In pictures: Snow sprinkles the East of England

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 9, Drone image of Peterborough Cathedral , Peterborough Cathedral looked stunning after a snow dusting on Sunday
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Parts of the East of England have been covered with a light dusting of snow.

The white-capped spires of Peterborough Cathedral towered over the city on Sunday morning, while parts of Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire also received snow.

The Met Office issued a yellow weather warning for ice in the region on Saturday.

Parts of Norfolk experienced their lowest daytime temperatures, at -2C, since the Beat from the East storm of 2018.

The icy weather also meant delays and cancellations at London Stansted Airport.

Some parts of the UK experienced temperatures as low as -12C (10.4F) on Saturday night, and 15cm of snow (5.9in) in the north of England.

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