Relative finds WW1 soldier's tunnel grave

A woman who spent seven years investigating her great-grandfather's death has descended 80ft (24m) to tunnels below the Somme, northern France, to retrace his steps and visit the spot where he died.

Sapper William Arthur Lloyd was killed by a German explosion while tunnelling below the Somme battlefield in 1915. Now, his great-granddaughter Lesley Woodbridge has retraced his steps to stand just feet from where he died - and where his body still lies.

On Sunday, with the help of a team of archaeologists studying La Boisselle tunnels below the Somme, she descended and crawled along tunnels that in all likelihood her great-grandfather had helped dig.

BBC Radio Shropshire's Nick Southall arranged for Lesley to speak to her 88-year-old mother Thelma Roberts from the 80ft depth under no man's land - live on air.