Harriet Harman: BBC 'must resist pressure'

Deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman has criticised Conservative party chairman Grant Shapps, after he warned that the BBC could face cuts to the TV licence fee unless it rebuilt public trust.

Speaking to The Andrew Marr Show, Mrs Harman said it was "completely wrong" for Mr Shapps to "start weighing in on this" in the run up to the charter renewal in 2016 - and urged the BBC resist any pressure that could compromise its independence.

"Some of the Tories are against the BBC because it's a public corporation and actually have never liked it and they see any opportunity to give it a good kicking," she added.

Meanwhile, former BBC Director General Greg Dyke said that "in opposition politicians are very nice about the BBC - but in government, as their message doesn't get through, they get more and more upset".

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