Africa Beats: Moroccan singer Ahmed Soultan performs his song Ignorance

In the third of a series showcasing Africa's musical talent, Moroccan singer Ahmed Soultan performs his song Ignorance.

Ahmed is a Moroccan musician who is passionate about reconnecting his country with the rest of Africa.

His music combines Arabic slang, and the melodies that characterise the music of the Middle East, with Berber beats that he says are fundamentally African.

Early on, he rejected advice that he should go to Paris to further his musical career.

Instead, he headed to Dakar, the Senegalese capital. There he connected with reggae and hip hop artists such as Tiken Jah Fakoly and Positive Black Soul.

He has released two albums to date, Tolerance in 2006 and Code in 2009. He is working on a third.

Video produced by Owain Rich.