Results: parties by seats
326 seats for a majority
0 seats to go
  • Labour: 412 seats, 211 seats gained
  • Conservative: 121 seats, 251 seats lost
  • Liberal Democrat: 72 seats, 64 seats gained
  • Scottish National Party: 9 seats, 39 seats lost
  • Sinn Fein: 7 seats, No change
  • Others: 29 seats, 15 seats gained
Change since 2019


  • Election coverage from across Cambridgeshire

  • Voters have gone to the polls in six constituencies across the county

  • Conservative Ben Obese-Jecty has been elected as the MP for Huntingdon

  • Conservative former cabinet minister Steve Barclay held his seat in North East Cambridgeshire

  • Liberal Democrat Pippa Heylings took South Cambridgeshire from the Conservatives

  • Labour candidate Daniel Zeichner has been re-elected in Cambridge

  • Liberal Democrat Ian Sollom won St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire

  • Conservative Lucy Frazer lost her Ely and East Cambridgeshire seat to Liberal Democrat Charlotte Cane

  1. That's all, for now...published at 07:24 5 July

    We're bringing our live coverage to an end now, with the results all but declared.

    Keep an eye on the BBC News website's dedicated Cambridgeshire area here.

    National updates will continue rolling in through the day via our dedicated live blog here.

  2. Difficult night for the Conservativespublished at 06:44 5 July

    Stephen Barclay says it is a "huge honour" to be re-elected in his seat of North East Cambridgeshire but it is "against a very difficult night for the Conservatives".

    "Many friends and many good colleagues will have lost their seats and many people who voted for the Conservatives last time were not able to do so this time.

    "I have been engaging every day of the campaign and heard concerns, and I think it is incumbent on us all to go away and reflect on what people have said, so we can ensure that our Conservative values are ones that they identify with going forward."

    He holds his seat with a significantly reduced majority.

    Stephen Barclay looking concerned, dressed in a suit and blue tie, with a blue rosette attached to his lapel.Image source, Jenny Kirk/BBC
  3. Lucy Frazer: 'It's been a challenging night'published at 06:26 5 July

    A smiling Lucy Frazer looking directly into the camera wearing a blue jacket, and blue rosette.Image source, David Webster

    Lucy Frazer, who is no longer a Conservative MP, says it has been a challenging night after losing her seat in Ely and East Cambridgeshire by "a close margin" of 495 votes.

    She says: "I think that is because down here the Conservative council has delivered on the ground, and I think there's a recognition of the support that we have locally."

  4. 'Mistake to call the election early'published at 06:16 5 July

    Anthony Browne, a former Member of Parliament for South Cambridgeshire, says his local campaign went well but "the public wanted change".

    "Nationally the campaign had a lot of downs, it could have done with more ups and I think it was a mistake to call the election early. It should have been in November.

    "But it wasn't just about the campaign, clearly there have been lots of issues over the last five years... and the public wanted change."

    Anthony Browne, with his hands raised, speaks into a microphone on a platform and behind a podium. He is wearing a grey suit with a blue tie and blue rosette pinned to his lapel.Image source, Emma Howgego/BBC
  5. A call for proportional representationpublished at 05:15 5 July

    Kathryn Fisher, a Green Party candidate for St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire, delivers a passionate speech after receiving 2,663 votes.

    She says she wants to stand in local elections in the future and would like the new government to introduce proportional representation to give smaller parties more of a voice in Westminster.

    Green Party Candidate Kathryn Fisher smiling and looking directly at the camera, wearing a green foliage-patterned jacket.Image source, Katherine Ganczakowski/BBC
    Image caption,

    Green Party Candidate Kathryn Fisher received 2,663 votes

  6. 'Historic moment for the Liberal Democrats'published at 04:51 5 July

    Pippa Heylings, the new MP for South Cambridgeshire, says this is a "historic moment for the Liberal Democrats nationally, and here in South Cambridge".

    "No matter how you voted in this election I reinstate my commitment to you. I hear you, I will fight for you, for a positive and inclusive future for South Cambridge.

    "Whenever decisions are being taken in Westminster [I will] make sure our needs are understood."

    Pippa Heylings in a green suit cheering, standing alongside a male in a suit and a number of cheering supporters behind her.Image source, Emma Howgego/BBC
  7. Liberal Democrats win Ely and East Cambridgeshirepublished at 04:12 5 July

    Charlotte Cane is the newly-elected Member of Parliament for the constituency.

    She will replace the former Conservative MP Lucy Frazer.

    Liberal Democrats: 17,127

    Conservative: 16,632

    Labour: 9,160

    Reform: 6,443

    Green: 2,359

    MRLP: 271

    SDP: 172

    IND: 103

    IND: 102

    Charlotte CaneImage source, Dave Webster/BBC
  8. Anthony Browne helps new MPpublished at 04:03 5 July

    Emma Howgego
    BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

    Ian Sollom giving his speech into a microphone behind a podium which reads "Elections", beside other candidates.Image source, Emma Howgego/BBC

    Ian Sollom, the Liberal Democrat newly-elected MP for St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire, is very tall.

    The microphone on the election podium had to be raised before he could address the crowd - with losing Conservative candidate Anthony Browne helping him adjust it.

    Mr Sollom seemed overwhelmed with emotion during his acceptance speech.

    Shortly afterwards Mr Browne joked that his loss would mean he would be going down to the job centre tomorrow - and that it is a shame it is in Huntingdon and not St Neots.

  9. Liberal Democrats gain St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire from the Conservativespublished at 03:35 5 July

    Graphic showing Liberal Democrats gain St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire from the Conservatives. The winning candidate was Ian Sollom.
  10. Liberal Democrats win St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshirepublished at 03:34 5 July

    Ian Sollom has taken the seat from Conservative candidate Anthony Browne in St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire.

    Liberal Democrats: 19,517

    Conservative: 14,896

    Labour: 6,918

    Reform: 5,673

    IND: 2,941

    Green: 2,663

    POW: 274

    Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey and Ian Sollom try archery, outside and with woodland behind them.Image source, PA Media
    Image caption,

    Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey and the newly elected MP Ian Sollom

  11. Labour hold Cambridgepublished at 03:23 5 July

    Labour candidate Daniel Zeichner has been re-elected in Cambridge.

    Labour: 19,614

    Liberal Democrats: 8,536

    Green: 6,842

    Conservative: 5,073

    WPB: 951

    IND: 819

    RBD: 265

    Daniel Zeichner Labour MPImage source, Matthew Webb/BBC
  12. North East Cambridgeshire resultspublished at 03:09 5 July

    Conservatives: 16,246

    Reform UK: 9,057

    Labour: 8,008

    Liberal Democrats: 2,716

    Green: 2,001

    IND: 958

    WPB: 190

    The winning Conservative Party all togetherImage source, Jenny Kirk/BBC
  13. Liberal Democrats take South Cambridgeshirepublished at 03:08 5 July

    Pippa Heylings has been elected as the new MP for South Cambridgeshire, taking the seat from the Conservatives.

    Liberal Democrats: 25,704

    Conservatives: 15,063

    Labour: 6,106

    Reform: 4,897

    Green: 2,656

    IND: 459

    Pippa HeylingsImage source, Tom Jackson/BBC
  14. Conservatives hold North East Cambridgeshirepublished at 02:58 5 July

    Graphic showing Conservatives hold North East Cambridgeshire. The winning candidate was Steve Barclay.
  15. Conservatives retain Huntingdonpublished at 02:44 5 July

    Ben Obese-Jecty has been elected as the Conservative Member of Parliament for Huntingdon.

    He won with 18,257 votes, with a margin of less than 2,000 votes.

    Mr Obese-Jecty says he is very pleased to have "beaten the odds".

    Conservatives: 18,257

    Labour: 16,758

    Reform: 8,039

    Liberal Democrats: 4,821

    Green: 3,042

    IND: 1,123

    Mr Obese-JectyImage source, Kate Moser Andon/BBC
  16. Lower turnout for new constituencypublished at 02:43 5 July

    The turnout for the new constituency of Ely and East Cambridgeshire has been announced at 66.4%.

    In 2019 in the previous constituency of East Cambridgeshire turnout was 74.2%.

  17. North East Cambridgeshire declaration coming soonpublished at 02:43 5 July

    The results are expected to be announced within the next 15 to 20 minutes.

  18. Huntingdon declaration imminentpublished at 02:35 5 July

    We have been told to prepare for the declaration in Huntingdon.

    In the constituency 52,235 votes were cast, which is a turnout of 66%.

  19. Potential recount in Ely and East Cambridgeshirepublished at 02:35 5 July

    David Webster
    BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

    Although counting is under way, we might not get the result of Ely and East Cambridgeshire until later this morning.

    Anna Bailey, the Conservative group leader for East Cambridgeshire District Council, says it is tight and there could be a recount.

    Lorna Dupre, the Liberal Democrats group leader for East Cambridgeshire District Council, also says it is close.

  20. St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire has 68% turnoutpublished at 02:31 5 July

    Emma Howgego
    BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

    The verification process for St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire has had a later finish in comparison to South Cambridgeshire.

    This is because the ballot boxes from St Neots took longer to get to the hangar in Duxford.

    The turnout figure is now in and 67.89% of the electorate voted in the new constituency.

    Rows of tables with ballot counters going through ballot papers in the hangar, with a green and blue plane in the background.Image source, Emma Howgego/BBC