Searching for Islamic State insurgents in Iraq

When Iraq's second city, Mosul, fell to Islamic State in the summer, the country's army also abandoned the city of Kirkuk. It was left in the hands of Kurdish security forces, known as the Peshmerga.

BBC World follows the town's police chief, Brig Gen Sarhad Qader, as he works to keep control of the region. He was appointed police chief in 2003 after the US-led invasion.

His role goes beyond the more traditional definition of policing, encompassing functions that would normally be assigned to soldiers or specialists.

Here his team capture a man on wanted list who they suspect is leader of an insurgent group accused if planning improvised explosive devices. It follows reports that members of the Iraqi army have been forced to swear allegiance to IS.

But the man says he has no idea why he has been arrested.

Watch The Policeman of Kirkuk on BBC World from 02:10 GMT on Saturday 11 October. For full list of timings look here.

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