James May and Tom Holland on revamped festival bill

James May sitting in front of a microphone
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Former Top gear presenter James May will be a guest at Chalke History festival

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Broadcaster James May and historian duo Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook have been announced as part of the line up for Chalke History Festival.

Formerly known as Chalke Valley History Festival, the event has changed its name for 2024.

Set in Broad Chalke, near Salisbury, Wiltshire, the festival runs from 24-30 June, offering talks and historic performances and live music.

Co-founder and creative director, James Holland, said: "Chalke History Festival has all the elements of a quintessential English summer festival: vibrant tents, delicious food and drink, camping beneath the stars and an enchanting atmosphere."

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Author and historian Tom Holland is also part of the line up

Musician and record producer Jakko Jakszyk and journalist Sathnam Sanghera are amongst the performers and international speakers announced.

Organisers said the programme would reflect the "themes and concerns that dominate our current lives" and help to "make sense of the current rather tumultuous world we live in".

Mr Holland continued: "With the likes of Sebastian Faulks, Sathnam Sanghera, Tracy Borman, Michael Palin, Zeinab Badawi, James May and more in our exciting and wide-ranging programme, visitors are ensured a fantastic historical experience.

"History has never been more important!”

This year's event will feature more performances than usual, spanning from the Iron Age through to Word War Two, as well as a new layout for the site.

Live music includes an ABBA tribute act and a D-Day Dance and there will be a five-course lunchtime historical banquet on the Sunday.

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