Casualty story change due to smoking ban in Wales, says BBC

A storyline in the BBC TV drama series Casualty warning about the dangers of smoking had to be dropped because of Wales' anti-smoking laws.

BBC Wales, which produces the programme, gave evidence in the Welsh assembly as it backed a law amendment to allow smoking to be filmed on set.

Smoking in enclosed spaces was banned across the UK in 2007 but in England there is an exemption which permits smoking for drama recordings.

AMs will vote on the issue in the spring, with the Welsh government favouring a similar exemption.

Kate Morgan reports.

  • On 24 January 2013 BBC Cymru Wales submitted a correction to its evidence to the committee. The Casualty production team has confirmed they found an alternative way of shooting the relevant scene and no change was made to the plot of the episode in question. BBC Cymru Wales has apologised for the error.

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