OnePlus 2 phone on sale 'by invite'

Chinese phone manufacturer OnePlus has released its new device, the OnePlus 2.

The company is one of many selling high-end smartphones at comparatively low prices.

"These devices are based on Google's Android operating system, which basically means they have access to pretty much everything that a high end device from the likes of Samsung does," said Will Findlater, editor-in-chief at Stuff Magazine.

The company has repeated its marketing strategy for the original OnePlus phone, allowing only people who are invited to buy the device.

"They're leveraging more modern marketing techniques," said Mr Findlater.

"They sold about 900,000 units last year, which isn't much compared to a Samsung or an Apple - but when you consider that every single one of the people who bought one was invited to, that's a pretty big figure."