'You worry about being bullied or judged'

Emotional well-being must be taken as seriously as reading and writing in Scotland's schools, according to a leading mental health charity.

The Mental Health Foundation has warned of a "growing child mental health crisis" and called for more support in schools and better training for teachers.

The Scottish government said "every child and young person should have access to emotional and mental well-being support in schools".

Twenty-two-year-old student Caitlin told how she worried about "being bullied, judged or pushed out of a friendship group", when she experienced mental health issues.

She has described how school friends were unsupportive and teachers, while understanding, were unsure how to help her.

Details of organisations offering information and support with mental issues are available on the BBC Action Line site, or you can call for free, at any time, to hear recorded information on 08000 560 190.

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