School exclusion scheme aims to lower Neet figures

A new approach to tackling bad behaviour among young people in school has seen a massive drop in the number of exclusions over the past three years in pilot schools.

Fitzalan High School in Cardiff and Monmouth Comprehensive School have both seen their exclusion rates drop by over 90% since they began a restorative approach to challenging behaviour three years ago.

Part of the new scheme involved pupils talking together with a teacher as a group about issues like bullying, and including the problem pupil as part of the solution rather than repeatedly excluding them.

It is hoped the scheme will lower the rates of young people not in education, employment or training (Neets).

Latest figures show while the overall employment rate is rising, there are still 22% of young people in this category across Wales, with 11,000 of them in the 16-18 age group.

BBC Wales economics correspondent Sarah Dickins reports.

Unemployment falls below UK average

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