Hague: Devolved powers vow 'unconditional'

MPs have begun debating further devolution to Scotland and its impact on the rest of the UK following last month's "No" vote in the referendum.

Leader of the House, William Hague, opened the debate telling MPs "the vow" on further devolved powers for Scotland "will be delivered whatever our deliberations about England".

When asked about the absence of Prime Minister David Cameron from the debate Mr Hague said: "On this I can also speak for the official opposition, from the leader of the opposition, from the deputy prime minister and from the prime minister; it is an unconditional vow.

"I think the Scottish Nationals should stop trying to pretend that people are reneging when they are not reneging on this commitment."

They will also be considering other constitutional change throughout the UK including curtailing the voting rights of Scottish MPs in the West Lothian question.

Labour has said it will not accept English votes for English laws.

The UK government published its plans, external for transferring more powers to the Scottish Parliament on Monday.

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