This land was made for mostly me: Bruce McCall's take on the 1%

If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?

Artist and author Bruce McCall take this question to the extreme in his book "This Land was Made for You and Me (But Mostly Me)".

Along with talk-show host David Letterman, McCall painted a world where a billionaire could cut down the Redwood forest to create a private tunnel or move the top of Mt Everest to a New York penthouse to use as a party venue.

He told the BBC the jumping-off point for the book was how some in the 1% use money today to build "monuments to their own egos".

Produced by Ashley Semler and Peter Murtaugh

Picture This is a series of video features published every Thursday on the BBC News website which illustrate interviews with authors about their new books.

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