Moment lionesses attack lion at West Midland Safari Park

A lion is "stiff and sore" but otherwise recovering after being attacked by lionesses.

West Midlands Safari Park said Jilani had been checked over by a vet following a dispute with lionesses over some meat.

The video recorded at the park on Wednesday show keepers spraying the animals in a bid to break it up.

Jilani and his two brothers usually stick together and keep the lionesses in order, but on this occasion the other females became involved first, the safari park said.

They added he and his brothers were now "resting" away from the females but will rejoin the pride later this weekend.

"The males were introduced slowly to the females last year, so the pride is still settling in under the watchful eyes of our carnivore keepers.

"Lions are very tough animals and disputes similar to this are very common in the wild," the safari park said.