Supermarket teams up with electric vehicle firm

A power cable is connected to an electric car as it is charging
Image caption,

The project aims to get more shoppers using sustainable transport

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A supermarket chain is working with an electric car share service to provide more sustainable transport options for shoppers in Jersey.

The Channel Islands Coop (CI Coop) and electric vehicle supplier EVie said they had teamed up so electric vehicles can be picked up and dropped off at selected stores with dedicated spaces at the stores.

CI Coop said the scheme, which starts on 5 September, provided a "fantastic opportunity" to give people in the island more sustainable transport choices.

Carl Winn, head of community and sustainability for the Coop, said: "Sustainability is a vital part of our overall mission."

Nick Perchard-Rees, chief executive officer at EVie, said the company was "committed to providing simple and affordable access to sustainable modes of travel".

He said the partnership was "crucial in making a real impact" in reducing Jersey’s carbon footprint.

The vehicles will be available at the Grand Marche in St Helier, St Brelade Coop, Beaumont Coop and the St Peter Grand Marche.