Scottish independence: Salmond on 'blueprint for a better Scotland'

The Scottish government has published a paper setting out the economic case for independence.

The paper proposes a new corporation tax designed to help small and medium-size businesses; with a growth in exports one of the economic levers that would enable growth to occur.

First Minister Alex Salmond told Brian Taylor, BBC Scotland's political editor: "This document lays out a menu of how you can harness the great natural resources of Scotland, resources which other countries would give their eye-teeth for."

He said that adding that to the "natural talent, ingenuity and ability of the Scottish people" would "create a more prosperous society".

"This is a blueprint for a better Scotland," he said.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies had earlier published a report warning that an independent Scotland would need to cut public spending or increase taxes for economic stability. The IFS warned an ageing population and declining revenues from the North Sea would lead to severe financial challenges.

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