Bookable rural bus service will expand

Four people stood by The Robin busImage source, Gloucestershire County Council
Image caption,

The bus service will expand over the course of three weeks

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A bookable bus service is expanding into three rural areas.

Gloucestershire County Council's The Robin allows passengers to search for a journey and select a pick up and drop off time that suits them.

Currently operating in the Forest of Dean and north Cotswolds, it is now expanding into Tewkesbury, Berkeley Vale and the south Cotswolds.

The expansion comes after the council was granted £1.5m in extra Department for Transport funding.

A single journey costs £2, with passengers picked up and dropped off at bus stops, or directly at a location if no other transport options are available.

It was introduced to improve public transport options in rural areas which are under-served by bus companies.

Through The Robin, the council aims to increase access to services and the county's wider transport network.

The new Tewkesbury route will start from Monday, the south Cotswold route from 10 June and Berkeley Vale from 17 June.

Councillor Philip Robinson said: “It’s fantastic to see The Robin expanding into new areas.

"It really can change people’s lives in rural areas by giving them access to employment, education, healthcare or entertainment.”

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