Wounded US veterans finding salvation on the ski slopes

Since 2001, almost 7,000 US service personnel have been killed in the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. More than 50,000 have been injured.

Those wounded veterans, many of whom are amputees or left unable to walk by their injuries, are now back in the US trying to rebuild their lives.

Pte First Class Alan Babin is one of them. He was a battlefield medic who was seriously injured in Iraq by a gunshot to his abdomen. He lost 90% of his stomach and spleen as well as part of his pancreas. While receiving treatment back in the US he contracted meningitis and suffered a stroke.

Sgt Dino Cedeno is another. He is still a serving soldier despite losing his leg above the knee in Afghanistan just eight months ago.

This spring, Pte Babin and his mother Rosie joined Sgt Cedeno and 400 other disabled veterans at a ski resort in Colorado for a week of sport and rehabilitation.

They spoke to Jonathan Bell about their injuries and the long journey to recovery. You can see the full .

Filmed and edited by the BBC's Peter Murtaugh