Argentina's 'Falklands Olympics' advert sparks row

Argentina has angered the Falkland Islands by broadcasting a political advert filmed on the territory without authorisation.

Entitled "Olympic Games 2012: Homage to the Fallen and the Veterans of the Malvinas", the advert features the Argentine hockey captain Fernando Zylberberg training in the Falklands ahead of the London Olympics in July. It features the slogan: "To compete on English soil, we train on Argentine soil."

The advert - broadcast in Argentina on Wednesday night - is the latest measure by Argentina to reassert its claim to the British overseas territory it calls the Malvinas. Wednesday was the 30th anniversary of the sinking of Argentine ship the General Belgrano.

Falklands legislator Ian Hansen said the video had been filmed without permission and dismissed it as a piece of "cheap and disrespectful propaganda".

Tom Esslemont reports.