Neomi Bennett: Black nurse 'scared' by police arrest

A black nurse pulled over by police who drove in front of her in a "hard stop" operation, has spoken about the impact of being arrested and held overnight in a cell.

Police officers stopped Neomi Bennett in 2019 because, they said, her front windows were tinted too dark.

She was convicted of obstructing a police officer, but prosecutors later decided not to challenge her appeal.

Ms Bennett, who was awarded the British Empire Medal for services to nursing, is now taking legal action as she says she was targeted because of her race.

A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police said: "The South West Basic Command Unit Professional Standards team is currently assessing a complaint in relation to this incident.

"Due to the complaint, we cannot go into any more detail at this time, however, Sally Benatar, SW BCU Commander, has recently been in contact with Neomi Bennett and has put her in touch with the local Independent Advisory Group chair to discuss her experiences with police."

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