Steel in Wales 'fighting for survival' - Community union

A union leader in south Wales says the steel industry is fighting for its survival.

Alan Coombs of the Community Union says steelmakers need government to step in and create a level playing field so they can compete.

It comes as a Welsh MP has said she is nervous about the future for the steel industry in Wales in the face of collapsing prices and cheap imports from China.

Cardiff Central MP Jo Stevens was on a Commons committee which said the UK government had taken little action to tackle the crisis.

The MP said Wales had been "relatively unscathed" in a year when steel plants closed in England and Scotland.

But she said the industry would always be "on the back foot" without support.

Tata is losing millions of pounds a week at its Port Talbot plant.

Mr Coombs told BBC Wales economics correspondent Sarah Dickins the industry was in "survival mode".

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