Row over cycle hire sponsor's '£10m free advertising' claim

Transport bosses have not received any funding for the expansion of the cycle hire scheme to south-west London from its sponsors Barclays.

A document from August 2011, released via a Freedom of Information request, said Transport for London (TfL) had expected £10m from its sponsors for phase three.

London Assembly Labour party member Val Shawcross said the company had been handed "at least £10m of free advertising".

Following its decision not renew its sponsorship, Barclays said it had agreed with TfL to pay £25m for phases one to three of the project until August 2015, if a new sponsor was not found before that date.

The bank added it was in discussions to finalise a "legal amendment" to the existing contract.

BBC London's Political Editor Tim Donovan spoke to MayorWatch's Martin Hoscik, London Assembly Green Party member Darren Johnson and London Assembly Labour Party member Valerie Shawcross.

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