Carl Sargeant: 'Lessons must be learnt', Labour MP says

"Lessons must be learnt" over events leading to the death of sacked minister Carl Sargeant, an MP and friend has warned.

Alyn and Deeside AM Mr Sargeant was found dead on Tuesday after being suspended by Welsh Labour.

It followed allegations accusing him of "unwanted attention, inappropriate touching or groping".

Mark Tami, who is the MP for the same constituency as Mr Sargeant, said if procedures had been followed by the party then something had gone "badly wrong".

Labour AMs will meet on Thursday to discuss Mr Sargeant's death.

Mr Tami added it was not the time to point blame, but to think of the family and their loss.

He said: "What’s happened is absolutely terrible, we have to learn from that, and we have to make sure it doesn’t happen to anybody else".