Covid-19: How to be a travel vlogger in lockdown

Travel vlogger Bogdan Alexe has been coming up with different ways to make films after borders were closed during lockdown.

The YouTuber, from Canterbury, Kent, has turned to producing videos using green screen and archive footage.

He said: "I don't think travel vlogging will see the end of days after this."

The Foreign Office is still advising against all non-essential travel, external, but that is going to be lifted on 6 July for countries where the public health risk is no longer "unacceptably high".

But this official travel advice from the Foreign Office is separate from so called "international travel corridors".

These would be agreements with other countries - starting as early as 4 July - where anyone returning from those nations would not need to self-isolate in the UK for a fortnight upon their return.

Video producer: Stuart Maisner

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