Webscape: Calendars to simplify your life

Kate Russell looks at a few of the best calendar apps on the market to see if they can simplify her schedule.

Week Cal and Fantastical are available for iPhone for a small charge and Jorte Calendar is available free for Android. If you want to give the native Android calendar a boost, Agenda Widget is a customisable add-on that costs a couple of dollars.

If you have a Windows phone and want an alternative to the native calendar, Chronos is a good option. It costs a couple of dollars and has a free trial to start you off.

With your calendar sorted out it is time to put something in it.

Daybees, external is a great place to go to find events of interest, with a database of over 1.5 million gathered from across the web in over 230 genres from football matches and concerts, to auctions and crochet classes.

Pipe , externalis new drag and drop transfer service that lets you send files up to 1GB to Facebook friends via a direct link from computer to computer, as long as you are both online, so it is as fast as your connections will allow and very private.

And Twitter's micro video blogging app ,Vine, external, made it onto Android this week.