Vanity vinyl: The era of homemade records

Record collectors usually go in search of rare and valuable copies of albums by iconic artists. But Johan Kugelberg has instead unearthed a collection of vinyl treats by musicians who probably never sold a single copy.

The book Enjoy the Experience, edited by Kugelberg along with Michael P Daley and Paul Major, chronicles the rise and fall of the homemade record, from the 1950s to the early 1990s.

He talked to the BBC about the music - and the art work - created by Americans who may never have made it big - but who at least made a record.

Produced by Bill McKenna, Sune Engel Rasmussen and Charly Jaffe, filming by Andrew Herbert

Picture This is a series of video features published every Thursday on the BBC News website which illustrates interviews with authors about their new books.

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