Cordon around nesting gull in supermarket car park

The gull sitting on its nest protected by a metal barrier
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The RSPCA advised supermarket staff to give the gull space to protect it

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Staff at a supermarket in Cornwall have erected barriers and cordoned off eight parking spaces to protect a nesting gull.

The gull is sitting on eggs in a nest built at the base of a tree in the Morrisons car park in Liskeard.

A spokesperson for Morrisons said staff contacted the RSPCA for advice and were told to cordon off space so the bird would not be disturbed.

All wild birds, their eggs and nests are protected by law, external.

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Staff at Morrisons in Liskeard put barriers and tape across eight parking spaces to protect the gull

It is an offence to damage or destroy a wild bird’s nest while it is being used or built.

The RSPCA added the gull could scare or hurt customers if distressed.

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