Demonstrators claim Egyptian democracy 'blocked'

Huge protests across Egypt calling for the resignation of President Mohammed Morsi have taken place through the night with some outbreaks of violence.

In the capital, Cairo, tens of thousands of people massed in Tahrir Square and outside the presidential palace in the biggest demonstration there since the 2011 revolution.

Salah Mustaf, a solicitor who has been taking part in the protests, explained to Today programme presenter James Naughtie the frustrations of some Egyptians with their political leadership following the 2011 unrest: "Egyptians have been promised democracy and all diplomatic channels have been blocked in front of them."

"We will continue demonstrating every day and then we will see what we need to do further…We are going to continue doing what we need to do until they collapse. We don't have a choice here."

Jeremy Bowen, BBC Middle East editor, explained the difficulties faced by the opposition to President Morsi: "The big question for the opposition is where they go now. It's a very broad coalition, ranging from people who supported the old regime to people who took to the streets to get rid of it, but they have come together with this idea of getting rid of Morsi, but the question is - how do they do it?"

First broadcast on the Today programme on Monday 1 July.