Jose Manuel Barroso says benefits brake 'will not deter UK migrants'

Former European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso has told BBC Newsnight that the proposed "emergency brake" on in-work benefits paid to EU migrants would not put people off coming to the UK.

Levels of immigration would be dependent on future labour market conditions, he said. "People who want to go to Britain, if the basic rights of the people are ensured, they will be willing to go but of course with slightly different conditions."

Mr Barroso, who stood down from the European Commission last year after ten years as the EU executive's president, said, "everyone wants Britain to remain" in the EU.

He was talking to presenter James O'Brien about the draft changes to some of the terms of the UK's membership of the EU which are due to be discussed at an EU summit next week. If the changes are agreed David Cameron is expected to call a referendum for June on whether the UK should stay in the EU.