Queen Victoria's Salford polka heard after 150 years

Music that was composed for the visit of Queen Victoria to a Salford hall has been recorded, 150 years after it was last played.

Heinrich Blumer's Ellesmere Polka was played for the young queen when she visited Worsley Hall in 1851.

The hall was a mansion built for the Earls of Ellesmere, which was demolished at the end of the 1940s.

The music score was discovered during work by staff from the University of Salford's Centre for Applied Archaeology.

It was passed to the university's Dr Robin Dewhurst, who recorded the tune for the first time.

The recording has been put online as a free download, external.

Music students from the university will give a live performance of the polka at the institution's MediaCityUK campus on 11 September.