President-elect Trump is not ideological says Scaramucci

One of the Donald Trump’s transitional team executive committee members has told BBC Hardtalk’s Stephen Sackur the US president-elect is not ideological.

“I would say he is common sense, problem solving in his orientation, so some of this stuff will be right-leaning and some will be surprisingly less than right-leaning,” said Anthony Scaramucci.

The last two presidencies had been driven though ideology explained Mr Scaramucci.

“Mr Trump is going to be more about what’s right or wrong for the American people as opposed to left or right,” he added.

Mr Scaramucci is a New York hedge fund manager and is one of President-elect Trump’s executive committee transitional team deciding who will fill positions in his cabinet-in-waiting.

Watch the full interview on Wednesday 23 November 2016 on BBC World News, on the BBC News Channel and BBC iPlayer (UK only).