Damascus suburb rises up against President Assad

Activists in Syria are claiming that the army has launched renewed assaults on several cities.

More than 130 people are believed to have been killed across the country in the last 48 hours.

The United Nations Security Council will meet this evening to discuss a draft resolution which could result in President Assad standing down.

The BBC's Jeremy Bowen reports from the Damascus suburb of Saqba - another area where the Assad government's grip appears to be weakening.

Watch more of Jeremy Bowen's reports from Syria below.

Jeremy Bowen meets activists in the town of Douma

Jeremy Bowen visits Homs which he says is 'starting to look like a city at war'

Jeremy Bowen meets pro-Assad supporters in Damascus

Jeremy Bowen goes inside Syria's 'free' town Zabadani

Jeremy Bowen gets rare access to the city of Deraa