Eastleigh by-election: Miliband restates 10p tax pledge

Labour leader Ed Miliband has said his party is "determined to fight for every vote" ahead of the Eastleigh by-election.

Speaking in support of his party's candidate John O'Farrell, Mr Miliband said Labour would reintroduce a 10p tax rate paid for by a "mansion tax".

Mr Miliband challenged the Lib Dem leader to support his motion, saying "let's hear from Nick Clegg that he will vote with Labour and force George Osborne's hand in the next budget."

He added that the Liberal Democrats were an "accomplice" to the Conservatives not a brake, highlighting Mr Clegg's "broken promises" on tuition fees and VAT.

The by-election comes after Liberal Democrat Chris Huhne resigned having admitted perverting the course of justice.

Prime Minister David Cameron, Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg and UKIP's Nigel Farage have already visited Eastleigh.