Libya's child traffic cops

Trying to manage the traffic in Benghazi, Libya can be a difficult job - not least when you are a child. But that is exactly what Islam Mohammed Abdulsalam, 14, has to contend with when he puts on his uniform and takes to the streets as a volunteer traffic cop.

Islam has been part of an organisation called Friends of Benghazi Traffic Police since it was set up in 2004 - when he was just six years old. It was established to improve road safety in the city, after an alarming number of accidents, and also helps paraplegic victims of road incidents.

The organisation aims to educate and give support to Benhgazi's traffic police, and the child volunteers that have been involved from the outset are usually seen after school.

Islam works each day from 4pm until 9pm. Due to the current unrest, the city's schools are closed so the children are more conspicuously present on the streets.

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