Six senior staff leave county's health body

Blurred health staffImage source, PA Media
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Shropshire's Integrated Care Board has denied the departures are linked to concerns about its leadership

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The organisation that plans healthcare in Shropshire has had six senior members of staff announce they are leaving over a seven-month period.

NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin denied the departures were linked to how the county's Integrated Care Board (ICB) was led.

However, a number of people have told the BBC they have submitted grievances against the organisation, with one grievance understood to be under investigation.

The ICB said it was undergoing a "period of significant organisational change" which continued to have an impact on staff, and led some to review their position and career plans.

"During this time, six senior members of staff announced their plans to leave the ICB, five of which have since left, either retiring, securing other jobs, promotion or because of a change to their personal circumstances," it said.

The BBC has been told some former senior staff believed patient care had been affected by poor leadership, with one claiming their experience at the ICB had been the worst of a long career in the NHS.

Whilst recognising that the organisation was facing a "difficult and challenging time" as it looks to reduce costs by 30%, the ICB said it was recruiting "high quality" candidates to fill senior roles.

"We are pleased with the calibre of staff we have been able to attract to the ICB and are in the process of implementing our new organisational structure," it stated.

"We remain committed to fostering an inclusive, supportive and compassionate environment for all," the ICB added.

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