Man arrested at Buckingham Palace scaled fence again, court hears

Buckingham Palace
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Buckingham Palace is the Queen's main residence

At a glance

  • Daniel Brydges, 33, appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court

  • He is charged with trespassing at the Palace twice and criminal damage

  • Mr Brydges, of Portsmouth, Hampshire, pleaded not guilty

  • He has been granted bail to appear in court again in October

  • Published

A man arrested for trespassing in the grounds of Buckingham Palace scaled the fence again four days later, a court has heard.

Daniel Brydges, 33, is accused of twice trespassing at the Queen’s home in December and was appearing at Westminster Magistrates’ Court.

Mr Brydges, of Portsmouth, Hampshire, denies charges of trespassing at the palace on 18 and 22 December, and a further charge of criminal damage on 18 December.

He is accused of entering the grounds of the royal residence and damaging the barbed wire fence that surrounds it.

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The Queen leaves Buckingham Palace in a carriage

Prosecutor Mukaddisa Bokhari said: “He’s then gone again, even though he’s on a bail condition not to attend, and directly breached the conditions by climbing the fence into Buckingham Palace only four days after the original offence.”

The Queen was at Windsor Castle at the time of the alleged offences.

Mr Brydges spoke only to confirm his name, date of birth and address.

Defending, Rajesh Bhamm, said his client had a “quite serious mental health background”, with a psychiatric report set to be prepared.

District Judge Briony Clarke granted Mr Brydges bail on the condition he did not attend any royal palace or royal residence ahead of his next hearing at the same court on 12 October.