Wengenn in Wonderland: Baby's nap becomes artist's dreamscape

Wengenn Liao has interviewed the president, conquered Wall Street, and composed a symphony... and all during naptime.

His mother, Queenie Liao, would arrange colourful household objects on the floor to illustrate a dreamy adventure, and then place her sleeping infant in the middle of the scene.

During those afternoon sessions, Queenie took hundreds of photos, which she has made into a book, published in Taiwan, called Sleepy Baby, or, in English, Wengenn in Wonderland.

The BBC visited the Liaos outside the US city of San Francisco on an afternoon when Queenie sent Wengenn, now three years old, on a trip to outer space in a photo titled Sky Walker.

Produced for the BBC by Leigh Paterson.

First Person is a series of video features published every Monday on the BBC News website which tells the stories of unique individuals from all walks of life in their own words.

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