashioned methods...

Hefyd o ddiddordeb / Also of interest