NHS army care claims 'dirty tricks', says Madeleine Moon MP

An MP has suggested claims soldiers wait longer for treatment in Wales than elsewhere in the UK may be more to do with a "ministry of dirty tricks" than the Ministry of Defence.

Bridgend Labour MP Madeleine Moon, who is a member of the Defence Select Committee, said Surgeon General Air Marshal Paul Evans raised no concerns about the issue when he was challenged on it - by her and another Welsh MP - at a joint health and defence ministry board.

She said it was "highly unlikely" Mr Evans would have withheld such evidence.

Speaking to Mai Davies on Radio Wales, she implied an alternative explanation for the claims was the chance to criticise the Welsh NHS.

Last week Prime Minister David Cameron told MPs the state of the NHS in Wales "is a scandal".

Labour said the criticisms were "simply the latest chapter in the Tory war on Wales" by Mr Cameron's Conservatives.

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