2021: A year of wild weather

Europe can expect 50C heatwaves every three years if global emissions continue rising, according to new Met Office new data analysis undertaken for BBC Panorama.

This is under what's described as a "medium" emissions scenario – and the Met Office says that, unless the world takes significant action on climate change, by the year 2100 the continent can expect a similar heatwave every year.

Ahead of a special programme, Wild Weather: Our World Under Threat, BBC Panorama has been looking back at the extreme weather events already recorded in 2021.

UK viewers can watch BBC Panorama – Wild Weather: Our World Under Threat on BBC iPlayer.

More on the climate summit:

The COP26 global climate summit in Glasgow is seen as crucial if climate change is to be brought under control. Almost 200 countries are being asked for their plans to cut emissions, and it could lead to major changes to our everyday lives.