#BBC Trending: Twin Peaks, a show made to Gif

Since director David Lynch announced that a new season of Twin Peaks would be released in 2016 on the US cable network Showtime, phrases associated with the show have spiked on Twitter - #damngoodcoffee (42,000 mentions), David Lynch (24,000) and TwinPeaks (145,000). Tumblr, always a reliable source for Twin Peaks Gifs, is reacting with log-lady levels of delight.

Twin Peaks, a murder mystery set in the Pacific North-West, is David Lynch's seminal TV drama. Originally aired in 1991, the show has become one of the US's biggest cult hits.

Despite entering the popular culture in a time before the internet and DVR, it has developed a strong fan following online.

The Washington Post's pop culture blogger Alyssa Rosenberg says the show is returning to a changed television landscape, but one for which it is well-suited.

Produced by Micah Luxen and Colm O'Molloy. Filmed and edited by Colm O'Molloy.

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