Greenpeace journalist Bryan: Release feels 'incredible'

Five Britons seized by Russian authorities from the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise have been released on bail after spending two months in jail.

One of these five individuals, Kieron Bryan, a video journalist who was paid by Greenpeace to document the voyage, told the Today programme that the first day following his release was "the best of [his] life".

He said the most difficult part of his time in prison was "the isolation and being separated", as the group "weren't allowed to share cells or communicate".

When asked about the risks involved with the trip, he noted that Greenpeace "discussed the legal implications" before going to Russia but that the issue of piracy, with which they were initially charged, was met with "laughter".

Bryan also admitted that even when they were arrested the group thought they would simply "get a wrap on the wrists and be sent away".

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Saturday 23 November 2013.

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