Coronavirus: 'It is possible to be tired and in pain and happy at the same time'

Some people recovering from Covid-19 are experiencing chronic fatigue symptoms and struggling to manage their limited energy. Jade Gray-Christie tells her story and gets tips from two women who have lived with chronic conditions for years.

Jade worked two jobs and attended the gym several times a week, yet after contracting coronavirus in March her life changed. The 32-year-old now sleeps up to 16 hours a day and is exhausted after doing one household task.

Presenter Natasha Lipman, who has managed a variety of chronic illness symptoms throughout her adult life, introduces Jade to Jo Southall, an occupational therapist who has Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

From pacing yourself at work to hosting friends in your pyjamas, Jo and Natasha share the strategies which help them manage long-term pain, fatigue and poor mobility.

A full transcript is available here.

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